Reborn in 2000: Reuniting with the School Belle

Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Yi Feng chuckled and patted Wang Tie’s shoulder, “Wang Tie, remember, if you’re a seller, mastering this technique is crucial.”

“The principle of competitive buying is a powerful marketing tool, simple yet effective.”

“It also gave rise to a business tactic known as scarcity marketing, releasing limited quantities to create an illusion of high demand, encouraging competitive purchasing behavior to maintain high sales prices and profit margins.”

Wang Tie was stunned, “Wow, there’s such a strategy?”

Yi Feng tapped on the table, seriously adding, “Actually, scarcity marketing is quite common now, many companies use it.”

“Because it’s simple, effective, and therefore, a commonly used strategy.”

“Like McDonald’s, they could increase production. Chicken processing only involves a few steps, yet they keep their quantities fixed, always in short supply, leading to two price increases within a year while still attracting a crowd.”

“It relies on the unique advantage of their products, using the principle of competitive buying to make people eager to buy.”

“If they opened up the supply, they might earn more daily, but when it comes to raising prices, customers would definitely be unhappy.”

Wang Tie had an epiphany, as if opening a door to a new world.

Yi Feng watched him ponder and smiled without interrupting.

Wang Tie was his most trusted friend and would be his right-hand man in the future.

Being naive now doesn’t mean he’ll stay naive.

Engaging in business tends to sharpen one’s wits.

The young woman named Ah Xiang brought over two cups of tea.

“Please wait a moment, the boss will be back soon,” Ah Xiang said with a light smile.

“Sure, we’re not in a hurry,” Yi Feng nodded.

After about fifteen minutes, Ning Feipeng returned, having changed his jacket and combed his hair, making it evident that he had groomed himself.

Yi Feng inwardly nodded, recognizing Ning Feipeng’s understanding of business etiquette, indicating he wasn’t just any small-time businessman.

Typical small business owners wouldn’t pay attention to these details, only those with a certain social status and higher-level businessmen would.

Because stepping out meant representing his business.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, let’s head out now,” Ning Feipeng apologized.

“Not long, does Boss Ning drive, or shall we take a taxi together?”

“Being in the early stages of starting up, I can’t afford a car,” Yi Feng admitted openly.

Being genuine in front of such people could make them see you as more sincere.

Ning Feipeng laughed, “In that case, I’ll drive.”

“I believe Yi little brother will surely be able to afford several luxury cars in the future, changing them daily! Ha ha!”

He found this young man more interesting, genuine, and mature for his age, managing everything flawlessly.

Such a person is bound for success.

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, Boss Ning. Switching cars daily would be tiring, especially come maintenance time!” Yi Feng casually replied.

They chatted while walking to the elevator and down to the parking lot.

Yi Feng was surprised to find Ning Feipeng drove a BMW 5 Series e39, a luxury car starting at 600,000 yuan, potentially costing up to 800,000 yuan with high-end configurations and extras.

In their city, owning such a luxury car meant being among the wealthy, possibly a multimillionaire.

“Boss Ning really doesn’t show off, huh? Not everyone can drive an e39,” Yi Feng commented.

“You recognize this car?”

“It’s imported, not many people in the country know about it,” Ning Feipeng said in surprise.

“I read about it in magazines. BMW’s latest pride, a luxury benchmark. Not many in the city can afford it,” Yi Feng admired the car, praising it.

“Haha, little brother Yi, you flatter me. There are plenty of wealthy people in the city. I’m nothing special. I didn’t buy this car; it was a gift from my father. I find it comfortable, so I’ve kept using it,” Ning Feipeng explained as he unlocked the car and got in.

Yi Feng took the passenger seat, with Wang Tie in the back.

On the way, Yi Feng and Ning Feipeng engaged in wide-ranging discussions, from the internet to manufacturing, with Yi Feng leading the conversation, eliciting laughter with his witty remarks.

Occasionally, Ning Feipeng would give Yi Feng a deep look.

This young man was truly exceptional.

No matter the topic, Yi Feng could contribute insightful comments, displaying a deep, rational understanding of the future.

From the internet to manufacturing, he seemed to foresee the future!

Possessing such foresight and understanding of industries, he was bound for greatness.

More astonishing was learning that Yi Feng was only eighteen and about to take the college entrance exam.

A prodigy!

Such a genius young man exists?

Ning Feipeng listened to Yi Feng discuss the future of manufacturing in awe.

Approximately half an hour later, they arrived at the city center, turned into an alley, and stopped outside Yi Feng’s shop.

“Boss Ning, this is my shop,” Yi Feng said as he got out of the car, smiling.

Ning Feipeng was immediately captivated by the shop’s decor.

To the left, a sleek, tech-inspired red maple leaf logo, and to the right, a straightforward introduction.

“Xifeng Electronics—Computer Repair Expert”

The shop’s minimalist and stylish design instantly caught the eye.

“This shop is well decorated!” Ning Feipeng exclaimed, pleasantly surprised.

“Boss Ning, please come in. This is my turf; you can let loose,” Yi Feng joked.

“Haha! Yi little brother, how could I dare?” Ning Feipeng strode into the shop.

Wang Tie hurried to open the glass door for them.

Entering the shop, Ning Feipeng was immediately stunned by what he saw.



The shop was small but fully equipped, with a clear division of functional areas, each decorated in a harmonious and unified style. The warm atmosphere created by downlights and LED strips was enveloped in simplicity and modern elegance, mesmerizing!

This was the art of design!

“Little brother Yi, did a master designer create this interior for you?” Ning Feipeng asked, amazed.

The more he observed the shop, the more excited he became.

“Actually, I designed it myself,” Yi Feng replied calmly.

“What?! You designed it yourself?” Ning Feipeng stared at him, dumbfounded.

In disbelief, Ning Feipeng learned Yi Feng was not only a business prodigy but also skilled in interior design, capable of creating such a modern, technologically aesthetic shop.

Such design and aesthetic abilities were astonishing.

Seeing Ning Feipeng’s shocked expression, Yi Feng couldn’t help but smile, “Boss Ning, the computers you’re interested in are over there, already neatly arranged.”

Han Ping’an, hearing the voices, rushed out to greet them.

“Brother Feng!”

“Plug in the computers one by one, let Ning Boss check them,” Yi Feng instructed.

“Got it!” Han Ping’an nodded, with Wang Tie helping out.

As Ning Feipeng regained his composure and took a deep breath, he exclaimed, “Yi little brother, you’re a genius!”

“This is the best shop I’ve seen!” “If you entered it in a contest, it would definitely win Best Design!”

Ning Feipeng didn’t skimp on his praise.

Because the shop’s design deserved it, and so did Yi Feng, the designer.

“Boss Ning, you’re too kind. Please, this way,” Yi Feng gestured, inviting him further in.

Ning Feipeng reached out, “Before we check the computers, there’s something I need to discuss with you.”

Yi Feng tensed, wondering if there was a catch.

“Boss Ning, please, what is it?” Yi Feng asked, maintaining composure.

Ning Feipeng, trying to appear more flattering, said, “Would you design a shop like this for me?”

Yi Feng was taken aback, thinking it was a serious issue.

Ning Feipeng, mistaking Yi Feng’s surprise for reluctance, quickly added, “Don’t worry, I’ll pay you well for the design!”

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