Reborn from chaos, I became the Demon God of Destiny!

Chapter 29

Within the source of all laws, a place where the avenue was extremely violent, and the Light Demon God descended from the sky.

Feeling the aura of the avenue here, the Light Demon God frowned slightly.

"The aura of the avenue here is so chaotic, could it be that the explosion just now, is it that the Great Avenue Demon God blew up the avenue?"

As he spoke, the Light Demon God shook his head slightly.

"Such a powerful force, I'm afraid it's at least a top-level Dao Demon God!"

"It may force the top Dao Demon God to self-detonate the Dao, what kind of existence is that!"

"That treasure, I'm afraid it will also be taken away!"

As he spoke, a strong wind came, carrying the breath of the Upper Dao Demon God, and the Speed Demon God descended from the sky.

"Hehe, Guangming, I didn't expect you to come earlier than me!"

"I'm just close." The Light Demon God nodded and smiled.

"As the saying goes, those who see have a share, two one add five, quickly take out that superb chaos spirit treasure, let the brother open his eyes!"

Hearing the words of the Speed Demon God, the Light Demon God pouted, and said helplessly:

"Speed Demon God, your big mouth is that I took the spirit treasure, if this is heard by other Dao Demon Gods, you must not snatch me alive!"

"Besides, look at the aura of this avenue here, it is obvious that a top avenue demon god has just started here, and that spirit treasure has already been taken away by them!"

Hearing this, the Speed Demon God nodded, and just about to speak, a dark aura quietly descended.

Feeling the strong dark aura, the Light Demon God couldn't help but frown.

"Speed, you avoid it first, someone is coming!"

Before the words fell, under the shadow of a boulder, a figure slowly appeared.

As soon as this figure appeared, a strong dark aura burst out!

"Dark Lord!"

The Light Demon God snorted coldly and took half a step back.

Although the Light Demon God has been promoted to the upper Dao Demon God, he is now only in the middle of the Eighth Heaven of the Mixed Yuan Daluo Golden Immortal, while the Dark Demon God is already the peak of the Mixed Yuan Daluo Golden Immortal Nine Heavens!

Although the Dark Avenue was still a lot away from being promoted to the top avenue, in terms of realm, it was more than a whole small realm above him!

Under such a large realm gap, the odds of the Light Demon God's victory can be said to be pitiful!

"Guangming, you escaped for so long, I didn't expect to be met by me here!"

"This time, look where you're going!"

As he spoke, the Dark Demon God laughed several times, and the Dark Avenue opened up completely, shrouding the entire area in darkness.

"Darkness, do you really think you will win?"

Just as the Dark Demon God was laughing maniacally, the Speed Demon God spoke coldly.

Seeing the Speed Demon God, the Dark Demon God was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly laughed again.

"Speed, I didn't expect you to get mixed up with the light!"

"However, with the strength of your Mixed Yuan Daluo Golden Immortal Eighth Heaven Peak, you also dare to stand up?"

"You two go together!"

Hearing this, the Light Demon God also stopped the Speed Demon God, and spoke:

"Speed, it's better if you don't mix in, even if I wait together, I'm afraid the odds of victory are not great..."

As the Light Demon God was speaking, the Dark Demon God suddenly interrupted with a maniacal laugh.

Hearing this, both the Speed Demon God and the Light Demon God gritted their teeth, and this Dark Demon God was so arrogant that it completely ignited the anger of the two.

"Don't talk nonsense, darkness, today you and I will have a break!"

As he spoke, the Avenue of the Light Demon God unfolded, and millions of li of magic phases also appeared instantly, carrying the power of the endless Avenue of Light, and forcibly pressed down on the Dark Demon God.

"I can't help myself!"

The Dark Demon God sneered, the magic phase unfolded, and in the darkness, a dark giant hand leaned out from it, crushing the power of light!

Immediately afterwards, the aura of darkness pervaded, completely enveloping the Light Demon God and the Speed Demon God.

The Light Demon God and the Speed Demon God were shrouded in darkness at the moment, and the qi machine was completely locked, and even the ability to resist could not be used.

"Light, this thick darkness, is your ultimate destination!"

"Remember, from now on, chaos is infinite, and there is no light!"

"Not necessarily!"

Just when the Dark Demon God was proud, a loud shout suddenly sounded in the darkness, and a million-mile-sized giant statue fell with a bang, and the endless dark aura was all included in it!

"This is..."

"Immeasurable Demon God!"

The darkness was withdrawn, the Light Demon God and the Speed Demon God were liberated, and when he saw this giant ding, a smile instantly appeared on his face!

This Immeasurable Ding is the companion spirit treasure of the Immeasurable Demon God!

Before they entered the source of all laws a million years ago, they had a relationship with the immeasurable demon god, and they were also the same demon gods for millions of years.

Unexpectedly, the Immeasurable Demon God actually arrived today!

As he spoke, the immeasurable Ding shrunk, and an immeasurable demon god who was also millions of miles in size suddenly appeared, holding the immeasurable Ding in his hand.

"Dark Demon God, you can fight two with one, and you can still make three with one dozen!"

When the Dark Demon God saw the Infinite Demon God, his heart was also a little drummed.

Although this immeasurable demon god is only the Mixed Yuan Daluo Golden Immortal Nine Heavens Elementary, but together with the Light Demon God and the Speed Demon God, all three are the best in speed!

In the case of one dozen and three, the Dark Demon God will definitely not be able to please!

Thinking about it, the Dark Demon God just snorted coldly, just about to find a step for himself, an extremely powerful avenue force, covered down!


Above the four demon gods, a demon god law that was tens of millions of miles in size was looking at the four demon gods coldly!

"This is ... Top Dao Demon God! The

Dark Demon God exclaimed and stepped back again and again.

But just after taking half a step back, an extremely powerful pressure made these four demon gods unable to move!

The top Dao Demon God looked at the four demon gods coldly, and snorted coldly: "You have seen that superb Chaos Spirit Treasure!" The

Light Demon God resisted the pressure, gritted his teeth for a long time, and only spoke for a long time:

"When I waited, the Chaos Spirit Treasure had long since disappeared..."

Hearing this, the top Dao Demon God snorted coldly: "Forgive you and don't dare to lie!" Until

this moment, the pressure on the four demon gods slowly faded.

After a few breaths, the Light Demon God, the Speed Demon God, and the Infinite Demon God glanced at each other, and at the same time unfolded their speed, fleeing towards the source of the law.

Seeing the three demon gods fleeing, the dark demon god gritted his teeth and did not chase, but fled in the other direction.

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