Reborn as an Yandere : Yandere X Yandere


As soon as Esdeath left, the news spread like wildfire. Everyone in the kingdom was talking about the horrible event—Eldon Karanthis, a well-known student, had been killed, and a young boy was being blamed for the crime. 

People couldn't stop whispering. After all, it wasn't just anyone who was killed; it was a student of "Awakened Academy," the most respected academy in the entire kingdom. It wasn't just a death; it was a blow to the academy's perfect reputation, a scar that would take time to heal. Eldon's murder felt like an attack on the academy's pride, and by extension, on the kingdom itself. 

"How could something like this happen?" people asked. "How could one of the academy's own be murdered so easily?"

Thankfully, the murder had taken place outside of the academy's grounds, so the school wasn't required to offer compensation to Eldon's family. But still, the academy's leaders were shaken. This was the first time in many years that a student had been killed so early in the school year, and it had everyone on edge. The academy even shut its doors for two days—a rare event—to mourn the loss and investigate how something like this could have happened.

Even with the temporary closure, whispers and rumors filled the streets. The murder, the academy's response, and the mystery of how such a tragedy could occur left everyone uneasy. It wasn't just about the crime—it was about the fear that came with it. If something like this could happen once, who's to say it couldn't happen again?

Meanwhile, in Esdeath's dorm room, something entirely different was happening, despite the dark cloud hanging over the academy after Eldon's death. 

"You must be feeling uneasy about Eldon's death, right? Since the academy is closed, how about going shopping with me to clear our minds?" Esdeath said with a warm smile. But inside, she was thinking something completely different, "Shopping is the easiest way to make friends with a girl!" she thought to herself, feeling clever about her plan.

Luna, who was sitting on her bed, raised her eyebrows in surprise. "What's with this all of a sudden?" she wondered, not expecting Esdeath to offer her something like this. Luna had always thought Esdeath was too intimidating to be friendly, and now she was confused. Should she say yes or no? She felt a bit awkward, unsure of how to respond.

"Come on, hurry! There's a big sale in the market today!" Esdeath's voice snapped Luna out of her thoughts.

A small smile appeared on Luna's lips. "A sale, huh?" she thought, unable to resist the temptation. "Yes, let's go!" she replied, her excitement building. It wasn't every day that someone asked her to go shopping, especially someone like Esdeath.

As they reached the bustling market, the streets were filled with merchants selling all kinds of goods. The smell of fresh bread and spices filled the air, and the colorful stalls were packed with clothes, accessories, and everything else you could imagine.

Esdeath led Luna straight to a shop with beautiful dresses hanging in the window. "Look at this one!" Esdeath said, holding up a frock with lace and pretty flower patterns. "This would look so cute on you, Luna!"

Luna blushed a little, not used to such attention. "Do you really think so?" she asked, feeling shy but also a little excited.

"Of course!" Esdeath said with a grin. "Try it on!"

Luna hesitated, but she eventually picked a few dresses to try, including a light blue frock that she secretly adored. She spun around in front of the mirror, feeling the soft fabric swirl around her legs. Esdeath picked out a few things for herself too, a sleek black jacket that hugged her figure and a stylish skirt that gave her an edgy but fashionable look.

They laughed and chatted as they tried on clothes, with Esdeath giving tips on what matched with what. After a while, they wandered into a shop selling more personal items, like underwear.

Esdeath teasingly nudged Luna. "Don't be shy, we all need these things!" she said with a playful wink, grabbing a random set for herself, just to show luna,,not because she needed it. 

Luna turned bright red, laughing nervously as she picked a couple of plain but comfortable pieces. "I wasn't expecting this today," she thought, but she couldn't deny she was having fun. 

At the end of their shopping trip, Luna stood by the counter, ready to pay for her things, but Esdeath quickly stepped in, pulling out her coin pouch. "I'll cover it," she said, smiling.

Luna's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait! You don't have to do that!"

Esdeath waved her off. "Don't worry about it. Consider it a treat, okay?" 

Luna bit her lip, feeling both grateful and a bit guilty. "Thank you, Esdeath," she said softly. "I'll pay you back later."

"Nonsense!" Esdeath laughed. "We're friends now, right? This is what friends do."

Luna couldn't help but smile as they left the shop, their bags full of new clothes. She felt a warmth in her chest, a feeling she hadn't expected. Esdeath, despite her intimidating exterior, was kind and surprisingly thoughtful.

As they walked back to the academy, their conversation was light and easy. They talked about the clothes they bought, the upcoming academy events, and even joked about the sale being too tempting to resist.

For the first time in a long while, Luna felt a sense of companionship she hadn't known she needed. Maybe Esdeath wasn't so scary after all. 


By the time they finally returned to the dorm, the night had already settled in, and the moonlight cast a soft glow through the window. Without wasting a second, both Esdeath and Luna collapsed onto their respective beds, the exhaustion from their shopping trip catching up to them.

But something felt different tonight. Unlike the previous nights, when Luna had always been a little tense, worried about Esdeath's presence, tonight her mind was at ease. There was no nervousness, no constant glancing at Esdeath in fear that she couldn't sleep. Instead, Luna felt strangely comfortable. 

As she lay on her bed, sinking into the softness of her pillow, Luna turned her gaze towards Esdeath, who was already peacefully lying on her own bed, her eyes closed. A small smile crept onto Luna's face as she quietly observed her roommate. 

"She's so tall," Luna thought, her eyes tracing the length of Esdeath's figure. "I can barely reach her shoulders. She's not like a princess Ravenna, but still… she's prettier than me, for sure. But what surprises me the most is her personality. She's so open and friendly… I guess what people say is true: tall people really are the calmest ones!" Luna chuckled softly at her own thoughts, exhaling deeply as the weight of the day finally started to settle in her bones. The weariness from all the walking and laughter made her eyelids heavy.

Before she even realized it, sleep took over her, and her mind drifted into peaceful dreams.


The night quietly slipped away, and morning arrived before anyone knew it. Esdeath, ever the early riser, had already woken up at 5:30, but Luna? She was just an average girl, waking up around 7:30 with a big, sleepy yawn. The sun peeked through the curtains, and Luna stretched her arms, feeling her muscles relax after a long, restful night. She sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes and letting out another soft yawn. 

Her usual morning routine began. She shuffled into the bathroom, brushed her teeth with slow, sleepy movements, then washed her face to fully wake up. After that, she picked out her clothes for the day—something simple and comfortable since there were no academy lectures due to the two-day closure. Once she was dressed, Luna headed to the bath for a refreshing soak. The warm water helped chase away the last traces of sleepiness, and she felt rejuvenated.

By the time she was done with her morning routine, it was already 8:00 AM. Luna dried her hair with a towel, feeling more awake and ready for the day, though the academy was still quiet. It was the second day of the shutdown, so there were no classes, no hurried footsteps in the halls, just the peaceful calm of a free day.

"What should I do today?",Luna wondered to herself, her mind wandering back to the fun she had with Esdeath the day before. Maybe today would be another chance for something unexpected.

Just as Luna was wondering what to do with her day, the door opened, and Esdeath walked in. Her presence always seemed to fill the room with energy. Spotting Luna, she flashed a smile. "Oh, good! You're here. Let's eat together at the cafeteria," she suggested casually, as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

Luna's face lit up. "Let's go!" she agreed without hesitation. 

It didn't take them long to make their way to the cafeteria. The breakfast area was lively, filled with students enjoying their morning meals. Some were dressed in the academy's uniform, while others took advantage of the academy's temporary closure to wear casual clothes, making the atmosphere feel more relaxed. There were even students flaunting their expensive, branded outfits, using this chance to show off their wealth.

Luna and Esdeath didn't pay much attention to any of that. They grabbed their food and sat down together at a table near the center. Luna was genuinely happy to be eating with Esdeath, still feeling a bit surprised that a noble like her would want to spend time with someone like herher, Even though Esdeath was just a baron and Luna despite being a commoner was a merchant's daughter, They still are a noble and commoner. 

But Esdeath seemed distracted. As they began eating, Luna noticed Esdeath's eyes weren't focused on the food or their conversation. Instead, Esdeath kept scanning the room, her gaze shifting from one group of students to another. Finally, her eyes landed on a particular person sitting alone—a chubby girl with short, wavy vermillion hair and tanned skin.

It was Maruti.

Maruti, like Esdeath, was somewhat of a loner, but for different reasons. While Esdeath's presence commanded kind of respect (and sometimes fear), Maruti was an easy target for bullies. She sat quietly at a table, eating alone, her eyes downcast. But peace never lasted long for someone like her.

Just as Esdeath had predicted, a group of girls spotted Maruti and immediately saw her as an easy target. Mischief sparked in their eyes as they shared knowing glances. One of the girls, wearing a smug smile, casually walked past Maruti's chair. Without warning, she kicked the leg of chair, causing Maruti to lose her balance and crash to the ground.

The sound was loud—*BAM!* The heavy thud echoed through the cafeteria, making heads turn.

For a moment, there was silence. And then, it started—snickers and laughter from all around. 

"Hahaha! This fat bitch can't even handle her own weight!" one of the girls from the bullying group laughed loudly. Her friends joined in, their mocking laughter filling the room, and even some bystanders couldn't help but chuckle, not caring how cruel the scene was.

Maruti slowly turned her head towards the girl who had kicked her chair, her eyes flashing with anger for just a brief moment. But instead of acting on it, she quickly shifted her gaze away, knowing there was no point. She had been through this too many times before to think it would end any differently. Saying anything would only make things worse.

Without a word, she got back up, dusted off her clothes, grabbed her chair, and sat down again. Quietly, she resumed eating as if nothing had happened.

Esdeath watched the scene unfold, her face filled with disappointment. She let out a small, annoyed sigh. "Hmph... I can't stand people like this," she muttered to herself, her eyes still on Maruti. "They endure everything, thinking they're doing something noble, some heroic act of patience. Especially when they have the power to fight back."

Esdeath's sharp gaze examined Maruti. "She's an Awakened Barbarian," she thought, her mind analyzing every detail. "Even a regular barbarian has high strength, but she's Awakened. That means she's much stronger than most of the students here. And with that tall, sturdy body…" Esdeath, who was around 172cm tall, noted that Maruti must be at least 178 or 180cm, towering over most people, including herself.

"And that tanned skin… it's not natural. Someone, either her or someone else, must've used a bronze essence stone on her skin. If she wanted, one slap from her could knock those girls out cold." Esdeath clenched her teeth in frustration. "But no, these kinds of people never stand up for themselves. They lack the courage, and it's pathetic."

She shook her head, her disappointment clear as she refocused on her plate, trying to enjoy her meal despite the scene.

Meanwhile, the girl who had tripped Maruti wasn't done. She was still angry. "What's with that glare earlier, huh? You think you're sparing me by not fighting back?" she said, her voice dripping with arrogance. She took a few steps toward Maruti, her lips curling into a cruel smirk.

Without hesitation, the bully grabbed a dish of noodles, still dripping with gravy, and poured the entire plate over Maruti's head.

The room fell silent for a second as everyone stared, waiting for Maruti's reaction.

"Pfft... Now what are you gonna do? Fight me?" the bully taunted, her friends laughing hysterically at the humiliating scene. It seemed like another typical moment of cowardice from their victim.

But as the noodles and gravy dripped down her face, something in Maruti's expression shifted. She didn't look angry, sad, or even humiliated. Instead, her face was completely emotionless, as if none of it mattered. Her eyes were filled with a strange emptiness, not anger or sadness, but boredom—like she was completely tired of everything around her.

For a moment, even the bully seemed confused by Maruti's reaction. The usual mocking laughter around the room started to fade as everyone noticed her lack of response.

Maruti exhaled deeply. Then, without a word, she stood up from her chair, her face still blank and emotionless.

In a voice too low for anyone to understand, she muttered under her breath, "भाड़ में जाये सब..." (Fuck everything.)

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