Reborn from chaos, I became the Demon God of Destiny!

Chapter 117

And what is Dharmakaya?

To put it bluntly, it is just a figure projected by a certain spell, in other words, this is just the aftermath of the mana generated by a certain spell.

Its power is even far less than the power of the spell itself, even if the spell is sealed into the magic body in reverse, the power of the improvement will not be too great.

Therefore, such an existence is generally used to pass on a message, or come out to say a sentence, and immediately wave it to dissipate after use.

But Xiao Bai and Xiao Mink told themselves that the figure that appeared just now was just a Dharma body of that big old man?!

From this, it can be seen how terrifying the strength of that big old man is.

Even if it is a temperament like the Great Sage of the Eagle, as well as strength, after perceiving this fact, he can't help but be slightly startled, and some slight fear arises.

After all, she can also see that Xiaobai and Xiao Mink are not the kind of people who can talk big, at least what they just said, it is all true, and there is no slightest falsehood.

"Then your lord's honorable name may be advised?"

The little marten cleared his throat and read the poem again.

"Chaos has never been a mystery, and the purpose is to explore the mystery in fate.


If you ask the true saint's real name and surname, the polar life is my name.

At this moment, Xiao Bai also read out Lin Xuan's law number on the side.

"And the law of my family's eldest master is: Supreme Boundless Xuanqiao Treasure Venerable Supreme Dao Venerable!"

After listening, the Great Sage of the Eagle was completely understood, after all, in the early stage of this flood, the heavenly path was vague, although it was not fully formed, but because of this, it was extremely accurate to explore the various explorations of the flood famine.

If there is not enough strength, but the use of a law number similar to the above level, heaven and earth have a feeling, there will be thunderstorms, blood rain from the sky, black lotus surging from the ground, and then constantly descending thunder and thunder punishment, and the offenders will be chopped to death.

The general level of offense, at most, is a few thunder slashes, and if it is really good to use a level similar to what Xiaobai said just now, there will be all kinds of terrifying reactions mentioned earlier.

And at this moment, since there is no induction between heaven and earth, that means that the being is really worthy of such a level of honorific title.

"So it is... It turns out that there is such a senior Gaoshi between heaven and earth. "

The Great Sage of the Eagle is full of admiration in his heart, and all he has in his heart is admiration.

The reason why she was very proud before was because it seemed to her that the stream she had seen before was not worth putting down her body at all.

And since those guys don't deserve it, she naturally won't have any reaction.

And now that there is such a senior between heaven and earth, the osprey will naturally show respect, after all, there is a sky outside the sky, and there is a mountain outside the mountain, and the great sage of the osprey is not unclear.

"By the way, since this is the case, what is the origin of the phantom that the senior captured before? A few days ago, this fang was covered with two layers of illusory skin, and it came to me, wanting to provoke my Phoenix clan and lead the bird clan to participate in the big war. Hearing

this, whether it was the little white marten or the blue luan, they were quite surprised, and finally frowned, but the little white little marten really didn't know what the origin of the one he captured just now was.

"I'm really sorry, I don't know, it's just that a few years ago, I met this guy near Taihua Mountain, and he took away the treasure in his hand."

Saying that, he let out a long sigh, and the Great Sage of the Eagle also frowned lightly.

"Didn't that senior stop such madmen for you two?"

"In order to exercise the two of us, the eldest master will take the initiative to take action in a particularly dangerous situation in normal times, otherwise he will not make a move under normal circumstances."

Xiao Bai explained slightly, and then continued.

"That one suddenly appeared and suddenly disappeared, and always had no intention of killing me and the little marten, so the eldest master's Dharma body did not react at all, and..." Before

Xiao Bai finished speaking, the little marten quickly continued to speak.

"And according to the aftermath, the eldest master should know that one, and there are some arrangements and plans for that one, so this did not make a move."

"So it is," the Osprey Great Sage said.

After a moment of silence, he tentatively made a request.

"I wonder if you two can pray to that senior? Can you find out what this madman really is? I'll have to wait for something to target."

Xiaobai Xiao Xiao looked at each other, and after thinking for a moment, he felt that this matter was very important, so he agreed, and Xiao Bai called Lin Xuan's existence again.

The necklace rose without wind, floated into the air, and finally changed, and an illusory figure appeared, like clouds and immortals.

"Oh? What's the matter with me? Lin Xuan's Dharma body looked at Xiao Bai and Xiao Mink.

The little white marten quickly explained the matter to Lin Xuan in detail, and Lin Xuan also looked at the Eagle Great Sage on the side.

"You are the patriarch of the Phoenix Clan?"

The Great Sage of the Eagle quickly nodded and said yes.

"Yes, senior, I am the contemporary patriarch and have seen the senior."

"Well, it's good, the strength is very good, and the bloodline is even more special," Lin Xuan sighed with some emotion, and at the same time it was an affirmation of the eagle.

Just hearing the two words bloodline, Owl was solemn, and then let out a long sigh of relief, because Lin Xuan did not continue to talk deeply about this matter, and finally quickly responded.

"Senior, the prize has passed," and then the conversation changed, and immediately pointed to another place. "Senior, what kind of existence was that you captured just now, I don't know if I can tell you?"

Lin Xuan pondered for a moment, and with a wave of his hand, like a chessboard, horizontal and vertical grids appeared, and finally appeared above them.

Immediately afterwards, in the slightly surprised and horrified gazes of all the phoenixes, those intertwined and vertical partitions expanded again, completely encompassing the entire plane forest.

"That existence also has something unusual, if you don't make some preparations now, and rashly say his name, even if there is a formation block, it will be perceived by him."

Lin Xuan explained a little while making a move, and the Great Sage of the Eagle was determined in his heart.

As the sky above the Wutong Forest, black and white horizontal and vertical lines officially took shape, and Lin Xuan officially spoke.

"Pangu Great God opened the world to establish the Flood Wilderness, you should all know, don't need me to say more, but in the chaos before the Flood Famine, Pangu Great God is a demon god, and there are many other demon gods besides the three thousand demon gods."

Lin Xuan smiled slightly, and the puppet-like Hongjun doppelganger handed over to Xiaobai was raised, suspended in mid-air, unable to survive or die.

You can't speak, you can't speak, you can't do, you can't move.

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