Reborn as a rich woman: rich and leisurely

Chapter 495 Fresh Vegetables

Even she herself couldn't help but like such a sister, and was even proud to have such a sister.

"Mom said, how many days will you have a drink with me?" Lin Yan asked.

She had already been married once, and this time it was her second wedding and she didn't plan to have a big wedding, but she didn't expect that her sister would have a wedding party with her in a hurry.

Lin Jing nodded, "It's all what mom meant."

"So urgent?"

"It's a bit impatient." Lin Jing has always felt that her mother is not a very independent person. As far back as she can remember, she first listened to her father, then her grandma, then herself, and then her elder brother. Now the whole family must do this. Listen to her.

Lin Yan's eyes slowly fell on her belly and asked suspiciously: "Yes?"

Lin Jing almost choked herself with a sip of tea, "What did you say? Sister."

"Isn't that too hasty?" Marriage is a big event, and she is not afraid that her sister will steal her limelight. After all, she would not even want to hold a banquet for her second marriage if her mother had not insisted, so she just wanted to get married with two people.

But Lin Jing is the best child in the family, why does it have to be so simple? I still have to rush to be with myself.

Lin Jing was a little helpless, almost gritting her teeth and said: "What mom means is... I'm afraid of long nights and lots of dreams."

Lin Yan has not made any progress over the years, "He won't have other lovers abroad, right? If a man changes his mind when he meets someone new, he can't accept it."

It was rare for her sister to say something that a man who had changed his mind could not want. Lin Jing was very pleased.

Lin Jing: "No, mom is afraid that I... will change my mind."

Lin Yan looked at her deeply and said clearly: "That is indeed possible."

Lin Jing……

Lin Yan kept her residence very clean, but unfortunately there was no furniture in the house. She and Lin Rui only lived in the two rooms downstairs, making the whole building seem a bit empty.

The shed outside is just two bamboo poles and a few pieces of red, white and blue plastic film, with a square table placed underneath, which is very simple.

However, Lin Yan is better at living than she is. The vegetables in the yard are full of vitality and there are several types.

Seeing her sister looking at the vegetables in the yard, Lin Yan said: "You can pick more when you leave. If you don't finish the food at home, you can also let mom eat fresh food. Let me tell you, the ones you buy at the vegetable market are not as good as those picked at home." Fresh."

Lin Jing completely agreed. Look at the eggplants planted by his sister. They seem to reflect light. There are also cowpeas, cucumbers, loofahs, bitter melons, etc. They look festive when hanging down. I must pick more later.

"If you like it, I'll ask your brother-in-law to catch some more fish and take them back later. The fish in their pond are all fresh." Lin Yan looked at her sister's expression and immediately recommended a better one.

"Brother-in-law still raises fish?" Lin Jing's eyes were filled with stars. She had raised fish before, but she just couldn't keep them alive.

Lin Yan nodded. "Your brother-in-law built a fish pond, and those people who come to the countryside to play have to eat and drink."

"Can we fish?" Lin Jing asked.

"Fishing? If you want to eat, just ask your brother-in-law to catch it. There is a net at home." Most people wait until autumn to catch fish with a net. Sometimes, some people who know the water can touch it directly. Fishing is like this Nothing really happened.

"You can have it." Lin Jing suggested: "My brother-in-law has a fish pond at home and has opened a farmhouse where guests can fish by themselves. The fish caught can be weighed and sold. You can eat it on site or take it away. The price is better than what is sold in the market." Just be more expensive."

Lin Yan... "You don't have to pay management fees for what you catch in your own pond. How can it be more expensive than what's on the market?"

Lin Jing: "The fish sold in the market are all grown-up fish. The fish you catch in your own fish pond may be half-sized or small, so naturally they can be more expensive than those on the market."

Lin Yan... seems to make sense.

Lin Jing gave Lin Yan a bunch of suggestions, but Lin Yan didn't understand them very well, "How about I call your brother-in-law, he knows better than me."

Lin Jing had no objection, "He understands better than you and you have to listen. In the future, you two will definitely take care of this family together."

Lin Yan was a little embarrassed, "I don't understand anything, so naturally I listen to him. You also know that I have only learned some housework over the years, unlike you who have learned many things after studying in college."

"That's not the case." Lin Jing shook her head: "Don't you know how to set up a stall to make money now? What I said is not too difficult. If you know how to do it, just do it yourself. If you don't know how, ask your brother-in-law. Take your time. You can always learn something.”

"Besides, don't you still have Xiao Jian? You can also discuss it with him." Lin Jing has not forgotten that Lin Jian will also be a ruthless character decades later.

Even after his mother died and he grew up in Qian's family, he could have achieved a lot. There is no reason why he would achieve nothing now that his life is better.

If there are no conditions, there are no conditions. If there are conditions, it is also a good thing to give children more opportunities to experience.

"Besides, you also know that Qin Zichuan has studied abroad. He said that children from many families in Western countries start to develop business acumen from an early age. You said that it doesn't cost much to build a farmhouse here and toss in some new things. Even if you lose money, The family can also take care of everything, but raising a child is different, and it’s worth the money.”

Lin Yan had doubts about herself and her son, who was definitely the smartest child in the world. She insisted on keeping Lin Jing for dinner and asked her to repeat what she just said when Lin Jian was out of school...

Lin Jing: "Sister, I'm here to discuss the wedding banquet. Just say a few words casually and you can listen to me. There's no need to make it so formal."

Lin Yan didn't care about that, "My mother is responsible for weddings and banquets. I just listen to what you said. When Xiaojian comes back, you can say it again."

Lin Jing……

"We sisters haven't seen each other and chatted for a long time. Just wait here and I will pick a watermelon for you." Lin Yan is indeed Zhang Cuiying's biological child. When she is persistent about something, she is really persistent.

"Picking watermelons? Sister, have you planted watermelons?" Lin Jing's eyes lit up. She had never picked watermelons in the field. "I also need to go."

"It's hot. You stay at home and I'll go." Lin Yan said as she put on her straw hat. "It's not as hot as at home. It's this time and the weather is still so sunny."

Lin Jing found a straw hat for herself and wanted to go with her. "Although I have seen how watermelons grow on TV, I don't know what it feels like to pick them. I want to go too."

Lin Yan just smiled, "This is rare..."

Lin Jing held Lin Yan's arm enthusiastically: "Have I never seen the world? Sister, take me there quickly."

The two of them wore straw hats and went to pick watermelons in the field. The land belonged to the village. Lin Yan also rented a corner of the land for her son and planted some watermelons.

"Sister, how much is the annual rent for your land?" The land in Xiaowan Village is not connected in one piece. The larger areas are planted with rice, and the smaller areas are planted with vegetables and fruits. This small area is planted with rice. A deformed piece cannot even reach three points, and most people use it to grow vegetables.

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