Reborn As Naruto's Refrigerator

Chapter 2: NoBody

I'd heard of people comparing death to sleeping, but I didn't think I'd wake up this soon.

Am I in Hell? Heaven? Purgatory?

No, I was reborn; reincarnated into a new body, a new…





At this point, I've started to panic. All I can see below me is a refrigerator door and above me, a ceiling. This can't be real, maybe I'm just dreaming and I'm still alive on an operating table somewhere. No, no, this is very real, I can feel everything, more than you normally can in a dream. I'm just… invisible. All this commotion is making me sick. I want to throw up, but it's as if I have no mouth, no digestive system, nothing.

Okay, okay, peaceful thoughts.

That's right, I'm invisible! I'm an invisible body sitting atop a fridge and looking down at some kid with whiskers. Not what I had in mind for an afterlife, but hey, I could get used to this.

Ugh… but the nausea won't go away, and now that I think of it, there's a rotten smell in this house too.

The boy yawned, and walked over in my direction. He opened the refrigerator, which somehow made me feel even worse. He then took out the milk and headed back to the table where he already had a glass.


As the fridge door closed, I felt like I was punched in the gut. It didn't hurt or anything, it was as if a child tried to punch me, painless, but noticeable.

Oddly enough, I've started feeling a lot better.

"Yuck!" the boy scoffed, "This milk is spoiled! I only used it once!"

The boy checked the carton, "Hmm, it's two weeks past the expiration date."

He poured out the remaining milk in the sink and disposed of the box.

That scent I smelled earlier just disappeared. It's like that milk was making me sick.

The boy took one last look in the fridge for food, and sulked. It was practically empty.

"No food again." he sighed, "Maybe if I leave quick enough, I can catch up to old man Sarutobi and get some ramen."

He bolted out of the house, leaving the refrigerator open.


Poor kid. I wish I could at least close this door for him. Actually, I wish I could move. It's like I'm frozen in place, and now I'm feeling weird again.

I feel hot and cold. I feel like I'm sweating.

It's like my entire nervous system is tied to…

…surely not…

I let out a sigh and then a scream of frustration, but it falls on deaf ears as I can't seem to communicate with the world around me.

No! I can't let this get me down. I have to be strong. Otherwise, I'm wasting another life.

But still…

I'm really stuck here… in this world… as a refrigerator.

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