Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 211: Pride under the simple and honest appearance

The vigil is not a happy thing. John is sitting in front of the small house at the entrance of the camp. In front of him is a bonfire, which also adds a touch of warmth to the cold night.

He picked up the dry wood beside the house and threw it in the bonfire to keep it as it should be. Then he took his own dual guns and wiped the gun oil. The weapons definitely need maintenance. His disassembly skills are not bad. Assemble it after one, fill it up and load it.

Then it went on to disassemble another m1899 semi-automatic pistol whose appearance and price were close to luxury.

Sometimes he wonders, shouldn't this cross-generational semi-automatic weapon be used and mass-produced, and why he can hardly see the popularity of this pistol.

But thinking of the prices of these two pistols, he felt that it might be some core technology that prevented mass production.

After taking care of the two guns, John took out the can and opened it, and put it on the fire.

He eats a lot, a roasted deer leg fills only a quarter full.

After a while, the aroma of canned beef hit the nostrils.

He took out the stick and picked the can out and waited until it had cooled to the right temperature.

Then he used a dagger to pick up the beef and started to feast on it.

After eating and drinking, he began to think, now that Hosea knew that Dutch was going to rob the train, could what he said the night before had any effect?

The first dispute between Hosea and Dutch was in the camp after the Daxue Mountain, when Dutch used his anger and the status of the gang leader for many years to coerce the second gangster Hosea.

If this quarrel is brought forward, what effect can it have? Will the gang's second child's faith in Dutch collapse prematurely?

After thinking about it for a while, he decided to take a look first. There has been a lot of provocation in the past two days, and it is too obvious to continue.

After giving up thinking about the foundation of the gang, he bored out the encyclopedia to look at it, so that he could play the time to stand guard.

The night passed quickly. Around seven or eight in the morning, Javier, the second-honest guy in the gang, came over to replace John.

"Sleep well." John said with a smile on his face.

"Not bad, with you vigil, I can sleep much more at ease." Javier also responded cheerfully.

"Let's refresh myself with a cigarette, I'll forget it, I have to go to sleep." John took out the remaining pack of cigarettes and handed it to him.

"Haha, it seems that it was a very correct decision for me to take the initiative to come over." Javier did not refuse to show his favor this time. After taking the cigarette, he took out one and smoked it.

"Do detectives make so much money? I don't think your stuff is cheap." Javier joked after lighting a cigarette.

"It's very profitable, especially my partners." John nodded seriously.

Nick and several people receive a monthly salary of no less than three hundred dollars. And Kane basically holds all the funds of the entire industry. Of course, the income of the recent five shops is handed over to Anna.

"Maybe you can come and help me for a while. It's a good choice to come back after earning enough money." John said half-seriously and half-jokingly.

"Hahaha, maybe I can chase Daqi Arthur with your partner, they are valuable." Javier responded with a smile.

"Let's go, I'll go back and rest for a while." John didn't continue, but waved his hand and left here.

Javier looked at John's back and shook his head with a smile, to be a detective for a while? I am afraid that I will be arrested and rewarded without stepping into Heishui Town.

Walking to the center of the camp, Arthur was chatting with Charles, and he also took the initiative to say hello when he saw John.

"How was your first vigil for a robber?" Arthur quipped.

"Similar to my partner, not much different." John did not continue.

"Dutch and Hosea? I don't seem to have seen them." John asked casually.

"They seem to be discussing the possibility of looting the train. Last night Hosea and Dutch had an argument. The two are still angry." Arthur said cheerfully.

"You're not going to be a peacemaker?" John took the opportunity to tease Arthur.

"It's not enough for me to be a peacemaker. Their relationship is much better than me. They have been brothers for thirty years, and I only have twenty years."

"Yes, but I want to see who you will help after the two of them quarrel."

"No one will help, they will be fine the next day." Arthur said indifferently.

"Well, what a powerful answer, Charles, are your arms better?" John turned to look at Charles.

"It is estimated that he will recover in a few days." Charles' voice remained calm.

"At that time, we can compare who is better at archery." John nodded.

"Hehe, we were discussing this similar issue last night." Charles heard John's words and remembered last night and Javier urging Bill to trouble John.

Although Bill was not fooled in the end, he made a good suggestion.

"You and Micah have better marksmanship."

John nodded, then turned to Arthur and asked, "Is Micah's marksmanship good?"

"I don't know, I feel similar to them, I don't feel how powerful he is." Arthur gave a very pretended answer with a simple and honest expression.

"Arthur, I heard you talking bad about me. It's not a good habit to discuss other people behind your back." Mika's voice came from the side, and then Mika with a long beard came over. .

With his unique smile on his face, his thick limbs and his unique expression make him look like a big rat.

"Hey, pretty boy, and you **** hunter, how are you."

"If you get out of my sight, I will feel good." Arthur said ruthlessly.

"Oh well, I can't do it, he always likes to play with me so much." Micah said to Charles and John.

"I seem to have overheard you discussing my marksmanship?"

Micah looked at John and said, "So? Do you want me to teach you a few tricks? Although I never teach people, if you have enough gold, I don't mind teaching you two tricks."

"Thanks, I think I still know how to use a gun." John smiled and rejected Micah's exclusive gun skills.

"Aha, pretty boy, you rejected the best shooter in the world." Micah said boldly, "Okay, don't disturb the party of the three of you gays."

After Mika finished speaking, he walked towards the How sure are you that you will fight him? "John looked at Micah's back and asked Arthur.

"I don't know, but he didn't give me much feeling in the past six months, except for his crazy brain." Arthur said bluntly. After bragging, Arthur thought about it or said something later. " His marksmanship is generally good, and he may feel better than you."

"Haha." John laughed twice.

"See you, gentlemen, I'm going back to my room to rest."

With a wave of John's hand, he walked towards the direction of the room.

Arthur and Charles continued to discuss the issue just now while watching the back of John leaving.

"Arthur looks simple and honest, and it's not easy to pretend." After walking into the room, John thought about Arthur's words carefully.

In Arthur's eyes, Micah's marksmanship is not very good. But in Arthur's view, Micah's marksmanship is better than his own.

This simple and honest pretender.

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