Chapter 28: The Discussions of Geezers
The Higher Ups' chambers in Tokyo existed in a state of virtual timelessness.
Ancient wood panels lined walls that had witnessed centuries of jujutsu politics,
while traditional paper screens filtered the afternoon sunlight into a soft glow that barely illuminated the twelve figures seated around the low table.
The room itself was layered with protective barriers - some visible as faint shimmering patterns along the ceiling, others entirely imperceptible except to those who had the right senses.
"This is unprecedented," Morishita stated, his weathered face creased with concern as he reviewed the reports from Kyoto.
At eighty-seven, he represented the most conservative faction among the Higher Ups.
"A Special Grade curse specifically targeting the Sons of Heaven, using dimensional abilities that haven't been seen in centuries."
"More concerning is who created it," Kagami replied.
At forty-two, she was among the youngest of the Higher Ups, her position earned through exceptional talent rather than political maneuvering.
"The construction method suggests knowledge that should have been lost to time."
"And now we have the Gojo clan making marriage proposals to Indra Zenin," added Takeda, his thin fingers tapping a nervous rhythm on the table.
"The political landscape is shifting faster than we can track it."
The chamber fell silent as the implications settled over the gathering.
For centuries, the Higher Ups had maintained their authority through careful balance -
managing clan rivalries, controlling information, and directing the development of jujutsu society according to traditions established generations ago.
But the emergence of the Sons of Heaven had disrupted that careful equilibrium.
"Let us address these matters systematically," Ishida suggested, her authoritative voice drawing immediate attention.
As the head of the Higher Ups, her methodical approach had guided them through numerous crises over the decades.
"First, the Special Grade curse and its implications. Then the international situation with the Council of Earth. Finally, the internal politics surrounding the Sons of Heaven."
The others nodded in agreement, respecting the structured approach.
"The curse's construction method suggests ancient techniques," Kagami began, taking the lead on the first topic.
"Techniques that predate modern jujutsu by centuries."
"Which raises the question of who possesses such knowledge," the representative of the Kamo clan interjected. "And why they would use it to target Gojo and Zenin specifically."
"To gather data," Morishita stated with certainty. "The reports indicate the curse was observing their techniques, testing their limits.
Someone is studying the Sons of Heaven, preparing for... something."
The unspoken name hung in the air between them. Some threats were too dangerous to acknowledge directly, even in these protected chambers.
"Moving to the international situation," Ishida continued smoothly. "The Council of Earth has formally requested involvement in the investigation of the Special Grade incident.
They're using it as further evidence that oversight of the Sons of Heaven is necessary for global security."
"Convenient timing," Kagami noted, her sharp eyes narrowing.
"The Council forms, and immediately a Special Grade appears spreading messages about Sukuna's return and the Sons of Heaven.
Almost as if someone is deliberately creating a narrative."
"The Council's concerns aren't entirely without merit," Takeda countered.
"The concentration of such power in Japan - particularly in individuals as young and potentially volatile as Gojo and Zenin - represents a legitimate security consideration."
"Their concerns may have merit," the Kamo representative acknowledged, "but their proposed solution amounts to foreign control over Japan's most powerful assets. That we cannot accept."
Murmurs of agreement rippled around the table. Whatever their internal disagreements, the Higher Ups remained united in their resistance to international oversight of Japan's jujutsu affairs.
"Which brings us to the most immediate concern," Ishida stated, her voice lowering slightly. "The growing power and ambition of Indra Zenin."
The atmosphere in the chamber shifted perceptibly, tension rising as they approached the subject that had dominated their private discussions for years.
"His technique has evolved beyond our initial assessments," Morishita began, his voice carrying the weight of genuine concern.
"The reports from Kyoto indicate he can now alter the fundamental properties of space itself
- neutralizing dimensional abilities that should have been beyond conventional countermeasures."
"And his political movements grow more concerning," Takeda added.
"The armor project at Jujutsu High, the alliance with the Heavenly Restricted Zenin, his engagement to the Ten Shadows user... each step carefully calculated to consolidate power."
"You speak as if he were plotting against us," Kagami observed, her tone neutral but her eyes sharp.
"Yet he's acted with restraint thus far, following proper protocols and respecting established authorities."
"Outwardly, yes," Morishita conceded. "But his ambitions are clear to anyone with eyes to see.
The title 'Sovereign' that curses appear to call him by isn't merely symbolic - it reflects his ultimate aim.
The curses we have been able to torture into speaking state that it is Heaven's description of who he is."
The chamber fell silent again as each member contemplated the implications.
Unlike Satoru Gojo, whose disruptive nature was obvious in his every interaction with authority, Indra Zenin operated with calculated precision.
His respect for protocols made him more palatable to traditional elements, but potentially more dangerous in the long term.
"We face a fundamental question," the oldest member of the Higher Ups finally spoke, his voice barely above a whisper yet commanding immediate attention.
At ninety-three, Okamoto represented the institutional memory of jujutsu society itself. "Not whether Indra Zenin seeks to reshape the jujutsu world -
that much is evident - but how we position ourselves in relation to that inevitable change."
All eyes turned to him, even Ishida showing deference to his perspective.
"Elaborate," the Kamo representative prompted when Okamoto fell silent.
The ancient sorcerer's eyes, clouded with age yet sharp with wisdom, surveyed the gathering. "We stand at a crossroads. The Council of Earth seeks to contain the Sons of Heaven through international oversight.
Ancient powers stir in the shadows, studying and testing these new forces.
And Indra Zenin moves with deliberate purpose toward a vision that extends far beyond our current structures."
He paused, ensuring his words carried proper weight. "Our choice is not whether to prevent change - that option no longer exists.
Our choice is whether to position ourselves as obstacles to be overcome or as allies to be valued in the new order that emerges."
"You suggest we simply surrender our authority?" Morishita asked, genuine shock in his voice.
"I suggest we recognize reality," Okamoto corrected gently.
"The authority we have held for centuries was never absolute - merely a stewardship granted by circumstance and tradition.
New circumstances now emerge, and with them, new forms of authority."
"The question becomes one of calculation," Ishida noted, her tone thoughtful. "If change is indeed inevitable, what position offers us the greatest retention of influence?"
"Precisely," Okamoto nodded. "Consider the alternatives before us. We can align with the Council of Earth, supporting international oversight of the Sons of Heaven.
This preserves the current structure of authority but places it under foreign influence - effectively diminishing Japan's standing in the jujutsu world."
"Or we can oppose both the Council and the Sons of Heaven," Takeda suggested, "maintaining our independence while asserting traditional authority."
"A path that leads to direct confrontation we cannot win," Kagami pointed out pragmatically.
"Neither Gojo nor Zenin would submit to constraints they deemed unnecessary, and forcing the issue would only accelerate conflict."
"Which leaves the third option," Okamoto continued.
"We recognize the shifting balance of power and align ourselves with Indra Zenin's vision -
not as subordinates, but as experienced advisors whose knowledge and connections remain valuable in the new order he seeks to create."
The chamber erupted in murmured discussions, some voices raised in objection, others considering the practical merits of such an approach.
"You speak of surrendering to a fifteen-year-old's ambitions," Morishita finally stated, his voice cutting through the chatter.
"Of abandoning centuries of tradition and established authority because a powerful boy has emerged in this generation."
"I speak of survival," Okamoto corrected, his aged voice gaining strength.
"And of wisdom. The Sovereign's vision, from what we can discern, is not mere destruction of the existing order.
Unlike the Cleaver of Worlds, he seeks to build something in place of what he removes."
"And you believe we could have a place in that new construction?" the Kamo representative asked, skepticism evident in his tone.
"I believe it offers better prospects than positioning ourselves as obstacles to be overcome," Okamoto replied.
"Consider the practical reality: if the Council of Earth succeeds in establishing oversight of the Sons of Heaven, our authority diminishes regardless.
If we oppose both the Council and the Sons of Heaven, we risk being caught between forces beyond our capacity to control."
"But by aligning with Zenin's ambitions," Kagami continued the thought, "we preserve a measure of influence in whatever new order emerges."
"It's a gamble," Takeda objected. "We know too little of his true intentions."
"All paths before us are gambles," Ishida stated. "The question is which offers the best odds of preserving what we value most."
The discussion continued for hours, arguments circling and evolving as each faction considered the implications from their perspective.
Throughout it all, Okamoto remained silent, having presented his analysis and now allowing the others to process its implications.
As evening shadows lengthened across the chamber, Ishida finally called for a formal position. "We must provide guidance to our subordinates. What stance shall we take regarding these developments?"
"I propose a measured approach," Kagami suggested after a moment of consideration. "We officially reject the Council of Earth's request for involvement in the Special Grade investigation, maintaining Japan's sovereignty in jujutsu affairs."
"Agreed," the Kamo representative nodded. "International oversight remains unacceptable regardless of our internal calculations."
"Regarding Indra Zenin," Kagami continued, "we neither oppose nor openly support his developing ambitions.
Instead, we position ourselves as neutral observers, ready to offer counsel when appropriate while maintaining traditional structures for as long as they remain viable."
"A delaying tactic," Morishita noted with disapproval.
"A pragmatic response to uncertain circumstances," Kagami corrected. "It gives us time to better assess his true intentions while avoiding premature commitments to any particular path."
The vote, when it came, was divided but conclusive.
Eight supported Kagami's proposed approach, with four maintaining that more direct opposition to Zenin's ambitions was necessary.
The Higher Ups would officially reject international oversight while adopting a wait-and-see approach to the Sovereign's growing influence.
As the meeting concluded and members began to depart, Okamoto remained seated, his ancient eyes fixed on the empty air before him as if seeing patterns invisible to the others.
"You have concerns about our decision?" Ishida asked, pausing beside him.
"Not concerns," Okamoto replied softly. "Merely awareness of its temporary nature. We have bought time, nothing more. The true decisions still await us."
"And your personal assessment? Off the record."
The ancient sorcerer's lips curved in a slight smile. "I have lived long enough to see many significant transformations of the jujutsu world.
Each time, those who recognized the changing tide early enough to position themselves appropriately survived and even prospered.
Those who clung to fading paradigms..."
He left the thought unfinished, but its implication was clear.
"You believe Zenin's vision will prevail," Ishida stated rather than asked.
"I believe the question is not whether it will prevail, but what form it will take," Okamoto corrected.
"And whether those of us who have guided jujutsu society thus far will have a voice in shaping that form."
"And the Cleaver's prophesied return? The First Son of Heaven awakening as the Special Grade proclaimed?"
Okamoto's ancient eyes closed briefly, his expression growing troubled. "That introduces variables beyond even my capacity to calculate.
If Sukuna returns while the Second and Third Sons still walk the earth... such a convergence has never occurred in recorded history."
"Three Sons of Heaven, existing simultaneously," Ishida mused. "What might such a configuration portend?"
"Change," Okamoto answered simply. "Fundamental, irrevocable change. Whether for better or worse depends on factors yet to be determined."
(Author note: Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!
So, Indra's actions are bearing fruit. For you see, as I established long ago. Indra wants a kingdom, not a mountain where he stands alone on top of like Sukuna.
These geezers - though many still foolish in their greed, some are wise enough for use.
They are still very much respected members of Jujutsu Society, so by gaining their support, well, he virtually gains the support of all sorcerers in japan - clan affiliated and non-clan affliated ones.
So yeah, I hope to see you all later,
Do please comment and review if you haven't,