Reborn as Hokage, I am actually a god

Chapter 8 Initial 2

It was another warm dinner, and with endless mental exhaustion, Leah fell into a deep sleep!

Time flies, and two days have passed in the blink of an eye. As the masters complete the work, Leah's magic circle has also reached the final stage. The towering wooden triangular-top door has a cross engraved on the door. When the door is opened, a row of Neatly arranged seats can be used for believers to pray and have breakfast. On the stone steps stands a giant gray-white cross more than two meters high. It is engraved with complex and mysterious patterns, but there is a hollow round hole in the center.

The masters didn't know what the round hole was for. When they asked Leah, the little girl said that it was where the Holy Light lived! Even though they didn’t understand it, they didn’t ask any more questions!

"Doctor Mei Li, we really can't charge you this money!" The bearded mason refused to accept the banknote Mei Li handed over! "We didn't come to help you last time when you were in trouble. How come you have the nerve to accept your banknote this time! Miss Meili, don't make it too difficult for us!" Another carpenter echoed in shame.

"How can this be done? Everyone has worked hard for a while, and it's not easy at home. How can we not give up this money! Let's not talk about what happened a few days ago. Facing ninjas, ordinary people have no choice but to die. I remember there are two people in Uncle Yamamoto's family. Just a child! What will they do if something happens to you!" Meili looked at the slightly thin carpenter! Yamamoto's nose suddenly became sore, his eyes turned red, and he burst into tears! "Dr. Meili, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. The day I heard about you, I was holding the wooden manuscript and preparing to fight Scar. It was my mother-in-law who kept holding my hand and wouldn't let me go. I'll come over!"

Meili knelt down and patted Yamamoto's shoulder lightly, "Okay, Uncle Yamamoto! I know everything, isn't it a good time now? If you can't feel good about it, come to the Holy Light Church as a morning guest more often!"

"Well! Doctor Meili, please don't worry. Not only will I come here in the future, but I will also bring my wife and children with me!"

"That's right, from now on we will all believe in the Holy Light with Dr. Meili. Dr. Meili is such a good person, the Holy Light she believes in must be a good god!"

Leah looked at what happened at the door and asked with some confusion, "Holy Light, since they are so guilty, why didn't they come forward before?"

"Leah, you have to understand that not everyone has the courage to put aside everything to help another person. It's not that they don't want to, but they don't have the strength. The eyes of the masses are sharp. When they have the strength, they will surely illuminate Their people gave everything they had!”

"Well, I understand, just like me back then, after all, they are still people who have not been illuminated by the Holy Light! May the Holy Light be with you!" Leah silently communicated with the Holy Light in her soul!

After some consolation, Melly finally sent the masters away. She turned back to look at the figure waiting quietly at the door and smiled slightly, "Lea, let's go home!"

"Yeah!" Leah replied with the same smile.

At night, in the newly built church hall, Meili stood in the middle of the front row, followed by children who were neatly arranged in two rows from low to high, every five people.

Leah stood on the steps, with a two-meter-high cross behind her. She closed her eyes slightly, and slowly opened them as the candlelight swayed. Her bright eyes glowed with golden light, and a gentle and ethereal voice sounded in the hall. Spread out, "Today, we will usher in the coming of the Holy Light. I believe everyone understands that the days before the Holy Light illuminated it were black, with no food to eat, no warmth to wear, no security, and no hope. However, In the most desperate time, the Holy Light illuminated everything and saved me and you! Now let us sincerely pray for the coming of the Holy Light!"

Leah opened her hands and raised them above her head. A small gleam of light danced in her palms, and then became bigger and brighter. Finally, it turned into a strong speed of light, which penetrated the roof and reached into the sky. It corresponded to the brilliance of the full moon in the sky, just like the horizon. There is a bridge connected to the earth.

At countless latitudes, Li Ming's body is like an invisible star, quietly sensing the call from the world of fire. A wave of light appears on the surface of the star-like light ball, and a light spot like a grain of rice emerges from the huge It split out of the sphere, followed the induction, and descended all the way. It experienced countless worlds of different colors and sizes, and finally submerged into the colorful sphere without stopping!

Li Ming's body followed the beam of light through the roof. Finally, it slowly rested on Leah's open palm. The sphere with a radius of 50 centimeters was crystal clear and glowed with a bright white light, illuminating the entire dimly lit room.

Leah slowly held the ball of light to her chest and said, "Welcome to the Holy Light!" Her clear voice revealed a burst of joy.

Meili and the children below looked at the light ball in Lia's hand with fascination. They gradually came back to their senses and clenched their fists with one hand, caressed their chests, lowered their heads piously, and all said, "Praise the Holy Light!"

Li Ming slowly floated into the air and stayed at the center of the Holy Cross.

"Let's all work hard together from now on! I will light the way forward for you!"

"The will of the Holy Light is our will!"

A grand advent ceremony was completed in this way!

The next day, through the hard work of several masters yesterday, people gathered around the newly opened Holy Light Church early and talked among themselves about the beam of light that shot out from the church yesterday. This was already the second time, and the first time. Last time, many people thought it was powerful ninjas who were fighting. Yesterday, people nearby clearly saw that the beam of light was coming from the Holy Light Church!

"Tell me, could it be an evil god?"

"How is that possible? Do you know how to speak? Dr. Meili can believe in evil gods. If Dr. Meili believes in evil gods, you won't have the money to see a doctor before, so you can't die of illness!"

"Then how do you know that Dr. Meili will not believe in evil gods because of what happened a few days ago!" the little young man said unconvinced!

"You stinky boy, you want to be beaten!" The mason next to him who came to help yesterday rolled up his sleeves and wanted to teach this dumb boy a lesson.

"Okay, okay, you two, stop arguing. You won't know if you go in and take a look later!" The old man couldn't stand it anymore and stopped him.

As the door opened, people saw a 14-15-year-old yellow-haired girl leaning out and shouting loudly, "Everyone, be quiet. Now the Holy Light Church is open for the first time. Everyone is welcome to come in and pray! I am a member of this church. Bishop, Artoria! If you don’t understand anything, you can ask me!”

"A...Artolia...bishop, right? I want to ask how Dr. Meili is doing. Is she still treating patients?" Grandma asked tremblingly!

"Grandma, please don't worry. Sister Meili is very good. She is now the pastor of our church. If you want treatment, you can still go to him!"

When people heard that Dr. Meili could continue to treat patients, they felt relieved, but at the same time they were a little embarrassed!

As Leah opened the door and walked into the church, people couldn't wait to follow in. As soon as they entered the church, people felt their bodies lighten up, and the holy light filled the whole room. Taking a closer look, the room's In the middle of the end, there is a tall cross erected on two steps. The center of the cross is shining with a bright white light ball, and the light transmitted is like the end of hope!

"This, this feels so warm!" The young man who had just suspected that he was an evil god was shocked by this wonderful feeling!

"Okay, now everyone can find their own seats and sit down!" The crowd came back from the comfortable and quiet state, found their seats one after another, and started talking in low voices!

Looking at the lively hall again, Liya said softly, "Then let's ask our holy music master, Shui Sha, to play a tune for everyone, a small tune in the morning to cleanse everyone's soul!"

Ding-dang-dang, accompanied by the calm and sweet music, people seem to be following the dawn of the night, just like the first ray of sunshine in the morning shining directly into the soul through the eyes, showing gentleness and comfort in the heart, washing away the fatigue of the body and rejuvenating the soul. !

Time passed quickly along with the music. The people who had woken up were moving individually. The room specially opened for Meili on the second floor was full of people. People looked curiously at Dr. Meili, who was treating patients differently than before, and at the white light in her hand. Flash, the patient who was originally suffering from minor ailments appeared to have completely recovered, and he was shocked for a while!

"Doctor Mei Li, are you going to use ninjutsu?" the curious uncle asked

"No! This is the power of the Holy Light! From now on, as long as you believe in the Holy Light unswervingly, you might become someone like me!"

"Really! Can we also have such power!"

"Yes, the Holy Light cares for all those who hope!"

"Don't the Holy Light need our souls as a price? I heard that belief in gods requires dedication and payment to gain power!" A young man asked solemnly!

"The Holy Light tells us that only those who save themselves can be protected by him. Rather than gaining strength by believing in the Holy Light, it is better to say that the Holy Light gives you the seeds of hope. As for what kind of flowers can bloom, you still need to work hard on your own. That’s it!”

In the evening, people left one after another, and everyone discussed the magic of the Holy Light Church after dinner!

Leah was very happy when she saw today's income. The total amount of zero and zero totaled one thousand taels. This was just the beginning. When the magic of the Holy Light spreads throughout the town, this number will be doubled several times! It’s not that Leah loves money, she just wants to change people’s lives now, and needs more and more money!

It's just a bit hard for Sister Meili. Now only Sister Meili is the only priest who can restore the spell, but after a while, it will be much better! After all, now that the accelerated magic circle has been completed, the younger brothers and sisters will also improve quickly, and everyone will have a bright future!

Now that I have money, it is time to do something. After a while, I will go to the town to visit more and bring all the homeless children to the Holy Light Church. However, there are not enough manpower now. After all, there is still a lack of time to settle!

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