Reborn ghost seeing lady is pampered by her ex husband

Chapter 424: Dickson's exit.

A lot of eyebrows shot up quickly when Dickson cursed at Rufus, exposing his disrespect to all openly.

"Did he just say the f word to Rufus?" Grandma Mayfair asked.

"Yup." Phoebe confirmed.

"He has lost his mind, oh my God!" Jennie exclaimed.

While the Mayfair's watched the drama, it erupted into a big argument with the rest of the Saxon's shouting at Dickson to leave. From the youngest child in the gathering who was only four to the oldest relative, Nini who was ninety-six, they all wanted Dickson gone.

"My son goes nowhere." Margaret shouted back. "I will go to the press."

"Try it and we will break your legs." Valerie screamed.

"Send her away with her criminal son, she is an accomplice in his crimes." Thomas growled out.

"Fuck you all, I am going nowhere. I don't owe anybody a shit explanation for my actions. I am a Saxon; I dare you try and change that." Dickson bellowed.

Phoebe wished she could get some popcorn like Connie and enjoy the show. Never before had she seen the Saxon's this rowdy. People were lifting chairs, throwing jewelry like earrings, calling each other names. This was much more entertaining than Rufus's thanksgiving party.

Amid the argument, Phillip Saxon suddenly leaped towards Dickson and seized him by the neck, taking everyone by surprise. They were all furious by his behavior and disrespect towards the patriarch, but none thought to get physical after all, they had bodyguards for that.

"You son of a bitch! You actually decided to act on your threat to kill me?" Phillip laughed, a cold mocking sound. "Well guess what, you failed miserably because Phoebe warned me that you messed with my car, and she was right." The grip around Dickson's neck tightened, it was almost like as though Phillip wanted to squeeze the life out of him.

Both Saxon's and Mayfair's were surprised, they did not think Phoebe's random thought about Dickson killing some of the Saxon's would be proven so soon.

"Damn it, you beast!!!" Phillip's mother Acacia screamed.

She wanted to go and fight him as well, but her husband stopped her. He lifted her in the air, but her feet were kicking wildly, and she was screaming profanities at Dickson and Margaret.

Dickson's hands flailed wildly, he tried to free himself, but Phillips claws only dug deeper into his windpipe.

"Let go of him!" Margaret lamented; she feared that Phillip was squeezing life out of her son.

Phillip squeezed tighter, by all intent he wanted Dickson's life, after all, the other wanted to kill him first.

The Mayfair's wanted to bury their heads in the floor, because Phoebe was cheering the fight one. The subtitles had not stopped since Phillip grabbed Dickson's neck.

[Yes! yes! yes!]

Rufus stepped in to stop the chaos by sending in bodyguards to break up the fight. He wanted Dickson gone, not murdered by his cousin in full view of over eighty eyewitnesses.

"Stop it! The both of you." Rufus ordered. "Phillip elaborate on what you have just blurted out." He commanded.

Phillip adjusted his creased shirt which had a few buttons missing from it. "Grand uncle, Phoebe approached me earlier tonight and told me that someone that holds a grudge against me in the family messed with the brakes of my car. I was skeptical but still it is better to be safe than sorry.

I then called a team of professor mechanics to take a look at all of my cars and specifically the blue sports car Phoebe mentioned. When they arrived, they checked all the cars, and I was relieved to hear that none of them had been tampered with. But then, I was told my blue sports car which I specified was missing

I found out that my friend Darwin had taken it out for a ride as he left the party. I dialed his number with no response and that made me worried especially after what Phoebe told me. I reached out to his mother but heard nothing as well for an hour. She texted me back five minutes ago with bad news.

Darwin got into a terrible car accident because the car failed to break, and he crushed into a trailer. Right now, he is in the operating room fighting to his life." Phillip sniveled and tried to launch a punch at Dickson.

A low buzz of shocked voices filled the air, those that were not talking sat frozen, their faces awash with a myriad of emotions.

More than a dozen eyes were looking at Phoebe which made her uncomfortable, so she hid her head in David's chest like a shy child.

"So, it's really true, he will kill us." Someone whispered.

"I am not even surprised by this, if he can kill his brother what can't he dare to do?" Grandma Mayfair twisted her face to express her disgust for Dickson.

Phillip's clenched fist struck his chest with force. "That could have been me guys, he holds a grudge because i suggested that he is taken off the board of the company." He scoffed. "You must be thinking that you will get away with this, but you won't. If anything happens to Darwin, I am going to kill you Dickson." He shifted his eyes to grandpa Rufus who was quiet.

"Yes, do that because if you do not I will, how dare he make an attempt on your life?" Viola Saxon, his sister pressed her lips tightly together in anger.

She could not help thanking God that it was Darwin that took the car out and not her brother or else he would have been the one in the hospital now.

Valerie Saxon pulled her brows together. "Grandma, grandpa please say something, are we going to let this murderer walk. He should be chained in the basement or something forever." She let out an outcry.

Grandma Saxon sighed; she was equally frustrated. "The fact that he is not denying it only means that he is guilty."

"I have banished him from this family, and I am going to make sure that I cripple him financially too and see to it that he is not a danger to anyone ever again. Margaret you can stay on tower grounds however, since you knew of your sons' crimes you will not be receiving any money from the treasury for five years. You are to move into the backyard houses to live with the servants." His fingers drummed on his thighs.

Margaret huffed. "You cannot do this! Have you ever heard of a Saxon that doesn't reside in the tower? You want me to live among those commoners? Never!" She yelled, her index finger pointing at Rufus.

Rufus Saxon's eyes gleamed dangerously but he was clam as he responded. "I am not going to trade words with you, if you desire, you can follow your son if you wish to. I doubt that anyone will miss you." Rufus signaled at the security guards to force Dickson to leave. "Vacate my premises right now because seeing your face disgusts me."

The guards surrounded him with Polly pointing at the door. "Do you want us to carry you?" He asked.

"This is not over, I am going to take you to court, I will fight this with all means necessary. " Dickson shouted as he was dragged out.

Phoebe wanted to stand up and scream, her thoughts were clear for all to see.

[That's it!! he gets to walk after trying to kill one of you. Are you guys high on pink cocaine?]

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