Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 75: honorary nobility

After the five Johns scoured the supplies here, they took Hardy, who had already been processed, and rushed to the trading post. After selling everything in a hurry, leaving a carriage for Hardy, the six of them set off directly towards Heishui Town.

Along the way, John tries to ask Hardy what his plans are, because everything seems a little too smooth for John.

But Hardy's face was pale and he didn't speak, and about Greer's news, Hardy was willing to talk, in exchange for his freedom.

His talkative appearance made John confused for a moment what he was trying to do.

So John didn't worry about it anymore, just leave this issue to the director to deal with.

"This time, including supplies, a total of 8,000 cash was obtained, John took half of it rudely, and the rest was handed over to Kane for distribution.

A group of six arrived at Blackwater Town at 12 noon. Kane took the three to the dock police station to handle the day's work.

Billy went back to the manor.

John, on the other hand, took Hardy to the General Bureau, and he wanted to make a detailed report with the Director.

John guessed that the director might be very excited, but his reaction was a bit beyond John's guess.

When he heard the news of Greer, Leiter changed his composure, and directly asked where he was.

"Where is he?" Leiter asked.

"Just outside, he was shot in the left leg on the carriage."

Leiter patted John on the shoulder a few words of encouragement, and then hurriedly beat him outside.

John followed behind.

When he saw Hardy, Leiter looked at him carefully.

Hardy was a little pale because of the bullet, but when he saw Reiter looking at himself, he was also looking at Reiter.

"It's really you, Greer's adopted son."

"The famous Commissioner Wright in Elizabeth State, nice to meet you, how are you?" Hardy didn't have stage fright, but greeted Wright instead.

"I wasn't very good until I caught your adoptive father." Leiter snorted.

"My adoptive father also said something similar, if it wasn't for the two of you being of different identities, you should be good friends." Hardy responded with a smile.

"Your crimes are enough to get you on the gallows, but I think I can give you a chance." Leiter said after walking around the carriage.

"Haha, your subordinates said the same thing to me." Hardy looked at John and laughed.

"Then what's your opinion?"

"Haha, then I'll think about it." Hardy pretended to think for a while and said.

"Of course you can, but you'd better think about it before noon tomorrow, otherwise you won't have a chance when you board the gallows." Leiter said to the policeman beside him.

"Take him down."

Watching several police officers drag Hardy into the prison, Leiter snorted disdainfully.

Then Leiter turned to John and said.

"John, well done."

"I just received this clue suddenly, but I'm not sure if it's true, so I brought someone to confirm it." John said vaguely to the next action.

"Can the director find him?"

"I'll talk to him in person later, and I should be able to get a lot of clues. John, it's nothing, just let your subordinates go back to rest today. The security at the dock has been very good recently, and you've done a good job."

"This is our duty." John replied in a beautiful official tone.

"Very good, keep working hard, I am most optimistic about you in the entire police station." Leiter smiled and patted his shoulder.

"Sheriff Baylor is also very good." John mentioned.

He had a good sense of Baylor, the old-fashioned but kind sheriff.

"He's really good, but he doesn't have the guts of a young man. He is more looking for stability." Retton also said when he started that he didn't feel good about Baylor.

"Okay, it's all right, John, go handle the documents and let your people go back to rest." After speaking, Leiter turned around and walked to his office.

John nodded and waited for Leiter to leave before boarding the horse and rushing to his jurisdiction.

Back at the police station, Kane was sitting in the office dealing with documents.

Dorom and Nick were resting on chairs in the room.

Kane was surprised when he saw John coming in.

"I thought you wouldn't be back until the afternoon."

"It's just a handover. How's it going? What about Lambert?"

John asked casually.

"It took about an hour or so to fix this. I have nothing to do recently, why don't you come?" Kane asked, because these things are usually handled by John, and if he is not Kane will help.

"I have a headache doing this, you can do it." John shook his head and refused.

"And Lambert took a few people to the pier for the procedure. He'll be back in an hour."

"That's good. Let's get off work when we're done. The director asked us to rest today. I'll take them both back to the manor first."

"Well, okay, just go back with Lambert after finishing it." Kane nodded.

Later, John woke Nick and Dorom, left the police station, and rushed to his manor.

Back at the manor, Lambert's wife Eva found John.

"Mr. John."

"What's the matter, Madam?" John asked politely.

"Yesterday, a young lady came to you and said that you left her a letter. I arranged for her to go to the vacant room on the second floor to rest. She should be in the room now. Sir, I think you should meet her."

"Looking for me? I left her a letter?" John 1 looked at Eva with an expression I understood, and his mind was a little confused.

He is very sure that he has no relatives here, nor has he had any romantic partners or pen pals.

"I'll go back and have a look after I take a shower." John nodded.

After taking a shower, John came to the guest room and knocked on the door.

"Who?" The voice was very young and nice.

"I'm John, the owner of this manor. I heard that you came to me?" John explained his purpose.

"Oh, wait a minute."

Then there were some sparse sounds inside and the door opened.

The attractive woman was very beautiful, probably in her twenties, with long smooth hair, a tall man of about 170, with a good figure and a suitable long white dress.

Compared with John's casual dress, she is more like the host here.

"Wow! You are John Wicker?" She looked at John in surprise.

"Yes, can you invite me in to talk?" John asked politely.

"Of course, Mr. John please come in, I just didn't expect that you are so young." The young woman hurriedly asked John to enter.

"Relax. Many people see me like this for the first time." John said and entered the room sideways.

"Who are you? What are you doing to me?" John entered the room and sat down.

John looked her up and down and asked.

"I'm the daughter of the French baron of honor, Anne Costa." Anne prepared a wrong word, and then blew herself up.

She then waited for John's response. In her estimation, John should be surprised by her identity, and then very gentlemanly asked about the difficulties he encountered, and then he would use his relationship to help him through the difficulties.

And John's temperament is very good, and he looks extravagant, and maybe he can have a good story in a knight's novel.

"Well, er. So this Miss Anne. What did you come to me for?" To her great disappointment, John didn't show any surprise, but nodded very calmly, and then asked himself to come here s reason.

Does John remember her? Of course, she remembered that she was the young woman who was easily released by Jakeda. In the end, John remembered to put her in the hospital and left her fifty dollars. She should have gone home, and fifty dollars was enough for her to go to the French embassy in the east for help.

But what is she doing here looking for herself now?

"Miss Anne?" John asked while looking at the dazed Annie.

"Oh, sorry, Mr. John, I'm a little distracted." Anne apologized very politely.

"It's fine. So, what are you doing with me?"

"I woke up from the hospital and saw the letter you left me." Annie adjusted her emotions.

"I remember the sentence above: "There's some cash here, I hope it's enough for you to go back to a warm home, beautiful girl, good luck." "John stated what he had left that day.

"With these words, how did you find me?"

"I went to check the records of the hospital, and then used the money you left me, as if someone found out that you boarded the pier to Blackwater Town." Annie explained while looking at John's puzzled face.

"So, Miss Anne, what's the matter with you coming to see me?" John suddenly had a big head. He remembered that he took off her clothes that day. Wouldn't there be some weird rule for John to be responsible for? !

Although she is very good-looking, in terms of appearance, only Edwin's daughter Hathaway is more beautiful than her, but she has a better figure than Hathaway. Even in a hurry that day, John couldn't help but look at it for a long time.

"Uh, that Mr. John, I just wanted to thank you." Annie hesitated for a while, but fortunately, when she was in the manor yesterday, she checked a lot of news with the servants here, otherwise she wouldn't know how to speak.

"It's okay, you're welcome, it's okay." John, who was not looking for trouble, was relieved.

Looking at Annie standing in front of John with a ladylike appearance, she looked a little restrained and a little embarrassed. John took another look at the room, which was largely devoid of personal belongings.

Looking at Annie, who had a plain face and was wearing modest clothes, John seemed to have thought of something.

"That Miss Anne, do you have any friends or elders nearby?" John asked gently.

"Mr. John, I have no family here." Annie rubbed her hands a little uneasy.

"Then Miss Anne, are you planning to come here to find a job?" John probably guessed her question.

"I have this plan. I want to find a decent job here." Annie nodded but clutched the corner of her clothes with her left hand.

"Then Miss Anne, have you found a suitable job now?"

"Not yet, sir."

"Then, Miss Anne, if you don't dislike it, you can live here temporarily. Until you find a suitable job, what do you think?" John scratched his beautiful eyebrows with his index finger, UU reading www.uukanshu. com thought for a while and made this decision.

The so-called honorary nobleman, John, knows one thing. There were as many bankrupt nobles in France as dogs at one time. During this time period, it is not surprising that nobles took to the streets to beg, although no nobles did so.

So Miss Anne sounded like she was bluffing when she reported her family, but she was probably also a bankrupt aristocrat.

Although Miss Anne doesn't look like she's going to beg on the streets, it's definitely not a good situation to come to the Commonwealth alone to find a job.

What's even more tragic is that she was kidnapped soon after she arrived in the west. Although she reported her family as a bluff to avoid the tragic end of being trampled by robbers, the robber leader also asked her to write a letter home and ask her father to pay 30,000 US dollars. redemption.

Damn, since the family went bankrupt, my family hadn't seen a full one hundred dollars for many years. Where can I find thirty thousand for him? Fortunately, because the mailing speed is not fast, she can still drag on for a long time. Just during this period of time, he was rescued by Jakeda.

Unaccompanied, he took the fifty dollars given by John, looked at the letter left by John, and ran here to find John for no reason.

Although it's not the same as what I imagined, I can stay in this big manor anyway, and the decoration here seems to be no worse than my childhood home before it went bankrupt.

"Thank you so much, Mr. John, you are such a considerate gentleman." Upon hearing John's suggestion, Annie hurriedly agreed.

"Then Miss Anne, take a good rest first, adjust your state first, and then go out to deal with the difficulties in life." John stood up and encouraged a few words.

"I won't disturb you, see you later. Miss Anne." After John left here, he went back to his room. He was indeed a little tired.


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