Chapter 23: Special
The news of the international delegation's visit spread through Jujutsu High with remarkable speed.
By the following morning, whispers of "Council of Earth" and "Sons of Heaven" could be heard in corridors and training grounds alike.
Something that had till now only been used by the more higher ranked individuals. Something unofficial.
Students and faculty watched Indra, Satoru, and Geto with renewed interest, their curiosity barely concealed behind formal greetings.
Indra found the attention irrelevant as he continued his work on the armor project.
The workshop beneath Jujutsu High had become his sanctuary, a place where he could focus entirely on his creation without distraction.
The crimson cape now hung complete, its fabric imbued with properties that would make it impervious to most cursed techniques.
The helmet's crown-like spikes had been refined, their design both intimidating and functional.
"I heard the Americans sent their prodigy," a voice observed from the doorway. "Constantine, the soul manipulator."
Indra didn't need to look up to recognize Toji Zenin. The Heavenly Restricted swordsman moved with characteristic silence, his presence announced only when he chose to reveal it.
"They did," Indra confirmed, continuing his work on a gauntlet's joint mechanism. "Along with representatives from four other nations."
Toji approached the armor, his experienced eyes assessing its construction with professional interest. "International politics. Not your usual concern."
"Circumstances change. The board expands." Indra adjusted a connection between plates, ensuring seamless movement. "What brings you to Jujutsu High?"
"Information," Toji replied simply. "About these foreign sorcerers who think they can challenge Japan's Sons of Heaven."
Indra's hands paused briefly before continuing their precise work. "Challenge is a strong word. They seek oversight, not confrontation."
"For now," Toji noted, his tone suggesting he understood the underlying dynamics perfectly. "But fear has a way of escalating. Especially when it wears the mask of diplomacy."
The workshop fell silent save for the subtle sounds of Indra's work. Toji circled the armor, studying each component with the calculated assessment of a hunter evaluating potential threats and advantages.
"Constantine can transfer souls between vessels," he finally said. "Not just human souls, but cursed spirits as well.
The Americans have kept his full capabilities classified, but my sources suggest he can temporarily house multiple souls within himself, accessing their techniques and memories."
Indra nodded slightly, acknowledging the information without comment.
"The European, van Leeuwen, communes with natural forces. Plants, animals, elemental energies - all respond to her will. In her homeland, they call her the 'Voice of Earth' for her ability to make nature itself fight on her behalf."
"And the others?" Indra prompted, setting aside the gauntlet to focus on Toji's report.
"Zhao from China maintains the oldest living shikigami in recorded history - a dragon form that's been passed down through seventeen generations of his family.
Russian Volkov specializes in curse control and amplification - he can control an unidentified amount of Curses, but unlike Suguru Geto does not have the convenience of storing them inside himself.
Though he makes up for that by being able to take Grade 2 curses and temporarily elevate them to Grade 1 status, though the process eventually destroys them."
Toji paused before continuing. "The Middle Eastern representative, Al-Rashid, is perhaps the most interesting.
His technique allows him to perceive and manipulate fate itself, to a limited degree. Small adjustments that compound over time."
"Formidable capabilities," Indra observed. "Though none appear to be approaching the level of a Son of Heaven."
"No," Toji agreed. "But together, with proper coordination? They could present significant challenges, especially if they've developed counter-strategies specifically for you and Gojo."
Indra's crimson aura flickered briefly around his hands as he resumed his work. "Counter-strategies require understanding.
They may think they understand what a Son of Heaven is, based on historical accounts of Sukuna, but their understanding is incomplete."
"Overconfidence has killed more experienced sorcerers than you," Toji remarked, his bluntness a characteristic that made him valuable as Indra's knight.
"Not overconfidence. Clarity." Indra lifted the gauntlet, examining how the crimson energy flowed through its intricate pathways.
"They fear another Sukuna - a destroyer who brought the jujutsu world to its knees. Their fear blinds them to the differences between his nature and ours."
"And those differences are?" Toji prompted.
Indra set the gauntlet down carefully. "Sukuna sought destruction for its own sake. His pleasure came from domination through annihilation. My ambitions are more... constructive."
Toji's expression suggested he found the distinction academic at best. "Construction often requires destruction first. The international community won't find that difference reassuring."
"Their reassurance isn't my concern," Indra replied. "Their understanding is." He turned to face Toji directly.
"I need more information on their individual capabilities. Detailed assessments, not just general descriptions."
"That will require closer observation. Potentially dangerous observation."
"You're the Sorcerer Killer," Indra stated simply. "Danger is your natural element."
A slight smile crossed Toji's face. "True enough. Though even I would approach Constantine with caution. Soul manipulation at his level could potentially detect even someone without cursed energy."
"Then be cautious," Indra advised. "But be thorough. The Council of Earth will return with more formal proposals soon. I need to understand exactly what we're facing."
Toji nodded, accepting the assignment without further discussion. As he turned to leave, he paused at the doorway. "The armor - it's nearly complete?"
"The physical construction, yes. The imbuing of attributes continues."
"Good." Toji's expression grew unusually serious. "Because something else is stirring. Something we haven't seen in years."
Indra's attention sharpened. "Explain."
"Reports from my contacts in the underground. A Special Grade curse has been sighted in Kyoto - the first confirmed sighting in nine years. My sources say it's... different from the usual manifestations."
"Different how?" Indra prompted, his hands perfectly still on the armor component.
"It's communicating. Not just mindless destruction or hunting humans. It's deliberately avoiding confrontation with sorcerers while delivering some kind of message to civilians."
Indra considered this information carefully. The timing was too precise to be coincidental—a Special Grade appearance immediately following the international delegation's visit.
"The timing seems... convenient," Toji continued. "Just as the international community focuses on containing the Sons of Heaven, a Special Grade emerges with apparently intelligent behavior."
"Not coincidence," Indra concluded. "Opportunity. The chaos of shifting international dynamics provides cover for other activities."
"My thoughts exactly."
Indra set the gauntlet down with deliberate care. "What message is this curse delivering?"
"That's where it gets interesting," Toji replied. "According to witnesses, it's speaking about the 'return of the First Son of Heaven.' Explicitly connecting Sukuna to you and Gojo."
The implications were clear - someone was deliberately crafting a narrative that linked the current Sons of Heaven to the destructive legacy of the first.
A calculated move to heighten international concerns.
"Focus on gathering more information about this Special Grade," Indra instructed. "Its capabilities, patterns, and any distinguishing features. The Council members can wait."
After Toji departed, Indra returned to his work with renewed focus. The international situation was evolving faster than anticipated, and this Special Grade's emergence added a layer of complexity that required careful navigation.
As he worked, his thoughts turned to ancient threats he had never shared with anyone - knowledge too dangerous to voice aloud, even in seemingly secure locations.
The walls of Jujutsu High had stood for centuries, witnessing countless secrets and schemes. Who knew what ears - literal or metaphorical - might be listening even now?
The workshop's silence was broken by approaching footsteps - too light for Toji, too measured for Satoru. Indra recognized Geto's gait before he appeared in the doorway.
"The Higher Ups are calling an emergency meeting," Geto announced without preamble. "A Special Grade curse has appeared in Kyoto. One that's... speaking to civilians."
Indra's expression remained neutral, having already been informed by Toji, not revealing the capabilities of his knight to one yet to deserve trust. "Speaking?"
"Delivering a message, according to reports. About the return of the First Son of Heaven."
"Not coincidence," Indra stated.
"No," Geto agreed, his analytical mind clearly processing the connections. "Someone is orchestrating events.
Creating a narrative that links you and Satoru directly to Sukuna in the public consciousness."
Indra carefully set aside his tools. .
"When is this meeting?" he asked instead.
"In one hour. They've requested your presence specifically."
As they made their way through Jujutsu High's corridors, Indra maintained his usual composed demeanor despite the gravity of the situation.
The Council of Earth's emergence, a Special Grade curse appearing after nine years of absence, and now explicit connections being drawn to Sukuna - pieces moving on a board far larger than most could comprehend.
It felt like it had the fingerprints of a certain Brain all over it.
"The timing is suspicious," Geto observed quietly as they walked. "This curse appearing immediately after the international delegation's visit."
"Indeed," Indra replied, offering nothing more.
"You seem unsurprised," Geto noted, his perceptive eyes studying Indra's expression.
"Very little surprises me these days," Indra stated simply.
They continued in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. For the Sovereign, the expanding complexity merely offered new paths to conquest.
Every challenge presented opportunities, if one had the vision to recognize them.
And vision was something Indra Zenin had never lacked.
(Author note: So... the plot thickens.
Well, once again I hope you enjoyed, do please comment and review if you haven't and I hope to see you all later,