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 Apologies for the late upload and wrong chapter upload yesterday.





"I have a message, you brute!" the demon said and put its hands down.


"Everyone knows you, John Constantine, you cursed bloke! Nergal wishes to speak with you, it's urgent! He says he will make an offer you cannot refuse!" The demon said and disappeared but left an address that was inscribed on the floor with fire.


"Bloody Nergal!" John cried out and was about to fry that demon for mentioning that name that haunted his mind.


He would never forget his rookie mistake of summoning a demon without binding it to his control. The innocent girl known as Astra suffers in hell due to his mistake! The demon he summoned took the girl with him after doing what he was summoned to do and worse.


John spat out his cigarette and crushed it under his feet in annoyance as he tried to forget Nergal once more until he received a phone call from a dear old friend.


"I would never call you for these things. But I think it’s supernatural and you are the only bloke in this cold city I know who deals with such. It’s my daughter, John… my daughter! I’ll send you the address." The caller ended the conversation and a beep sound followed after on John's phone.


"Chas!" John said softly and ran to get a cab as quickly as he could.


At the hospital address, Chas’s wife couldn’t believe who she saw as she tried attacking John but was held back by Chas.


"Of all the people in the world… this vile thing is the last thing I want to see near my daughter… near our daughter, Chas!" Renee, Chas's ex-wife, complained but Chas managed to coax her into letting John see their daughter.


Upon arriving in the room where Chas's daughter, Trish, lay on a bed unconscious, John inspected her with his magical arts and then thought it wise to summon a creature known as the Nightmare Nurse when he didn’t get any response at all.


Before the Nightmare Nurse could even inspect Trish, Nergal projected himself through Trish.


"You know I am desperate if I am appearing before you now, John. But forgive my manners, how have you been? The last we saw was at a raving party in Newcastle. Wonderful memories, wouldn’t you agree?" Nergal asked as the room got dark.


Renee couldn’t take it and wanted to see what was going on inside but found that the door was locked and no amount of budging would pry the door open.


"Nergal!" John said as he gritted his teeth and golden spheres with the Star of David appeared on his clenched fists.


"Now, now. You do not want to harm poor little Trish, do you?" Nergal teased as John looked at the Nightmare Nurse, who was dressed in a dark purple sexy nurse outfit, who nodded to confirm Nergal's words as truth.


"You bastard! Let go of Trish this instant or else!" John exclaimed.


"Or else what? Do you know what the f*ck is happening right now in hell? I actually had a thing planned out to use this Trish to make you eliminate my competitors in Los Angeles, but that’s already taken care of by some sweeper in hell! Things are crazy down there! And portal openings rarely work these days! Everything's gone to sh*t, John! Do you understand what I am saying?" Nergal burst out as his words surprised the duo listening.


Could my dream be real?’ John thought.


"Are you trying to be funny because that’s what the hell is? It’s supposed to be crazy, you old slimy bastard!" John snickered.


"Come visit me and maybe I will consider returning Trish!" Nergal said and was about to leave.


The door burst open soon after as Renee and Chas rushed to their daughter, but the Nightmare Nurse stopped them and enchanted a shield over the girl to stop spirits from possessing her body.


John walked out of the room in fury and out of the hospital to smoke and looked up to find that the sky had turned blood red.


Is that Nergal? No. On Earth he has some limitations,’ John thought as the sky soon returned to its former state.


"Is my pack expired or something?" John asked himself, checking his pack of cigarettes' expiry date.


"I know you have been through a lot… since Newcastle, but… please, John…" Chas began as he sat near John.


"There’s no need to beg, Chas. I have a score to settle after all. Are you coming?" John asked as Chas smiled warmly and nodded.



Back at Themyscira,


"What’s this talk I hear about a young god of war?" one of the Olympian goddesses clad in bronze armour asked.


"And who are you?" the other Olympian goddess asked.


"That’s a lot of questions for someone who got here late!" Diana answered.


"You dare? We were also dealing with our problems as well!" the first goddess shot back.


"Athena is right. The both of us had to deal with multiple hell portals opening near our shrines," the second goddess backed up Athena.


"I don’t need help, Hera. You, the man in black. What is your business here!" Athena drew her bow at him.


"Athena! This man saved us! The whole of Themyscira owes him!" Diana couldn’t stand disrespect and voiced her complaints.


"I called for you both and not an answer or lightning was sent my way. No warriors or any backup of any kind! He was the one that answered!" Diana protested as she came in between The Slayer and Athena.


"You are supposed to be the god of war after killing Ares. What help do you need if you can’t handle this war, Diana?" Athena asked, effectively shutting down Diana.


"That’s why I am here to tell you to forsake any notion of becoming the god of war, for I will take on the mantle of being the god of war Mount Olympus needs." Athena stepped closer, a lightning arrow inches away from Diana's face.


"Ladies! Ladies! I see there’s a family problem here, I’ll get out of your hair." The Slayer turned and found Hera in front of him, who used her teleportation skill.


"You haven’t answered my question, young man!" Hera said firmly.




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