Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 623: small request

three hours ago~

Seven men dressed casually but clean and simple came to Leo's house. In fact, it must be a good place to live if it is cleaned a little and the weeds in the yard are dealt with.

It's a pity that the owner here doesn't have this concept, so that it looks like a dilapidated and uninhabited place.

The leader is called Amon, and he is one of the people brought by Zuo En.

This time it is mainly to solve one of the major thorns in this community.

In Emon's opinion, this is not difficult. It's just a few gangsters with a few broken guns. He has been bullied a lot in Heishui Town, so he doesn't think it's a problem.

It is true that Heishui Town cannot use guns to grab territory, but this does not mean that there are no deadly hands between the gangs. On the contrary, many people are hacked to death every time the gangs scuffle.

The police in Heishui Town don't care about it, at most they just warn them and let them dispose of the corpse and they'll be fine. As for the pursuit, please~ there's no such time, it's normal for gang members to be hacked to death.

Emon looked at the gangster who was smoking bored at the door and walked up.

"Hi, brother, is Leo there?" Emon asked politely.

The man looked at the six or seven people behind him and asked with some vigilance, "What do you want from our boss?"

"Just go in and announce that someone is looking for him for business." Amon responded casually.

The **** looked them over, although he didn't look like a good person. But the clothes are still clean and tidy, and they don't look like some gangsters. They really look like they are here to do business.

So the man looked at Amon and said, "Wait a minute~ I'll go in and ask."

After speaking, the man turned and pushed the door open.

As soon as I entered the room, there was a sour smell.

"What's wrong with Wall-E?" One of them asked drunkenly when he saw Wall-E coming in.

"There's a group of people outside, they say they're here to discuss business, and they want to see the boss~" Wali looked at Leo who was sitting on the sofa with his eyes dazed, knowing that he was smoking marijuana again.

The tall and thin brother beside him quickly patted Leo, "Boss? Wake up~"

Leo was gradually sobered by his younger brother's shaking.

When his eyes began to focus, he noticed the eyes of several people around him, so he looked forward and saw Wally standing in front of him. He shook his head and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Boss, there is a group of people outside who say they want to discuss business ~ they are outside." Wali said.

While several people were talking, Emon and his group kicked open the door.

"Ward hair?!" Several gangsters in the room stood up instantly, as if they were about to strike at any time.

The six people who entered the house parted ways, and then Amon, who was dressed cleanly, walked in.

Amon looked at the tense people in the room and said loudly, "Don't be nervous, let me introduce myself. My name is Emon, and I'm from the Clayton Brotherhood."

After he finished speaking, he pushed away the punk in front of him and sat down opposite Leo.

"Are you Leo?"

Facing the question, Leo straightened his posture, "Yes, I heard you want to do business with me?"

"Yes, I have taken down the two streets near here, but I don't have much time to manage them, so I decided to leave it to you to manage." Amon took out a cigar from his pocket unhurriedly and then He took out a match, lit it and took a deep breath.

"Are you interested?"

Leo looked at the confident and arrogant man in front of him and considered for a while.

"You mean, your Clayton Brotherhood took care of those shops on this main street? Are they willing to ask you to confess?" Leo was a little unbelievable. The shopkeeper rushed out with a rifle in his hand.

"Well, are you interested in accepting it? The monthly income of this street is 800 U.S. dollars, and you can get 400 U.S. dollars a month, and the remaining half will be handed over to us. You have to take it with you every month. Are you interested in protecting the shops on the street from your subordinates, so as not to cause their business or products to suffer undue losses?" Amon asked, smoking a cigar.

When Leo heard this, a trace of greed flashed across his cloudy eyes, "I want six hundred~"

Leo's words didn't make Emon react. He took a puff of cigarette, and then looked at the six gangsters beside Leo.

Immediately afterwards he put out the cigar, then looked at Leo and said, "You have done nothing on this street. Twenty out of the twenty-three stores that I assured me today accused you of taking people to steal and smash their shops." Shit, you're a piece of trash here."

"They agreed to hand over the fees every month and there is a very small requirement, which is to teach you a lesson, I agree~" Emon easily said the words to teach him a lesson in front of Leo.

"You want to die?" Leo slapped the table angrily, and was about to take out the gun in his hand, but Amon snatched it backhanded, then smashed his hand on the table, and then pulled out the dagger at his waist with his left hand and slammed it Pierce Leo's palm.


"Ah~" Leo's scream echoed in the room.

And the gangsters who saw this scene and wanted to support were also shocked by the pistols in the hands of the group behind Amon.

Looking at Rio Emon who was crying in pain, he said calmly, "The five of you broke his limbs and tied them to the wooden stakes in front of the door. From now on, you will charge the protection fee for this street, and I will give it to you every month. You have five hundred, and the remaining three hundred should be offered."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Leo's five younger brothers and said, "Or get out of this community with this trash, I don't want to see you in this community. I will wait for you in the building at 125 Punk Street in the Warsaw community until three in the afternoon Click. UU Reading"

After Emon finished speaking, he got up and left, and his subordinates also put away their guns, and followed Emon to leave here one by one.

And the five gangsters in the house began to look at each other, and Leo seemed to sense something was wrong, so he pretended to be angry and yelled at the cowardly Wali, "Wali, what are you waiting for, go and get me the medicine box !"

However, Wally, who had witnessed everything just now, didn't care about Leo's words, but looked at the second in command among them, Matthews.

And Matthews also noticed that the eyes of these people converged on him.

He first looked at Leo, who had one hand nailed to the table with a dagger, and then picked up Leo's pistol with a little ease, and then said, "It's you who they want to drive away, and it has nothing to do with us. And we also I don't want to continue stealing anymore, it doesn't serve our original purpose."

Matthews put the gun in his hip belt as he spoke.

"We should join the Brotherhood of Clayton, it's a powerful gang."

Matthews' words seem to be persuading others as well as himself.

"Fack! What do you want to do?! Matthews! They are deceiving us to kill each other! That is our territory! What do you want to do?!" Leo yelled at Matthews a little angrily.

"No~ That's not our territory. Under your leadership, no shop is willing to hand over money to you. I'm not a thief. It's you who have always led me to be a thief. It's not ours~"

"You dare to touch me! You dare to touch me!?? You dare?! Ah~!"

Not long after Amon left, Leo's screams kept ringing in the house.

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