Reborn as Hokage, I am actually a god

Chapter 302 Arriving at Stormwind City

Kingdom of Stormwind, Northern Territory, El Forest.

A stream of light crossed the sky and suddenly disappeared over this quiet forest.

A triangular shuttle with a silver-white fuselage and several hundred meters in length suddenly appeared out of thin air in the forest as if the stop button had been pressed, and slowly floated and landed in this rich land.

"Is this the territory of the Seven Eastern Kingdoms, the most encouraged Kingdom of Storms?" A calm, yet gentle voice sounded.

"Yes, Commander Leach, this is the Seven Kingdoms. The kingdom with the strongest aura of strange holy light ranks second. The first is Dalaran, which is known as the Holy Land of Magic."

"Well! It seems that Big Brother and the others are going to Dalaran! Let's go! Everyone put away the shuttle, let's go down and see how the Holy Light in the foreign land is developing." Leach couldn't help but reveal a trace of curiosity on his face. .

"Yes! Commander Leach."

Thousands of priests quickly evacuated the shuttle in an orderly manner. During the collective spell casting of the three teams of saintly attires, the shuttle disintegrated into dozens of parts of various shapes, which were taken back to the saintly attires. in the armed space.

Seeing that the troops were all assembled, Li Qi nodded, "It's not advisable to alert the enemy in the early stages. Let's enter the human gathering place here in batches! We'll understand the situation first, and then we'll do more in-depth research."

"Yes! Commander."

A road paved with gravel, just big enough for two carriages to pass. The road was filled with ordinary people wearing gray rough linen clothes. Most of their hair was blond and messy. Their expressions could not be said to be numb, but they were not much better. Go, most of them are frowning.

From time to time, a relatively luxurious car with a strange seal engraved on it, guarded by soldiers holding iron shields and wearing iron armor on both sides, drove past the middle of the road.

When people along the way see this kind of carriage, they will quickly avoid it intentionally or unintentionally.

The priests could not help but frown slightly when they saw this situation while walking on the road, but they didn't say much because they were new here.

On both sides of the road, not far away are stretches of neatly reclaimed farmland, accompanied by a large windmill that appears from time to time, full of Western European style.

At the end of the road stands a human king. Many people coming from the town and arriving at the royal city for the first time will be shocked by this majestic city, but in the eyes of the priests, it is nothing more than that.

The 24-foot-high city wall has small cracks from time to time. It seems that it has not been repaired at ordinary times. There are large blocks of stone on the towering arrow tower, which have been corroded and peeled off by the years.

The priests feel that such a city wall can be easily penetrated by themselves with a little effort, and there is no defense at all.

Looking at the long queue at the city gate, the priests didn't say much and formed a queue at the back.

When the people in front and behind saw this group of people, they were well-equipped, and their silver armors were shining brightly in the sun. They saw that it was not simple at first glance, and they all distanced themselves as if nothing.

Looking at the fearful eyes of the common people, Leach couldn't help but roughly understand what the order of human society was, and it was probably a hierarchical aristocratic system.

As the number of people in front continued to decrease, a row of soldiers with relatively good discipline appeared at the huge door. They wore silver armor with blue trim. The square shields on their chests and hands were engraved with the lion emblem. There is a large iron sword without a scabbard.

"Who are you!" Suddenly, a middle-aged man who looked like a squad leader among the soldiers stopped the priests who were about to enter the city.

Leach looked calm. This time they came here and they were not going to contact the senior leaders of the Kingdom of Storm as ordinary people and face questions from the soldiers.

Li Qi said calmly, "We are priests under the Holy Church from afar. If possible, we would like to meet your king."

"Priest." A trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged team leader, "Is he a priest who believes in the Holy Light?" After saying this, the middle-aged man's expression softened a little.

"You can understand it this way, but there is still a difference!" Leach said with a faint smile.

"Holy Light, please understand that I must report to the general above for my responsibilities." After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he made a prayer gesture from this world.

What the priests saw was extremely weird. They had to work hard to get into the people when they went to the new world. Only then could they have such devout believers. Now they saw something and did nothing. A group of extremely devout believers looked at not only the squad leader, but also the soldiers behind him. The people near the priests were praying silently, which suddenly made them uncomfortable.

"Go ahead! We can change positions and wait so as not to disturb the people behind entering the city." Leach naturally knew that the person in front of him was not praying for his own holy light.

Otherwise, if they were so devout, as long as they firmly believed in the concept of Holy Light and united knowledge and action, a large number of people would have become priests, and they would not be without any Holy Power like they are today.

"Thank you for your understanding." After saying this, the soldier hurriedly ran towards the tower.

Leach led his white team towards the side of the road.

Naturally, their group of thousands of people will not all come to the Storm King. The other priests who have been separated have gone to other city-states in the most ordinary capacity to make secret visits. Only the hundred priests that they brought with them are doing so openly. He came to contact the Kingdom of Storms as someone else.

The people around them saw that these people were priests. Although they were surprised that priests didn't all wear robes and why they had to wear airtight armor, everyone knew that priests had good personalities.

They all began to gather around and pray in front of Leach. They all looked at Leach and the others with expectant eyes. You must know that although priests have good personalities, they are generally rare to see. Most of them hold important positions in royal palaces and noble mansions and are highly respected.

Ordinary people usually want to see a priest, except for the monthly prayer days of the Holy Light Cathedral, and other than spending a certain amount of money to ask the priest to treat illnesses. It is difficult to meet them on the street.

But this time, I encountered so many people at the door, which was simply unbelievable.

Seeing the expectant looks of ordinary people, the priests didn't understand it at first, but they saw an old man with an ugly face and a sick look, supported by a girl, looking at him with the same look. He looked at the priests.

The clergy finally understood something, and Leach motioned for the priests in the regiment to come out.

Dozens of priests walked toward the crowd without saying anything. A holy white light suddenly lit up, and the warm light illuminated the entire city gate.

All the people around him who were shrouded in white light, whether they were sick or not, felt their bodies relax, as if they had been reborn.

The soldiers on duty at the city gates and walls looked at the comfortable expressions of the ordinary people, and a trace of envy flashed in their eyes. If military discipline had not been strict, they would have rushed forward long ago.

Who doesn't have a little problem with his body, and if he has nothing to do, let the priest shine a white light on it? That is something only noble men can enjoy!

What they saw now was the white light that enveloped the entire city gate. This was something that only a bishop-level priest could do!

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