Chapter 6: Messing with time
Turning on my heel, I strode through the grand halls of the palace, the echo of my footsteps the only sound in the vast emptiness. The crystal walls reflected my image back at me, a being of unparalleled power and loneliness. As I approached my chamber, I could feel the weight of my decisions, the countless lives I had created and the futures I had set into motion. Yet, amidst it all, the thought of Solara remained a beacon of hope, a potential bridge between the cold, unfeeling cosmos and the warmth of companionship.
The moment I entered, Vados appeared before me, her eyes searching my face for answers. "My lord," she said with a hint of curiosity, "what transpired in the creation chamber?"
"I have brought forth six new universes," I replied, the gravity of my own words resonating through the vast expanse of the room. "Each one a cradle for life, each one governed by a Supreme Kai of my creation and choosing".
Vados nodded, her eyes never leaving mine. "Indeed, my lord, you have achieved much," she said, her tone one of respect mixed with caution. "But I must ask, have you considered the ancient tradition of placing a god of destruction in each universe? To maintain balance, as is the natural order of things?"
"Balance," I mused, the word echoing through the chamber. "Is that not what we strive for? Yet, I have seen too much destruction in my time. I wish to create a cosmos where power is used to cultivate life, not to snuff it out."
Vados nodded solemnly. "Understood, my lord. But the absence of a counterforce may lead to stagnation. The dance of creation and destruction is what maintains the flow of the cosmos."
I waved off her concern. "Fear not," I said with a smirk. "I have faith in the Supreme Kai. They will be more than capable of keeping the balance without the need for destruction. After all, it is through challenge and adversity that the strongest bonds are forged."
Vados nodded, though her eyes remained thoughtful. "As you wish, my lord," she said, her voice a soft melody that filled the chamber. "If there is nothing else you require of me, I shall return to my duties."
"Vados, wait," I called out, a sudden idea forming in my mind. "Is it within my power to create more beings like you? Beings of pure energy and loyalty, to serve as my emissaries throughout the multiverse?"
Her gaze was unwavering as she spoke the words that would forever alter the course of my existence. "Angels such as myself are not created, my lord. We come into being through the union of angelic beings, a bond forged in love and sanctified by the essence of the cosmos."
My mind raced with the implications of her revelation. "So, to create more beings like you, I would need to..." I trailed off, the thought unfinished.
Vados nodded, her expression unreadable. "It is a rare and sacred event, my lord. But if it is your wish, I could guide you through the process."
Before I could respond, a bubbly voice filled the chamber, making the very air vibrate with mirth. "Hey, boss!" Macarita, the angelic being with the playful disposition, popped into existence beside Vados. "What's the big deal? You guys planning a cosmic bash or something?"
Vados raised an eyebrow, her expression unchanged, but I could sense the tension in the room. "Macarita," I said, trying to keep the amusement from my voice, "I was merely inquiring about the creation of angels."
But Macarita's smile grew wider, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh, come on," she said, her voice a playful giggle. "You know you're dying to know what it's like to make some cosmic babies. Who wouldn't want to spawn with the almighty Kyle the Infinite?"
The idea was ludicrous, yet intriguing. I felt the corners of my mouth tug into a smile, despite the gravity of the situation. "Perhaps another time," I said, shaking my head. "For now, I need to rest."
With a nod, Vados disappeared, leaving Macarita to linger in the doorway. Her eyes sparkled with curiosity, and she leaned in closer. "What's up, Kyle?" she whispered, her voice a conspiratorial giggle. "You've got that look again."
I couldn't help but chuckle at her persistence. "Just go keep an eye on things, Macarita," I said, waving her off with a smile. "I need some time to think."
With a pout, she disappeared in a flash of light, leaving me alone once more with my thoughts. The concept of creating beings that could share in the burden of governance was tempting, but it was the yearning for companionship that truly whispered in the shadows of my heart. Vados had understood that, even if she had not said it aloud.
As the weight of the day's revelations settled upon me, my eyes grew heavy and my limbs grew leaden. I collapsed onto the throne-like chair at the center of the chamber, the cushions enveloping me in a gentle embrace. The room swirled around me, the lights dimming to a soft glow that matched the rhythm of my slowing breaths.
The next thing I knew, the world around me shifted, and I found myself standing in the doorway of an unfamiliar chamber. A gentle warmth washed over me, and I was drawn into the room as if by an invisible force. The walls were a soothing shade of blue, the color of a tranquil sky on a world that had never known the touch of war. The bed, a monolith of comfort, called out to me, whispering sweet nothings of rest and rejuvenation.
Without hesitation, I climbed onto the velvety embrace, sinking into the softness like a meteor into a planet's atmosphere. The sheets were cool against my skin, a stark contrast to the heat of the battles I had left behind in my waking hours. As my eyes grew heavy, the room faded to black, and my mind swam with images of the cosmos, the stars and planets that were now under my dominion.
But as I drifted into the embrace of slumber, the whispers of the universe grew louder. I saw Universe 1, the crown jewel of my creation, where I had placed Solara to oversee the birth of civilizations. The time dilation was a marvel, a way for me to watch eons of growth and change unfold in the blink of an eye. Yet, the more I observed, the more I felt the tickle of unease in the back of my mind. A single hour in my realm was a century in theirs, a discrepancy that could lead to unforeseen consequences.
When I awoke, it was to the gentle hum of the chamber's systems, the rhythmic pulse of the cosmos echoing through my very being. I had slept for a mere 10 hours, but outside my chamber, a millennium had passed. A universe had grown, civilizations had risen and fallen, and stars had been born and died in the time it had taken for me to find a semblance of peace in the quiet of my chamber.