Reborn as an Yandere : Yandere X Yandere

Wanna Do It?

Lortell was afraid for the first time in her life, but she couldn't let fear stop her. Not now, not ever.

With fierce determination, she clenched her fists and whispered, "Warrior Guts Essence." Instantly, the power of the C-rank essence stone she carried flared to life, flooding her mind with strength. The stone's energy amplified her mental fortitude a hundredfold, sharpening her focus and pushing the fear to the back of her mind.

She took a deep breath, her resolve solidifying as she forced her trembling legs to move. "Lightning Charge Essence," she commanded, and immediately, her feet began to glow with crackling red lightning.


In a flash, she dashed forward at a speed so fast that normal eyes couldn't even track her movements. Within seconds, she had reached the place where Esdeath was.

There she saw Esdeath, clutching a book tightly in both hands—a precious book written by Jeanne d'Arc. But standing before her was a young female werewolf, in her prime, muscles tensed and eyes filled with fury. It was the same werewolf that had been rejected by a male, and now she was ready to unleash her rage on Esdeath.

But Lortell was too late. 

The werewolf let out a vicious roar, her jaws opening wide as she lunged at Esdeath, aiming to bite her head off. Esdeath, in a desperate attempt to protect herself, stumbled backward. Her foot caught on a stone, throwing her off balance.

Lortell's heart skipped a beat as she watched in horror. But then, something unexpected happened—Esdeath's unsteady movement caused her to fall backward just in time, dodging the fatal bite. Instead, the werewolf's powerful jaws clamped down on Esdeath's hand, tearing through her four fingers and shredding the book she was holding.

Blood sprayed from Esdeath's palm as she cried out in agony, her voice echoing through the forest.

"You bitch!" Lortell's voice was filled with fury, her face contorted in rage. She had never felt such anger before—not like this. It wasn't just anger; it was an overwhelming, all-consuming wrath that burned hotter than anything she'd ever experienced.

Without hesitation, before the werewolf could strike again, Lortell appeared right in front of her, her movements faster than a blink.


Lortell's fist connected with the werewolf's face in a powerful punch, the impact so forceful that it caused half of the werewolf's body to explode on the spot. The shockwave from the blow was so immense that it sent trees crashing down and boulders flying, carving out a new pathway in the forest.

"So, is this anger?" Lortell stood there, panting heavily, her hand still trembling from the force of her punch. Her heart pounded in her chest, a wild mix of fear and the intense rage that had driven her to strike so violently. The werewolf was defeated, but the sight of Esdeath's bloodied hand wouldn't leave her mind. It gnawed at her, filling her with an overwhelming sense of dread and guilt.

Without a second thought, she rushed over to Esdeath's side. "Heal, heal, heal... heal... heal!" Lortell chanted the healing spell over and over, her voice frantic as she poured all her mana into mending Esdeath's wounded hand. The magic flowed endlessly, her desperation evident in each word. Esdeath's hand had already healed, the skin smooth and unmarked, but Lortell couldn't stop. Her healing was an overkill, a frenzied way of showing how much she cared.

"Stop... stop... it's already healed," Esdeath's soft, cute voice finally reached Lortell's ears, pulling her out of her panic. The words made Lortell freeze, her hands hovering above Esdeath's now-perfect hand.

But instead of relaxing, Lortell suddenly grabbed Esdeath and hugged her tightly, as if she were afraid to let go. "W-w-why? Why, why, why, why... why... why do you always get into trouble?" Lortell's voice was trembling, filled with a menacing tone that bordered on obsession. She pulled back just enough to take Esdeath's face in her hands, forcing her to look directly into her eyes.

"Should I cut off your legs so you can stay in front of me?" Lortell's voice dropped to a chilling whisper, her red eyes glowing with an intense, almost terrifying light. For a moment, she looked like a yandere, her love twisted into something dark and dangerous.

But just as quickly as the thought came, Lortell snapped back to herself. "Wait... what am I saying? I can't hurt you, can I? Haha... how foolish of me," she muttered, her voice shaky as she tried to laugh it off, like she was talking to herself. It was clear to anyone watching that something was wrong—Lortell's mind was not stable, her emotions swinging wildly from one extreme to the other.

But instead of being scared, a charming smile appeared on Esdeath's face. She gently wrapped her arms around Lortell, pulling her into a comforting embrace. "Calm down... calm down... I'm not going anywhere again, I promise," Esdeath whispered soothingly, her voice steady and warm. She held Lortell close, hoping to ease the storm raging inside her.

Lortell's face flushed a deep red as she looked at Esdeath's face and body again. Her cheeks burned, and a wave of intense heat washed over her, spreading through her entire body as if she were on fire. It wasn't just warmth—it was an overwhelming sensation that made her heart race and her thoughts blur.

"Were you always this seductive?",As Lortell's gaze lingered on Esdeath's youthful and enchanting form, she felt a hunger stirring inside her, something raw and uncontrollable. Her mouth began to water, and she couldn't stop the saliva that dripped from her lips. Every inch of Esdeath's body seemed to call to her, igniting a deep obsession that drove Lortell to the edge.

With her eyes filled with lust and greed, Lortell leaned in closer, her mouth opening as she gave in to the overwhelming urge. She sank her teeth into Esdeath's neck, biting down with a mix of desire and need.

"Tch..." Esdeath gasped softly, feeling the sharp sting, but she quickly relaxed, realizing that Lortell was a vampire. She didn't cry out, instead letting Lortell drink her blood without resistance.

Lortell's large fangs sank deeper, and she drank eagerly, each drop of Esdeath's blood bringing her an almost unbearable satisfaction. But it wasn't just satisfaction—there was something else, a rush of arousal that swept through her like a tidal wave. The taste of Esdeath's blood was so intoxicating that it made Lortell's body react in ways she couldn't control.

A thick, warm liquid started to flow from Lortell's private parts, an undeniable sign of how deeply she was affected. She wasn't like a normal human, and the amount of liquid was overwhelming, a physical manifestation of her intense emotions.

Finally, Lortell pulled her fangs out of Esdeath's neck and clung to her, her legs trembling so much that she could barely stand. She held onto Esdeath for support, breathing heavily as she whispered, "I... I came so hard." A wave of intense pleasure had washed over her, bringing her to orgasm just from the act of drinking Esdeath's blood. A satisfied smile spread across her face, her eyes half-lidded as she basked in the afterglow.

Lortell stared at Esdeath, who stood there, completely unfazed by the fact that Lortell was a vampire. Esdeath's calm demeanor made Lortell's hunger for her even more intense, her desire not fading in the slightest.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna tell anyone. Rest assured!" Esdeath said with her usual gentle smile, as if nothing had happened.

But Lortell wasn't focused on her words. Her gaze lingered on Esdeath, and she couldn't shake the deep craving that gnawed at her insides. She licked her lips slowly, a lustful gleam in her eyes. "Say, Esdeath, wanna do it?" she asked, her voice low and filled with unspoken desire.

Esdeath blinked, puzzled. "Do what?"

Lortell was about to explain, her lips parting to give the answer, but before she could finish, a voice interrupted her.

"Esdeath... Esdeath, my daughter!" came the frantic cries of a man and a woman.

"Lady Mariette, are you here?" called out the head maid, Lorraine.

"Tch, ruined my mood!" Lortell sneered, irritation flashing in her eyes.

"There they are! I saw them!" Lorraine shouted, rushing forward. Esdeath's parents, Nyx and her mother, spotted Esdeath and hurried to her, their faces filled with concern. As they reached her, they pulled her into a tight embrace, tears welling up in their eyes.

Lorraine, too, approached Lortell to check on her, but her attention was suddenly drawn to a large puddle of thick, transparent liquid on the ground. 

"What's this? What happened here?" Lorraine asked, puzzled, as she reached out to touch the liquid.

Before she could, Lortell quickly intervened. "That's just the werewolf's saliva. It attacked Esdeath, and I killed it. Nothing else happened!" Lortell's voice was calm, without a hint of deception.

"Really? This smell is kind of familiar, but if you say so... It's not hard to believe you could defeat a mere werewolf," Lorraine replied, still slightly confused. Her gaze shifted to the half-corpse of the werewolf nearby, confirming Lortell's story in her mind.

Esdeath's parents turned to Lortell, their expressions full of gratitude. "Thank you for saving our daughter," they said, their voices thick with emotion.

Lortell simply nodded, but her mind was elsewhere. The encounter had left her unsatisfied, her desires unfulfilled. She watched as Esdeath's parents fussed over her, feeling a strange mix of emotions—relief that Esdeath was safe, but also frustration that their moment had been interrupted.

Lorraine walked calmly toward Lortell, her expression composed as she came to stand beside her. Though her eyes seemed focused elsewhere, she leaned in close and whispered, her voice low and careful, "My lady, I've been noticing your behavior for quite a while now. I think you owe me an explanation for what's going on between you two... and especially about that 'saliva,'" she said, her tone hinting at suspicion, all while maintaining a warm smile directed at Esdeath's parents to keep them from realizing that something might be wrong.

Lortell remained still, her face unreadable as she listened. But inside, her mind raced. She knew Lorraine was perceptive—she always had been. Lortell could feel the pressure of Lorraine's silent demand for the truth, but now was not the time to reveal everything. She needed to act carefully.

Without turning to face Lorraine, Lortell replied quietly, her voice steady and authoritative, "Lorraine, I know you have to report everything to Father, but before you do, I have an order for you..."

Lorraine's breath caught slightly, sensing the seriousness in Lortell's words.

"Kill every werewolf in this area," 


I think I'm definitely going hell after writing this novel. 

Hmmm.. did I did the right thing by writing backstory first? or I should have wrote it after fifty or sixty chapters later? 

well whatever, anyone who's wondering there's still two or three chapter of back story still remains, And then we move on to present. 

What do you think, Which version is more accurate of kid esdeath?, well I does have more versions btw... 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.