Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 132: All parties are ready

Time is still moving forward.

Here in Blackwater Town.

The director of the Heishui Town Police Department's general office runs a company, and Morrie's plump body is sitting on the seat processing the latest documents.

I don't know if the recent work pressure is too high, Morrie's big round face seems to have diminished somewhat.

He looked at the recent surge in cases in Blackwater, blaming the police department's understaffing.

He's already working on recruiting detectives.

'Just get through this time. ’

Morrie thought so.

Put aside the files that make his head big for a while.

He has been waiting for eight years since he entered the police station to now serve as the chief, and he has also watched the police station for eight years.

He thinks that the police department may not be able to restore the power of Leiter in his hands, but he thinks it should not be too bad.

But now everything seems to have put him in some kind of quagmire, and half of the remaining detectives in the police station have shrunk under Baylor's hands.

And Baylor also sent them all out to deal with the cases around Blackwater Town.

He left the quagmire of Heishui Town to himself. Before taking office, he expected that he would be able to handle the forces of all parties. At least let them settle for a while, but only now did he realize he was wrong.

After taking office, Mori once summoned the large and small forces in Heishui Town to his restaurant to discuss the distribution of forces in Heishui Town, but these guys all shied away for various reasons.

It then distributes the benefits of each street intersection independently without knowing it.

For this reason, there is a big fight between the open and the secret, and according to the news that he has received, many people have died in the recent disputes.

And he didn't have enough manpower to suppress them, but even if he had enough manpower, Morrie wouldn't dare to do anything to them. They had intricate forces. Moving one may involve many senior executives in Heishui Town, either the brother-in-law of the executive department director, the younger brother of the financial department director, or the uncle of a certain member of parliament.

Moreover, the two sides of the battle did not recognize the death of their subordinates at all, saying that there was no subordinate who died because of the battle. They all drank too much and fell into the sewer and drowned.

The knife wound on the neck was bitten by a sewer rat?

Recently, there have been more and more foreigners in Heishui Town, which must have been a good thing in the past, but now these foreigners are basically cowboys nearby, and they all went to Heishui Town to find opportunities to make money.

This unstable factor made Morrie a little nervous. For this reason, he could only continue to increase the patrol manpower, especially the dock area without the sheriff. That area is also the place where the foreign cowboys gather most. Send at least ten people over. But still can not stop the increasing number of robbery, theft.

He knew that there might be a shooting in Blackwater Town soon, and he had not dealt with the problems of all parties.

Of course, although there are many things that make him devastated, he must have made a lot of profits. At least during these times, many rich people have more or less sent him a lot of money, and those forces have also paid a lot of money. Protection fees.

Of course, these things are only symbolic, not many, and they can be regarded as the meeting ceremony for all parties to recognize their own director.

The only ones who didn't take him seriously were those with power in their hands.

But he no longer has the heart to care about these things. The quagmire of Heishui Town has made him sleep less than six hours a day recently.

Murray put down the file that was beating his mind.

Morrie was half lying on the chair where Wright belonged.

He looked up at the roof of the office, then took another sip on the fancy cigar by the desk. The mellowness of the top cigar calmed his messy thoughts a little.

He looked at this simply furnished office. He had never set foot here before, but sitting here now, he felt that it was not as beautiful as he had imagined before.

dong dong dong~~

Just as I was thinking, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Director, I have your letter." It was his secretary, Vallet.

"Letter?" Morrie was puzzled, but still said to Vallet outside the door, "Send it in."

The door opened, and a tall, thin middle-aged white man walked in with an unmarked letter.

There are only two sentences on the cover, one is "An important letter to the Director."

Another sentence is "Gift from the director's friend."

Morrie looked at the letter and waved Vallet out.

He hesitated for a moment while holding the unaddressed letter in the palm of his wide hand, then tore the envelope open.

And at the police station at the entrance of Heishui Town, which is adjacent to the central area.

Baylor was looking at the document in his hand and thinking.

He was older than Morrie and younger than Reiter.

But his stern face made him look older than his age.

He was watching what happened in Blackwater Town recently, but his focus was only on Morrie's handling of the Blackwater Town case and the progress of the various forces.

When he reached an agreement with John on the plan, he contracted the cases around Heishui Town. Because the cowboys in the vicinity had recently come to Blackwater Town to find opportunities to make a fortune, the number of surrounding cases had actually decreased a lot.

And as he expected, all the forces in Heishui Town publicly acknowledged Mori, but secretly did not cooperate with him at all. Those who hold power and power in their hands are obstructing Mori from controlling Blackwater Town, and even turn a blind eye to his orders.

He is not the director after all, Baylor thought with a sneer.

Seeing Morrie mired in the quagmire of Blackwater Town, Baylor was also very relieved.

In addition to cooperating with John, he is also planning something, because in the recent continuous investigation, he has found a lot of things.

Like he said to John the day before yesterday, 'they think they can ignore the police department when the chief is gone, and they'll regret it. ’

This sentence also means 'Don't think that when the chief is dead, what you have done to the police station is over. ' There's another guy in the police station named Baylor.

dong dong dong!

Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Who?" Baylor asked aloud after putting the document down.

"Head, it's me Ryan." The person outside the door said aloud.

"come in."

The door was pushed open, and Ryan was followed by two unusual detectives.

"You stay at the door and don't let others approach." Ryan said to the two of them, and after the two responded, Ryan entered the house alone.

"What's wrong?" Baylor asked.

"Head, I found it, it's a big man." Ryan said with a little excited expression, and then handed Baylor a document.

Baylor looked at him twice, and his face was solemn.

"Head, what should I do?" Ryan didn't seem to be much afraid of this character, but Baylor's face was solemn.

"You go out and let me think about it, let them stare first, don't move." Baylor frowned and looked at the person on the document and said after thinking for a long time.

"Okay." Ryan nodded.

Then left the room.

Baylor looked at the document in his hand with a gloomy expression on his face.

In a cheap bar in the dock area of ​​Blackwater Town, an old man in a 1960s cowboy dress with a pointed hood, a snarky face, a white face, and long blond hair was smoking a cigar and drinking. Complimentary moonshine at the bar.

There were two people standing beside him, who seemed to be his subordinates.

In this scene, he was obviously waiting for someone.

After waiting for a while, a well-dressed gentleman walked into the bar. The decoration of the entire bar might not be as valuable as his tailor-made clothes. He frowned at the smoky bar and then glanced at the entire bar. two eyes.

Then he went straight to the old man dressed in the sixties.

He came to the old man and sat across from him.

He said aloud, "I have sent the letter to the police station, I hope your news is correct, otherwise the consequences are not something you can bear."

His voice was not loud and calm, but the meaning of his words was full of warnings.

The old man didn't respond immediately, but poured another glass of wine and then raised his head to drink it up before looking at the forty-year-old gentleman in front of him.

"Over the years, we have cooperated well, and I remember that I never played with you."

With the unilateral assurance of the old man, the gentleman nodded. Agreed with the old man.

"If this time goes well, I can try to apply for a legal status with the above." The gentleman talked about the remuneration for this incident.

Unexpectedly, the old man shook his head when he heard this sentence, and laughed twice, "Haha~"

Then he looked into the gentleman's brown eyes as if to make sure he wasn't joking "Legacy? Haha~"

The gentleman did not get angry at his mockery but looked at him calmly.

"You people are really good calculus. Give us a promise that will never be fulfilled, run around for you all your life, and end up with nothing. Haha~" The old man poured himself another glass of wine and drank it on his own.

"I didn't deceive you on this matter. This is one of the main reasons why I came here this time. You have done a good job in the past few years." The gentleman said without the slightest fluctuation.

"What do I want?" The old man sneered disdainfully and asked about his reward.

"Man, I've let it go. You can rest assured. Our promise will never be broken. They are in the black carriage by the roadside of Beecher's Wish outside Heishui Town, and the identification information is also on the car." Cross on the table.

Hearing the expression on the old man's face, he put away his disdain. UU reading

"I will leave here tomorrow, and it's not my turn to participate in things here. I hope you don't despise them too much and eventually lead to failure and then blame me." The old man said a little about his future itinerary.

"You don't have to worry about the rest, no matter what happens in the end, it has nothing to do with you." The gentleman nodded, he didn't think anything could happen.

But he looked at the old man's face and asked, "Tell me, do you really not know what their goal is?"

Hearing this, the old man didn't say anything but sneered and didn't respond.

Seeing the attitude of the old man, the gentleman stopped asking questions.

Then the gentleman got up, bowed slightly to the old man, and left.

The old man stared at the departing gentleman from his seat and sneered.

Then the old man drank the wine in his hand and got up and left here with his men.

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