Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 204: 1st contact (2 go 1)

Three horses, four people, began to walk in the direction of the camp, and four wolves jumped out to attack them, but were jumped by Arthur and John before they got close.

"Have you seen any other wolves?" Javier asked while galloping on his horse.

"No." John replied affirmatively after looking around.

"We're going to get out of here quickly. Marston, sit tight, I'm going to start accelerating." Javier said to Marston behind him, and then began to swing his whip quickly.

"God!" Marston was torn to the wound by the futile acceleration, and immediately complained.

The three of them rode their horses for an hour and rushed to the bottom of the mountain quickly.

"Let's walk in the stream for a while and get rid of some footprints and smells, I don't want to lead the wolves to the camp," Javier suggested as he passed the stream.

The proposal was approved by the three of them, and then the three of them rode down the stream for about twenty minutes.

"Hey~ brothers, we should make up a better story about the injury on Marston's face." Seeing that the camp was not far away, Arthur relaxed and joked.

"So, being cold, losing too much blood, starving, being almost eaten by wolves, and falling off a cliff are not enough to satisfy you?" Marston may also feel that he is about to return to the camp, so he speaks with Take it a little easier.

"Hahaha~ Let's go back to the camp soon." Arthur laughed unkindly.

"This way." Javier directed the road.

Then I went ashore, and after walking for more than half an hour, I finally saw the abandoned small village.

"Marston, have you seen those buildings, where is our camp, we'll be there soon." Javier said to Marston behind him.

"They look good." Marston felt better when he heard Javier's words, and he was no longer weak when he spoke.

The three approached and walked into the village, Javier shouted loudly, and the women came out to help.

"Hey~ is there anyone out there to help us take Marston down?"

"Come out and help, ladies!" Arthur said.

The three stopped their horses in front of the house, and John and Arthur unloaded Marston.

The people in the room also swarmed out.

Abigail rushed out in surprise, "You're still alive, you're still alive!"

In this way, Marston was surrounded by the boss and led him down.

And Abigail kept saying to John, Arthur, and Javier, "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

After saying a lot of thanks, I followed Marston down.

"Good job. Hehe." Hosea said, patting Arthur and Javier on the shoulders.

"Do you have any other little girls to save?" Arthur responded jokingly.

"No, no, not today." Hosea shook his head and said to John next to him.

"Thank you, Mr. Wake."

"Hey, ah, I also brought back a wolf that might get thirty or forty pounds of meat, where is it?" John said generously, then patted the wolf on the horse and asked.

"Just take it to the kitchen and give it to that fat guy Pearson." Arthur said.


John tied the horse and led the wolf to the kitchen.

Pearson is cooking dinner. The smell was okay, but looking at John couldn't help it.

"Oh, pretty boy, what did you bring me? A wolf weighing more than fifty pounds?" Pearson was very happy to see the wolf on John's shoulder.

"Come on, just put it on the table, I'll handle it, haha, do you drink?" Pearson said happily, and took out a bottle of unknown wine and threw it to John.

John took a sip, I trough! The taste is very punchy.

"Haha~ This is Navy rum, the best wine." Pearson explained proudly seeing John's expression.

"Remember when I was in the Navy, we were stranded at sea without any food source. Fifty days." Pearson suddenly talked about his time in the Navy.

"In the end I unfortunately survived." After saying this, Pearson's expression was very lonely and vicissitudes.

"Wow~ a great experience." John nodded and praised after hearing this.

"That was fifty days in my life that I don't want to recall." Pierce seemed to want to tell John about the fifty-day experience.

But John wasn't very interested in it, so he walked out of the kitchen.

"Then make less memories, and only increase the sadness." He also said this sentence before leaving.

And Pearson, who was brewing a story, watched John's back and left words, blocking Pearson's wonderful story of survival at sea.

"Maybe he just doesn't want to hear it today." Pearson shook his head and muttered to himself, then picked up the knife and started cutting the fifty or sixty-pound wolf.

John came to the big room again, intending to have a fire and chat with everyone and try to integrate into the gang.

When I came to the house, this time there were far fewer people than I saw today.

Now there are only Javier, Charles (the black and Indian mixed race is a high-end hunter), the priest Orville (a priest, an alcoholic who knows some third-rate medical skills), Hosea and Arthur.

He still hadn't seen Dutch, maybe because he wanted to keep his bossy mystery, John hadn't seen him sitting with other people chatting or something.

"Hey~." As soon as he came in, John said hello to the strong men present, and then took a stool and sat by the fireplace to make a fire.

"I noticed that the wind and snow outside seemed to be a little smaller, maybe it will really stop tomorrow." John said casually to break the peace.

"That's the best way. We can stay here for two more days and wait for the snow on the road to melt before going down the mountain." Hosea said while smoking a pipe.

"Mr. Wake, do you have any plans in the future? Return to Blackwater?" Hosea asked about John's itinerary.

"I will try to complete the purpose of my coming here, and then leave it to Blackwater Town." Of course, John would not forget the purpose he said to Dutch.

"Well, Arthur can indeed help at that time. He is the most horse-savvy in the gang." Hosea suggested. "I think so too." John responded with a smile and then he looked at Arthur and asked, "You will help, right, Arthur."

"I haven't forgotten what I promised you that night." Arthur nodded in response.

"So, how is Mr. Marston?" John asked John Marston, who was rescued by several people.

"The injury can't be said to be serious, but it will take some time to recover." Orville continued on the side.

"He must be grateful to be alive," Arthur said.

John took out another bottle of whisky from his backpack, opened it and took a sip. Then he glanced at Arthur and didn't hand it to him the first time.

Instead, he reached out and handed it to Javier, "This wine is good, let my friends taste it."

Javier took a sip, nodded with satisfaction, and then handed it to Orville, the pastor beside him. Orville's eyes lit up when he saw John taking out the wine, and when it was his turn, he hurriedly took it. Big mouth.

Then he praised with a very satisfied expression, "This bottle of whisky is worth at least thirty dollars. Fake! I haven't had whisky of this quality in a long time." After that, he took another sip.

When he wanted to take a third mouthful, Arthur grabbed it from the side.

"Go to the manger and drink when you're thirsty, idiot." After saying that, he took another sip, and then handed the wine to Hosea. Hosea did not refuse, and after taking a sip, he also agreed with Pastor Orville's statement.

"Great whisky indeed. Charles." He handed the drink to Charles.

Charles was tall, and his limbs were thicker than those of Asher.

When he was finished he handed the bottle back to John.

John took a sip and handed Arthur what was left over.

Arthur drank the wine rudely, and then threw the wine bottle in the corner.

"Where's Dutch? I don't seem to have seen him all day." John asked casually.

"He seems to have something to do today. He took Micah out. I don't know if he is back." Javier said what he knew.

"By the way, I heard you say last time that Dutch had a holiday with the Odrico gang? He won't go to trouble with the Odrico gang." John finished drinking and took out his cigarette and started to give it.

"There is a possibility that Dutch and them have a big holiday." Orville took the initiative to come forward and chat.

"What's wrong?" John asked curiously, looking at the somewhat flattering pastor in front of him.

"Some gangs celebrate the holidays, and it's a normal fight. You're a detective, and you'll find out if you investigate." Hosea said actively, and didn't seem to like John's inquiries about Dutch's past.

But Hosea doesn't want to tell John that doesn't mean everyone doesn't want to "yes, it's a normal gang fight, the boss of the Odrico gang kills Dutch's beloved, and Dutch kills Colm's brother. "

The alcoholic priest didn't seem to hear what Hosea meant. said directly.

"Oh~ that's true." John looked at the pastor and nodded.

"If you're drunk, go to rest, don't stay here to be a drunkard, get out!" Hosea scolded Orville lightly.

Seeing Hosea's white and beardless face, the drunkard priest shrank his head and walked out.

"Idiot who knows how to drink all day." Hosea scoffed after he left.

"No wonder Dutch always seems to have a fire in his heart. He seems to have more fighting spirit than young people." John said jokingly, intentionally or not.

John's half-joking opinion of Dutch caught the eyes of several people in the room. The first was Hosea. He glanced at the cheerful John, and then frowned slightly.

The second is Arthur, who also glanced at John when he heard this, and his blue eyes flashed some thoughts from time to time.

The last one was Charles, who only glanced at John and lowered his head, but his dark brown eyes seemed to be somewhat inexplicable.

John didn't seem to know that his words attracted several people's attention.

Only Javier didn't think of anything because of this sentence.

After chatting with a few people for a while, they went to the kitchen to eat one after another.

Soon John and Charles were left.

John looked at this stout and steady half-breed and took the initiative to say hello.

"Hey~ I'm John Wick, nice to meet you."

"Charles Smith. Nice to meet you, Mr. Wake." Charles didn't show any resistance to John's kindness.

"Are you half-breed? I see some of the same characteristics between you and my friend." John said looking for a topic.

"Your friend is also black." Charles said mockingly.

"An Indian," John said with a smile, his expression sincere.

Charles looked John carefully up and down, perhaps because John's temperament and appearance were too outstanding. Charles subjectively did not believe he had an Indian friend, but John's tone was sincere.

"You don't look like someone who makes friends with the Indians," Charles said after a moment of silence.

"His name is Yakeda, he told me that his patriarch is called Luoyu, and he has a friend named Feiying." John briefly described Yakeda's appearance and character.

"He's a friendly guy, and sometimes I'm lucky to have him as a friend."

"Yakda? It sounds familiar. But I know Flying Eagle, where did your friend end up?" Charles was indeed familiar with the name, but there were a lot of Indians called Yakda.

"Back to his tribe, I told him some news, I hope it will help him." John smiled when he talked about Jakeda, the Indian young man who was worried about the country and the people was indeed interesting.

"It's really hard to be an Indian, you guessed it, I'm half-Indian. My mother is an Indian." Charles took the cigarette John handed him.

"I often see you carrying a bow, you're a hunter?" John said, looking at his dark face.

"Yes, I hunted for a living when I was fourteen. Then I lived in many places in the West." Charles didn't hide much about his past, perhaps because John's Indian friends really played a role. "Then how did you join the gang?" John asked what he wanted to ask.

"Me? Oh, maybe this gang is different." Charles snorted, then took a puff of cigarette and said again.

"You know, although the federation is very free, it is relative to you people, whether the government admits it or not, their blacks and Indians have always been oppressed, and the status of blacks and Indians has always been at a disadvantage, of course, the Indians Worse yet, they will be discriminated against wherever they go, which is the norm at this time."

"But in this gang it's different. I never feel the way they treat me. They're all friendly. I can join any gang, but this gang is different." Charles threw the cigarette butts into the fireplace.

"Maybe it's because of Dutch's freedom fighter theory." John said with a smile of Dutch's brainwashing remarks.

"Haha~" Regarding this theory, UU Reading Charles did not answer, but laughed. It's hard to guess what he's thinking about this theory.

John also made a point, and didn't discuss the issue of Dutch too much. Although Charles joined the gang shortly after and was similar to Micah, he did have a good impression of the gang.

When the conversation was over, Mr. Pearson came in.

"Oh, I'm going to die from the cold." Pearson took off his gloves and walked to the side of the furnace to bake on the fire.

"Beautiful boy, I saw you eating today, what? Are you questioning my cooking skills?"

"No, no, no, don't wrong me, Mr. Pearson. I just saw that there wasn't much food, and I had dry food on me. I didn't mean to question your cooking skills." Every time John saw Pearson's baldness and long hair Just thought it was funny.

"Then try it and see if the Navy Chef's craft can satisfy your little appetite." Pearson insisted that John go to the kitchen and try his craft.

"Of course, to be honest, I'm really hungry. See you tomorrow, Charles." After speaking, he got up and walked out the door.

"This kid must think that my cooking skills are not good, he thinks I can't see it." Pearson looked at John who was leaving and turned his head and said to Charles.

"Haha." Charles laughed twice and didn't continue.

John, who went out, took out a bottle of whisky from his backpack and walked towards the alcoholic priest's room.

"Do you have to give others something in return for being so positive?" John opened the whiskey and took a few sips, then poured out another third, leaving more than half of it. Then he closed the lid and walked towards the priest's room.

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