Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 28: fleet

After more than ten days of murder, the depression in Dating's heart was also swept away. At this time, John hummed a little song about a beautiful thing, which was still sad, and took four fugitives on his way to Heishui Town. On the road, because it is a carriage, it takes nearly four days from Valentine to Blackwater Town.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, while passing Beaver Ridge, John encountered a migrating caravan.

This kind of team used to be common in this situation, but now it's a bit rare.

Most of them are preparing to go to new places to live with all their supplies, but because they are afraid of meeting robbers on the road, they hire some people who specialize in caring for the convoy to protect them. Most of them are hired by dozens of families, and the remuneration is very generous. of.

And the gunmen ensured their safety along the way and dealt with some emergencies.

Looking at the long motorcade, John was considering whether to follow them and see what the migration motorcade looked like when a gunman in the motorcade rushed to John's side.

The rider had a big beard, and he didn't look too old, only in his thirties.

"Hey, friend, are you a prison guard?" The rider saw that the stranger approached and asked for sure. He looked at the four people in John's prison car and was unsure of John's identity.

Because there is rarely a single warning driving a prison van, most are two to three people.

"I'm the sheriff of Blackwater Town. I want to **** these criminals to Blackwater Town. Where are you going?" John took out the sheriff badge and handed it to the rider.

The rider took the badge, watched it for a while, and then handed it back to John.

"We want to **** them to Meslia State, northwest of Strawberry Town, where there is a high-quality settlement policy." He still knew the identity card of the Sheriff of Blackwater Town, and the tone of the rider's voice after confirming John's identity was also became friendly.

After all, the first time he met a sheriff as young as John, he was still a sheriff who was capable of chasing criminals across the state from Blackwater Town, and the police detectives who dared to chase criminals across the state were not ordinary people, let alone a single-handed man like John. The sheriff who looked at the criminals in John's prison car knew John's gold content.

"Ah, Mezlia, a savage state, where is an unusually desolate and barren place." This state is northwest of Strawberry Town, at the top of Armadillo Town, where the federal government has only been in the last few decades. Divided state districts, where most of the savagery and chaos of the West remain. Thieves are rampant, gangsters are chaotic, and there is a very bad environment.

But there is indeed a very high settlement policy. In order to attract people to settle down, Meslia state has given very favorable settlement conditions. A farming family is calculated according to the head, one person can get 100 acres of land for free, and one family The high-quality land that people can develop and plant will not be less than 50 acres.

Such conditions are quite plentiful for the barren state of Meslia.

But where is the place that bounty hunters are reluctant to set foot in. Before a large number of troops from the federal government arrive there, bounty hunters do not like it very much, and it is difficult to survive with little money. Desperados don't like it either, there's nowhere to grab it. The few small towns and cities are still protected by the state government, and there is no going back and forth.

In short, it is like the environment before the west was developed, and it is like being forgotten by the federal government.

As for why, who knows.

"Yes, so this journey is also a test for us." The rider said to John with a smile.

"Uh, do you mind if I follow you for two days? I think we can spend some time together." John calculated that at least about a day and a half was traveling with this team.

"Of course, I'm personally very happy to have a sheriff join in, even if it's just for a while. I'm going to go back and share the news with the captain, he must be very happy." The rider began to turn the dock and headed towards the center of the line. go with.

John slowly followed behind the convoy, and soon a cowboy in his fifties came with a carriage. He came to John's carriage, he had a long grey beard and took off his hat very gentlemanly.

"Frank Adela, the captain of this **** team, it's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Sheriff." The old cowboy introduced himself very politely.

"John Wick, the sheriff of Blackwater." John handed him the sheriff's badge again.

"Thank you." Frank picked up the nameplate, glanced at it, and handed it over.

"Sheriff Wake, I'm very glad that you can join the team. I think your participation can make these civilians who are worried every day sleep peacefully for many nights."

"I also hope that my addition can play a trivial role." John took the badge and put it in the small bag, because John didn't like to hang the badge on his chest.

After that, Frank and John followed at the end of the team.

"Sergeant Wake, the guys in your car look like they committed a serious crime." Frank asked the four guys in the carriage with a glance.

"Yes, they are all guys who have countless blood in their hands but do not repent. They will usher in their final judgment."

"Justice will not be absent, and I don't like it being late." John turned and glanced at the four guys who had only drank a little water.

In fact, in order to reduce trouble, John intends to give them at most a little food and a small amount of water every day.

Rich travel experience makes Frank very good at chatting, he likes to chat with others.

And John is a very good listener. He will not interrupt a person who is telling you a landscape story. He will only express his own exclamations and opinions after you have finished speaking.

The information explosion in the previous life allowed John to see a landscape beyond what many people have experienced in this era.

So the conversation between the two sides was very harmonious. Frank even told him a lot about how to properly manage the team and how to confirm the direction without road signs.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the convoy stopped at the Dakota River for a rest, and because he decided to follow the convoy for a while, John also stopped.

After getting out of the car, I gave the four guys a sip of whiskey, and it was dinner for the four of them.

After that, he stopped beside the motorcade. This is Frank walking over to go to John to have dinner with him. John naturally agreed, and John didn't think anyone would be interested in the four criminals in the car.

"John, you must have caught a lot of criminals. I rarely see a sheriff as young as you." There were five people who ate with Frank, most of them in their thirties, and they should be in the middle of the team. Strength, the remaining seven or eight young riders were eating at another table, and the one who asked the question was the first gunman who approached John today, his name was Joe Angel.

"Well, I caught some." John didn't deny this.

"Actually, I also wanted to be a police detective when I was young, but in the end I found that that kind of life was not suitable for me." Joe said with emotion.

"If you want to go now, we can kick you out of the team tonight, but I don't think your poor marksmanship will be seen by Mr. Wake, hahaha," another rider in his thirties said to the bridge.

"Fuck you, shut up! Willis." Joe, who was teased, spat Willis angrily.

John smiled and saw a few of them bickering, feeling good. He has no friends who can bicker so far, maybe Steve is one of them. John thought.

At this time, a young girl in the convoy ran over from her carriage, and then came to the crowd. It seemed that there was something wrong. Joe stood up first, and then walked over to ask.

"What's wrong with Miss Lancelot?" Joe lowered his voice as low as possible to make it gentle.

Then the girl whispered something to Joe. After about a while, Joe comforted the girl, then the girl nodded, and then returned to her camp.

This is Joe walking over in a bad mood.

"What happened?" Frank asked.

"Perhaps her dead father did something stupid," said Jo, shaking her head.

"What happened to her?" John was also curious about what happened to the girl.

"Her father passed away suddenly two days ago near the Double Mountain Trail, leaving Miss Lancelot here alone, we buried her father, but the groom they hired said to Miss Lancelot today, Her father promised to give him double wages once he got to the town in Meslia," Joe explained.

"That sounds fine," Frank said.

"His father gave too much," Joe said.

"How much did he promise?" John asked.

"$500." Joe said helplessly.

"What? It's too extravagant, if his father wasn't a rich man or a big idiot, he looked like the latter," Frank said.

"And then what?" Frank continued.

"The groom asked for a portion tonight." Joe said helplessly.

"It sounds like someone is going to bully a girl who has just lost a loved one." After thinking about it, John interjected.

"John, yes, John, you are the sheriff, maybe you can talk to that groom." Joe saw that John seemed to see a good solution.

"Can you?" John looked at Frank, he didn't know if his access would affect Frank's team.

"Of course, you have the right to do this." Fleck said of course.

"Okay. Let me see what I can do for Miss Lancelot." John took out the sheriff's badge and put it on his chest and headed towards Miss Lancelot's camp.

When John came to the tent entrance of the carriage, he saw the girl just now, rummaging for something, and didn't pay attention to John waiting at the door.

So John coughed.

The girl finally turned her gaze to John. The girl's face was pretty good, about eighteen or nine years old.

"Who are you?"

"I'm a sheriff, my name is John." John pointed to the sheriff's badge on his chest, and then continued, "I heard that your father promised your driver a high fee during his lifetime?"

"Yes, but now I find out that my father's money is not here, maybe he put it in his shoes at that time." The girl said anxiously.

"Oh~ that's really bad." Looking at the anxious girl, John said again, "I may be able to talk to your driver to make his charges more reasonable."

"Really? Thank you so much." The girl said gratefully.

"Is that the car behind?" John said, pointing to the nearest carriage.

"Yes, he is right there." The girl nodded.

"I'll be back soon." John said to the girl and walked towards the carriage behind him.

The coachman was lying in the back seat of the carriage, resting with his eyes closed. He was about thirty years old, with curly hair, and he didn't look like someone who was trying to deceive others on purpose, but who knows.

"Hey, wake up." John's tone was not good when he came up. He even deliberately lowered his pitch to make his soft voice muffled.

"Who are you?" the man asked when he woke up.

"I'm a sheriff. I heard that you signed an agreement with the little girl's father, and he will give you $500 as a reward for this journey?" John pointed to the badge on his chest and said.

"Oh, that's true. He promised to pay me double, so I was willing to come." The man said, without showing any timidity because of John's identity and his unpleasant tone.

"Do you know how much $500 is?"

"Of course, that's why I agreed to help him handle these matters." The man was still fearless.

"He promised orally that he wrote an agreement for you. If there is an agreement, show it to me."

"Of course, I'll look for it. Oh, here it is." The man fumbled around for a while, and then found a folded piece of white paper.

John took it and took a look, good guy.

Marcus Lancelot paid Warren Cross $250 to hire Mr. Warren to help with everything going to Meslia, and paid an equivalent payment again after arriving at the destination.

Finally, there was Marcus' signature. John glanced at Warren and returned to the girl's carriage with the agreement.

"Miss Lancelot, do you see if this is your father's autograph?" John handed the agreement to the girl.

"Well~ that's right, it's my father's signature." The girl nodded after looking at it.

"I'll go." John complained in a low voice. Then he took the agreement, glanced at the girl who was still looking for cash, and walked towards Warren.

"Listen, Warren."

Warren watched John waiting for John's next message.

John pondered for a while and said in a negotiated tone that this remuneration is a bit inflated, as you can see, she just lost her father, maybe you can charge a more reasonable remuneration. How about $300? What do you think? "

"Why? I didn't cause her father's death." Warren refused directly.

"Yes, you are right." John nodded and looked at Warren's firm expression, knowing that he could not agree, but the price must be more than half overpriced. Normally, $300 is enough to pay.

"However, did you ever think she'd fire you in Strawberry and find a new groom?" John looked at Warren for a moment before continuing.

"According to the terms of the agreement, if you are fired without cause before halfway through the journey, you only need to pay half the pay, and half of the $250 is $125, but if you agree to a new agreement for $300, you will get another $175. That's a lot of money. Business, you can't find a deal like this in a year, you don't have to lose $175. What do you think?"

"Okay, I agree to sign a new contract, but I ask to pay half of the fee first, and then give the other half after reaching the destination." Warren weighed it and directly stated his conditions.

"Of course, of course."

John nodded and took the agreement, and glanced sideways at Miss Lancelot who was rummaging around for cash.

Not to mention $150 or even $15, she might not be able to take it out. John looked around helplessly, and then saw that Joe, who was not far away, was also looking over here.

John stared at Joe twice, then at the anxious Miss Lancelot, so John walked towards Joe.

Maybe there is another way.

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