Reborn as Harry Potter with cheats (Tentative Title)

Chapter 15: Fashion trends, Map, Book of Admittance

Fashion trends

For the past few weeks, people have started noticing the new outfits being worn by the Lovegoods, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and two blonde children. No one recognized Harry with his Cloud hairstyle.

Very occasionally, the young Susan Bones as well can be seen with the unusual clothing.

At first people thought it was some new eccentric look of the Lovegoods. But after a while, people started to warm up to it and started to become a bit interested. While they aren't interested enough to wear clothes like them yet, for a society that's been stuck for centuries, this was something fresh and new which sparks interest.

The fact that a lot of Star Wars fashion generally had clothes that were somewhat inspired by robes made it easier to accept to people.

Eventually word got around and before they knew it, for some reason it even reached Witch Weekly publications. Most of the photos were from afar but they were clear enough that the clothes were properly seen. 

A lot of students tried asking around Diagon Alley but so far no one has been able to determine where these came from. Some tried getting copies made but most never looked authentic. Like getting a fake product. It looks similar but people can somehow still tell that something is off.

Sirius and Remus thought it might be a good time to start the side business so they opened a small shop in Diagon Alley with some of the clothes on mannequins displayed prominently on the windows. Most of the clothing sold were mostly Star Wars themed clothing. Those cloth based at least from different planets. Harry saved the Jedi and Sith to be exclusive for his friends and family for now if they liked it.

To capitalize on Harry's name, they put a huge poster of him with his original hair, wearing some of the outfits as an advertisement. They even had the Potter crest displayed behind the main counter. This got people really interested. 

After barely a month, they had become so popular that teens from all over Wizarding Britain are lining up to buy from their shop. Soon, their new fashion trend became somewhat of a new norm in Diagon Alley or communities like Hogsmead. 

The fact that it was featured in Witch Weekly, boosted the trend so it even reached other schools like Beuxbatons. With a French culture, it was even more noticed over there. Shortly after, visitors from France could be seen arriving in Diagon Alley to buy some of the clothes.

While all this was happening, Harry also had a few custom designs made that weren't for sale but for his personal wardrobe. He had the designs he wanted made then he added some charms. Some of the designs he wanted was from movies like Tron Legacy. But he needed the tech and materials first so he thought of making Cauldrons from Horizon world pretty soon.

Harry didn't really think there was anything wrong with muggle fashion but fantasy clothing had its own special place in his heart as an expression of his artistic side. Just like how some artists or painters dress differently in his previous world, it was just one among many forms of expressing one's self. To wear fantasy clothing felt like casual wear cosplay to him so to be able to achieve it here was a personal victory for himself. 

In his previous modern world, wearing unusual clothing was fine and all, but the stares and attention wasn't for everyone. Most who liked to cosplay needed 'excuses' like comic or anime conventions to wear cosplay, be it complex costumes or simple unique clothing.

But here in the Wizarding world, he thought since these witches and wizards wore weird outdated clothing anyway, he'll use that as his personal excuse to wear whatever he wanted. The trend being popular was just a bonus.


Marauders Map

One Sunday morning, Harry was gearing up and prepared his cloak of invisibility. He had already made an excuse of going to Luna's to play. He told Luna his plans to vouch for him just in case. 

Harry used his Jump ability to teleport into Hogwarts while wearing the cloak. For the Past year, he had amassed Jump points near Hogsmead and scouted for some hidden spots near Hogwarts. 

He arrived in a hidden spot near the quidditch pitch and walked around still hidden. He wanted to find Mr. Filch and hopefully find his office. 

He had no choice but to walk around and wander aimlessly since he was not familiar with the castle yet. 

Harry had done this for an hour each day before actually going to Luna to hang out. Now was just another day but his luck finally pulled through.

He found the man and his cat returning from Hagrid's Hut. He followed the man from afar until he reached his office. After remembering how to get there, Harry Jumped back to the Rookery.

After a few hours, Harry wore the cloak again and did a quick Jump to Filch's office to check if he was there. Luckily he wasn't.

Harry started looking for the cupboards and drawers to look for Confiscated and Highly Dangerous. After a short while, he found it and started rummaging until he finally found an old parchment. 

He pointed his wand and spoke "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good!". Shortly after the greeting, the map then appeared as he had expected. 

He didn't bother saying the hide password and simply put it in his pocket then Jumped back home. 

In his room, he spent a lot of his free time analyzing the magicules in an attempt to replicate it. At this point in time, he was still to young and lacked quite a lot of knowledge to be able to understand all of it but at the least, he could make a copy onto another parchment by manipulating the magicules to be exactly the same as the other one. He didn't forget to apply intent to his magic to ensure it followed the same rules as the original map.

Harry had spent an entire month's worth of free time at night to make his own map. With how complex the map was and all its enchantments, Harry could only make a 1:1 copy. 

After doing all he could to ensure the copy functions like the original one, he then left the original in his room while he did a quick Jump back to Filch's office to leave the copy back for the twins to discover eventually.

The map would then be one of his long term projects to study. He wondered if his Focus can create an emulated virtual space to imitate magicules and somehow be able to have a digital version of the map.

He figured the map was somehow tapping into the wards of Hogwarts and is simply translating the data from the magicules into a visual map of the school and the occupants. If he can teach the Focus to read the magicule data, he can maybe program it to create a digital version of the map and use it as needed.



Book of Admittance and Quill of Acceptance

Another thing Harry had been up to, after securing the map, was to wander the school and find the book of admittance. After yet several days of wandering the school for a few hours under the cloak, he was able to eventually find it.

In a small locked tower, never visited by any student at Hogwarts, was an ancient book that contained and recorded the name and birthdate of every magical child in Britain and Ireland. 

Harry then saved the location as a special Jump point. He proceeded to spend hours analyzing the magicules in it and scanning the book with his Focus. He had read somewhere that this artifact was not to be touched so he used his TK to flip pages when he wanted. 

Once he had completely recorded a digital copy of the book, he then switched focus to recording the magicule flow and process so he may one day make his own. He also made sure to analyze the Quill of Acceptance.

This was a very important factor in his future plans. He needed to understand and have access to the system that tells Hogwarts of magical children, including muggle born.

Using his Focus, he marked all the muggle-born that are still alive up to those who were to likely attend in the future. He created an entire list of muggle-born that are, based on the birth dates, still alive. 

It was fairly simple to separate the pure-bloods after all. All he had to do was create a list of pure-blood families after checking the Black library database, and cross referencing it to the book of admittance. The remaining would mostly be muggle-born.

It was going to be a bit complicated to create a new list for the half-bloods though since he would need to check the parents names of each person with a pure-blood name which would take a lot of time. For now, he chose to ignore half-bloods.

With his muggle-born list secured, he can simply revisit the book of admittance to update his copy every now and then.


Plans for Britain

Now that he had a list of all muggle-born, he can, when he deems it necessary, trace down where they all are. For children, the address that was written would probably be accurate for them to receive their Hogwarts acceptance letter. But for those who have graduated, it will require investigation if they stayed in England or left as most generally do, due to the prejudice and pureblood bigotry. 

Harry never really thought of staying in Hogwarts, much less Britain. The British Wizarding World was already rotten and infested with bigotry, prejudice. Even worse was that those in power have little to no tolerance of muggle-born or even other creatures. 

Harry believes that if every muggle-born left, the British Wizarding world would, in a mere few generations, die out on its own even without dork lords running about.

As most muggles with proper science education would know, inbreeding brings out all sorts of mutations. And with these idiots who relish in pureblood ideology, they most likely no longer have much time left. For the past few generations, pureblood birth rate had started to decline with an unusual exception of the Weasleys. Each generation, the options for marriage partners become lower and lower that Harry predicts, will eventually lead the purebloods back to picking the Weasleys. And a few more generations, and they will probably struggle to even produce witch or wizard heirs. 

Witches and Wizards of Britain don't yet realize that with their inbreeding, more and more squibs are popping up all over the place. They do not realize that their squibs are results of mutations in their blood that are caused by not having new genes introduced to their lineage. 

A good example was with Nymphadora Tonks. With the introduction of new blood, the metamorphagus ability thought to be lost resurfaced. 

Harry didn't intend to save these stubborn people set in their ways. They were afraid of change and had been left behind by muggles.

Harry believed that since the current government was beyond saving, he might as well make a new one. 

There's a few ways this could be achieved. 

Option 1: Let Voldy take over, destroy each other until the international community decides to step in.

He thinks that other countries would likely step in if the statue of secrecy is in danger of being broken by the death eater attacks. If voldy becomes a big enough threat, they will realize they need to protect the statute of secrecy so they WILL work together but not until the final hour.

Option 2: Make a new country/community and invite every single muggle-born to join him. Let the purebloods die out on their own.

It was probably easy to convince them considering how much they all endure in the British Wizarding world. The best they position they could get in the Ministry was a secretary just because of their blood. 

If they are given an opportunity, they might take it then and there.

Option 3: He can probably use his Magic Null to make every single bigot into a muggle. 

That third option would probably be one hell of a prank on the purebloods. That would be karma at its finest. But if he goes down that road, he still needs to deal with a government system that was still based on bloodline. 

After considering those current options, Harry was thinking it might be a mixture of all three but he's not entirely convinced yet. 

If the British Wizarding world is to survive, they need to get past the pureblood crap as a bare minimum. They also need an overhaul to a voted position like the rest of the damn planet if they don't want any more dork lords popping up. They will never even realize that they can never properly thrive if they keep basing the governance of their society on what their last name was instead of who has the best ability.

Option 4: Return governance to the muggles, particularly the Royal family.

That last one might even be for the best but Harry doubts the witches and wizards could ever accept that. 

For now, Harry decided to prepare for the possibility of any of those options but consider Option 2 more than the others for now. 

He also decided that maybe in the next few years, he can start to act on option 3 by starting with all the bloody Death Eaters locked up in Azkaban. Problem is, he doesn't know how to get there yet. 

Harry thought that maybe when he's around 10 years old, he can probably ask Sirius how to get to Azkaban to 'Pull a prank' on convicted Death Eaters.

After some serious pondering, Harry went back to his regular routine while spending free time analyzing the map and the book of admittance while keeping up with his learning and training his TK.

It was time to start planning on how to make Horizon Zero Dawn Cauldrons.


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