Reborn in Flame

Chapter 35: Chapter 35 : You overstep, Riser

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Wiping her mouth free of crumbs with her napkin, Seekvaira clasped her hands together on the table in front of her and said, "I will be honest, Riser. I had initially thought to disregard your letter.

Your 'offering' seemed to be yourself for my peerage, and, much like yourself, I value loyalty far more than power. That is why I chose Alivian as my queen." She unclasped her hands and motioned to the butler buttering my toast. "If I still believed you sought sanctuary in my peerage, I would not have invited you here.

Taking on a peerage member who only wishes to use you for one reason or another is to welcome trouble in the future."

Taking the toast with a word of thanks to the butler, I met Seekvaira's eyes and said, "May I ask what prompted you to accept this meeting then? I do not believe I have done anything to disprove your initial assumption."

A pleased smirk grew across her lips. "Oh, but you have, Riser. I'm sure you have heard the wondrous news of Serafall Leviathan's most recent peerage addition? The tabloids absolutely adore the story. They simply won't let it go."

"I have seen them, yes." I said, trying not to give anything away, but judging from Seekvaira's demeanor, she had already reached her conclusion. She was just drawing things out for dramatic effect.

"While most are focusing on the Leviathan's fortune in acquiring a bishop who is not only a Leviathan herself, but also a Longinus wielder, I was more interested in discovering how Serafall acquired this new bishop seemingly overnight." she continued, lifting her teacup and idly swirling the liquid therein. "Imagine my surprise when I heard Magical Girl Levi-tan had made a surprise visit to several patrons of Serafall Memorial Hospital. Now, this isn't anything out of the ordinary.

The Leviathan often bolsters her PR through such excursions, but the timeline was suspicious to me. The very day before the unveiling of her newest peerage member she was playing with children? Either she was playing a very amusing game with the press or something else was going on."

Seekvaira took a small sip of her tea before setting the cup down, she held her hand out to her side and the butler – Alivian as she'd called him – reached into his suit with his free hand and retrieved a piece of paper, placing it in Seekvaira's waiting hand. The Pillar heiress made a show of examining the paper before she turned it around to show me. "Do you see anything out of place in this picture?"

I narrowed my eyes to get a better look at it. It was a picture taken in front of the hospital. Serafall was crouched down to better match the height of the dozen boys and girls in the picture with her.

They were all smiling and seemingly having a great time. My eyes caught on a mop of red hair and had to hold in a sigh when I saw the faintly glowing chicken held in her hands. I'd been made.

"Curious material, wouldn't you agree?" Seekvaira commented when she saw I'd seen the chicken. "As a matter of fact, I'd only seen such an item one other time – on a cord around your queen's neck as she defeated Rias." Seekvaira's eyes once more moved to Yubelluna.

I followed her gaze to where the stone I'd made for her hung from the simple black cord she'd fashioned it to so long ago.

Yubelluna was clearly trying not to noticeably react, but her face had gone somewhat pale and her breathing had picked up.

Sighing, I turned back to Seekvaira and said, "Bravo, you've placed me at the scene of the crime. Though I fail to see how my visiting sick children played into your decision to meet with me."

An expectant grin was on Seekvaira's face as she leaned forward. "You visited the Leviathan's office before she entered the hospital. Her records prove it. Combine that with her graciously ceding one of her estates to you and the picture becomes clear. You somehow helped her locate Ingvild Leviathan." There was no tremor in her voice, no trace of doubt in her features.

"Assuming your guess is correct, what does that mean for us at this moment?" I said, letting nothing show on my face.

Seekvaira sat back in her chair and said, "Obviously I have something you want and you have something you believe to be of equal or greater value to whatever it is you want from me. If I am correct, you have a method of locating Sacred Gear users and wish to trade the location of one to me for your price."

At that, I actually chuckled. I couldn't help it. I'd come here expecting another pampered princess like Rias. What I got was a cunning young woman who could probably give Sherlock Holmes a run for his money.

"I must admit, Seekvaira, you have managed to thoroughly impress me. I never would have dreamed someone would piece that much together. Allow me to get right down to it. Yes. I have located a Sacred Gear user I wish to trade to you."

Seekvaira's features turned a bizarre mixture of expectant and curious. "May I ask what it is you want from me?"

Holding Seekvaira's gaze, I said, "I want both your mutation rook and mutation bishop."

My statement caused the atmosphere to grow so thick with tension you could swim through it. Alivian had been still when not preparing mine or Seekvaira's refreshments, but now that stillness took on a different quality. His gaze was locked on me and he seemed to loom, his presence pressing down on me.

For her part, Seekvaira's expectant smile had vanished. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her eyes were narrowed. Sitting stock still, her own presence pressing down on me, Seekvaira said, "You overstep, Riser. The loss of your mutation piece has clearly left you desperate. I am unable to think of any Sacred Gear I would trade both of my mutation pieces for."


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