Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 38: priest

The so-called morgue is a small hospital built by the Heishui Town councilors the year before. The place where the corpses were parked was on the first floor, which was a relatively closed space. After showing the police badge, the three of John were successfully taken down to the morgue on the negative floor.

The air here is cold and cold, and there is a refrigeration machine that works all year round.

There are many doctors here doing autopsies on unnamed corpses to study the cause of death.

After five days of being unclaimed, these corpses will be pulled to the church cemetery not far away, where the priests will make a unified prayer, and then they will be buried together to erect a public monument.

Just when they got down to the first floor, the nurse brought a short and stout doctor to the three of them.

"I'm the head of the hospital here and the forensic doctor of Blackwater, Duke. Is there anything I can do to help you, Mr. Sheriff."

"John Wick, the new sheriff in the dock area, a prostitute was murdered four days ago. Did you identify her body?" John stretched out his hand and introduced himself.

"Yes, it's me, is there any problem with the report?" Duke looked at the three of them suspiciously.

"No, no problem, mind showing me the corpse?" John shook his head to indicate that there was no problem with his report.

"Of course, come with me." Duke glanced at a few people and walked towards the innermost position with them.

"When I went there, the corpse spots had spread over a large area, and the time of death should be 6 to 10 hours, which is close to the early morning and after the early morning." Duke said as he walked.

"Has the body been moved?"

"There are traces of scratches, but I'm not sure if it was caused by the struggle."

While speaking, Duke brought the three to a corpse.

"It's here, do you want to open it and see?" Duke asked while looking at the three of them.

"Open it." John nodded.

After Duke lifted the white cloth over the corpse, Kane covered his nose and turned his eyes to the other side. The corpse was treated by the doctors, so it wasn't that scary.

"She should have had her throat slit in the early hours of the morning, and then she was dismembered within half an hour. The method was cruel, the knife was sharp, his movements were rough, and he injured other internal organs at first." Duke said again. Once in his judgment.

"But he knew what he wanted, and he knew where he was," John continued.

"Yes." Duke nodded.

"So, the murderer is someone who knows a lot about human organs?" Kane finally turned his attention to speculation.

"Although I don't want to admit it, it's true." Duke continued to nod.

"That's what Sheriff Murray checked in, right?" John asked.

"I don't know, but I told him this inference, and he didn't tell me where the case went." Duke shook his head and said he didn't know.

"Do you have any questions?" Duke asked, looking at the three thoughtful people.

"No, thank you." The three looked at each other and said.

After leaving the hospital, the three of them were all thinking, but they couldn't think of much.

"Let's go to the crime scene." Kane suggested looking at Lambert and John.

"Well, let's take a look." John agreed.

The nearest place is not far from here, only three blocks away.

The three came to the scene four days ago, and compared with the position in the photo, John took out a dagger and drew a rough human shape on the ground.

"She was lying on her back in this position, and normally, the killer would have attacked her from behind, covered her mouth, slit her throat, put her in this position and dismembered her. "John demonstrated to Kane and Lambert the killer's slaying moves.

"But it's unlikely. If it was attacked from behind, then there would be a lot of gushing blood on the wall in front of her, but the wall here doesn't." Kane continued John's words.

"So he attacked from the front?" Lambert scratched his head.

"There is this possibility, but there is also another possibility." Kane shook his head and said after taking a few photos to check.

"What's the possibility?" Lambert asked inexplicably.

"She didn't die here." John said after staring at the photo and the human figure he had drawn and looking around at the environment.

"You said this was not the first scene of her killing?" Lambert continued. "Where will that be?"

"I don't know, or you're right, Lambert. They attacked from the front." John shook his head.

"They? You mean there are two murderers?" Lambert continued to ask with a question mark on his face.

"Or an organization." John remembered what the worker said.

"That ridiculous chastity sect?" Kane obviously disagreed with this statement.

"I don't know, brothers, we have something to do, Kane, you and Lambert go and find out where the source of this so-called chastity sect came from. Do you know how to find out?" John looked at the two of them. issued his first order.

"You're doubting my professionalism, I'll just go to find out the news, I don't need him to follow." Kane gave Lambert a disgusted look.

"No, he protects you, I don't know if this organization exists." John used his eyes to reject Kane's opinion again. .

"This sect was only spread a few days ago, and it should still be possible to find the original rumored location. This is funding, I know it costs money to inquire about the news." John took out a stack of US dollars and handed it to Kane.

"Yes, the more news, the faster. What about you?" Kane nodded politely.

"I'll try to see if I can find it, the first scene of that guess," John said.

"John, what should we do if Kane and I find out?" Lambert said.

John glanced at the two of them, and they both waited for John to give them power.

John sorted out his words, "What did you find? First observe how many people there are on the opposite side. If there is only one person, take him back to the police station. If there are many people, come back to me for support, understand?"

"Well, I see." Lambert nodded.

"Also, if the other party wants to do something to the two of you, you have to remember that you have the right to shoot legally in Blackwater Town. When you feel threatened, I ask you not to hesitate, and I will handle any problems. ." As if afraid that the two of them were in danger, John reminded them of their current positions.

"Let's go, Lambert, let's go and see if there are any counterfeit liquors in the cheap bars in Blackwater Town." Kane removed the police badge on his chest and walked out of the line with Lambert. alley.

Watching the two leaving, John looked around at the environment here.

There is a street more than fifty meters in front of this alley, and a winding alley behind it. There will be a fork in about tens of meters. From these two forks, you can reach the intersection of the street behind. and the end of the street.

John came to the fork and glanced at the rush of pedestrians on the avenue at the intersection. When he looked at the end of the street, it seemed to be very lively.

After thinking for a while, John walked towards the end of the street and came to the end of this small street, which was an avenue extending in all directions.

The hospital is at the second intersection on the opposite side. On the right is the pier. At the end of the left is a church. Behind the church is a cemetery.

He looked left and right and saw John walking towards the church on the pier. The church was not big, even a bit shabby.

A hooded clergyman was cleaning the garbage in front of the church. John looked at the church and looked at the cemetery on the left.

Then John walked towards the interior of the church.

The interior of the church is the same as other places, but it is a bit too old.

Except for John, the garbage-sweeping employee at the door, he didn't see the priest.

Just as John looked around.

"Are you looking for Father Haydn?" The voice came from behind.

John looked back at the hooded employee. He didn't look directly at John but lowered his head. John couldn't see his face clearly, but his voice was very young, he should be a half-year-old child, his back was a little hunched, but he was tall and not weak.

"Are many people looking for him around here?" John asked.

"Well, you can wait for him to come back soon. He usually comes back at this point." After the employee finished speaking, he turned around and left to continue his work.

John didn't care too much either.

John sat on a chair in the church and looked at the cross statue in front of him. The surroundings were fairly clean, and many people should come here often.

Then came the sound of footsteps, John looked back, and a gray-haired old man in a priest's uniform came in from the side.

He wears a pair of glasses, he is about sixty-seven or eighteen years old, his hair and beard are gray, but he is in good spirits, tall and light on his feet.

"Are you Father Haydn?" John asked, looking at the spirited old man.

"Yes, I am, what are you doing here, child." The old man spoke amiably and softly.

"I passed by here just now. Actually, I'm the sheriff of this district. I'm investigating a case, the one about prostitutes." John introduced himself.

"Oh, I know that case, two unfortunate souls, may God forgive them." He took a pious pose and started to pray.

"How many years have you been here? This place looks very old." John said after sizing up the place.

"It's been almost 30 years, but I've only been a priest for 20 years, and God doesn't answer us because of our poverty," Father Haydn said.

"What made you a priest? Is it love? Faith or sin?" John looked at Father Haydn and expressed curiosity.

"None of them. Maybe it's because I can save more people." Father Haydn's expression was kind and gentle.

"Save more people?" John licked his lips.

"Soul and body." Father Haydn nodded with a smile, and then asked softly.

"Son, do you have faith?"

"No, I don't believe in **** or God." John thought for a moment, then gave up lying.

"God and **** do not need to be believed, they exist in the hearts of the world." Perhaps after standing for a long time, Haydn sat on the chair.

"Will you clergy hate people like me who don't believe in me?"

"No, because non-belief is also a kind of belief. You are very free before God."

"What did you do before?" John was a little curious about Haydn's previous occupation.

"I was a war doctor before, I saw the cruelty of war, and then I became a priest." Haydn did not hide his identity.

"Did you go to see a doctor around here before? Free?"

"Of course not, but I will only charge a little as much as they can, such as an egg or a cent." Father Haydn's tone was still mild.

"Endless charity is really not a good thing, you must be very respected by them." John Zan said.

"They are all friendly to me, and they are a group of kind people." Father Haydn did not deny or admit it.

"Maybe, but maybe the danger lurks in these kind people."

"Is there any progress in that case?"

"A little, but not much." Just as John was about to say something.

A poorly-dressed couple came in with a child who was blushing and was constantly beating and shouting.

"Father Haydn! For God's sake, save him." Then he passed John and walked towards Father Haydn.

"What happened to this child?" Father Haydn also asked nervously.

"I don't know, he just ate a little something, and then he kept vomiting and diarrhea." The young couple said.

"Take him to the bed inside me." Father Haydn hurriedly greeted the two of them to bring the child in.

Then the three entered the small house behind the priest.

John pursed his lips when he saw this scene.

Then the footsteps came from the door again.

John looked back and saw Lambert.

"What's the matter?" John said, looking at the hurried Lambert.

"We found someone." Lambert said excitedly.

"Who?" John was surprised by Kane's efficiency. UU reading www.

"Members of that sect." Lambert may be a little excited because the first case has made progress.

"Where is he now? Where's Kane?" John asked

"Look at him, come with me." After saying that, Lambert took John out of the church.

Going out to the door, John looked back at the old church and the cemetery on the left.

Then he boarded Lambert's horse and headed to Kane's position.

"How did you find him?" John said to Lambert.

"Kane and I went to a nearby cheap bar to ask the bartender. At the third one, we made progress. He found a white man who really hated women who went out and fucked. So Kane chatted with him about the chastity sect, Then the guy invited Kane to join the sect. Then Kane signaled for me to come to you." Lambert briefly stated the process.

"Is there really some idiots who engage in this kind of sect?" In the current federation, prostitution is an open profession. How stupid are the people who established this sect?

"Who knows, here it is, right here." Lambert stopped in front of a bar in the dock area.

Then Lambert took John into the bar.

As soon as he entered the bar, John saw Kane who was not far away talking non-stop with a man in his thirties. Kane nodded in agreement from time to time, and the two sides kept clinking glasses.

Then Kane noticed the two of Johns, and then motioned to the man opposite to say that he wanted to go to the toilet. The man also waved his hand to signal him to go and return quickly.

"Keep an eye on him," John said to Lambert.

"Yes." Lambert nodded and sat down not far from the man.

And John followed Kane to the back of the bar.

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