Reborn as a rich woman: rich and leisurely

Chapter 467: Wait for them to come back in despair

Lin Yuan stood silently in front of the graves of his eldest brother and parents, with a deep helplessness and confusion in his eyes.

In the past, the biggest dream of people in Linjia Village was to have a few full meals and finally eat meat a few times throughout the year. Now these wishes can obviously be realized in the village, but everyone is leaving the village in droves to go out to work. .

A few years ago, I only heard that there were brave people in other villages who went out to work and made money, or were defrauded of their money, or were never heard from again. The family members were all inquiring about the news, both good and bad. People in the village I don’t know how long ago I heard the news, so I don’t dare to mess with it casually.

But after Lin Yun went to Qishi, the minds of the people in the village became more active. They all grew up in the same village. Why can't Lin Yun make money when he goes out, but they can't?

Fortunately at that time, the eldest nephew was working in the city. Even if the villagers went to work in his towel factory, they would only come back on the same day.

But last year Lin Yun went to Nandu to open a factory and attracted many people from the village.

Although there are some dirty things, most people in the village make money.

You can earn more than 2,000 yuan a year, which is much more than workers working in the city.

At this time last year, there were still many people farming in the village. As a result, when people who went to work in the city came back to spread the word, they all knew that working outside was easier than at home. They could earn a lot of money with food and accommodation included. After the Chinese New Year, everyone Everyone is out.

There are obviously fewer people in the village now. The only ones left are the elderly and children. Even half-year-old children have been taken out to work by their parents.

"You have forgotten your roots so much." Lin Yuan feels that farmers have forgotten their roots when they leave the land. “If farmers don’t farm, what will they do if they have no more land to farm in the future?”

He actually wanted to see the outside world, and being able to make money easily really made him excited.

However, he is the village chief in the village, and he will be nothing if he goes out. He doesn't want to lower his head and work for others. What is the difference between him and those people in the village?

Rather than going out to work to make money, he hoped that those who went out to work would return home and continue farming after suffering losses.

Lin Jing didn't say anything, she just said: "Everyone has his own ambitions, and everyone has his own ideas. It would be good to go out if you have the opportunity."

After speaking, he looked at Lin Zhong. Before Lin Zhong could speak, Lin Yuan couldn't wait to interrupt Lin Zhong's thoughts: "Your cousin is different from those who forget our roots. We are farmers and we have to farm in the village. What? If you just think about going out to make money if you don’t understand, you will definitely suffer losses in the future, and you won’t come back dejected by then.”

When Lin Yuan said this, there was a sour taste that he was not even aware of.

Lin Jing only said: "Second uncle, times have changed."

The times have changed.

Really changed.

Not only have many people in the village gone out to work, but some people have made money at home. After the implementation of the family planning policy, the girls in the village have also become different, and people's views on girls have also quietly changed.

The village used to have many strict rules for girls. It was not allowed to visit the graves of their parents, let alone their grandparents. But today, Lin Yuan came with Lin Jing and felt that it was a good thing that Lin Jing did not forget her roots.

As long as Lin Jing still remembers her father and grandparents, she will still remember that her roots are in Linjia Village.

She is a college student, and her eldest brother can also make money. Now he is attracting foreign investment. If the factory can be built in the future, people working in the village will be able to make money nearby, and there will not be so many people who can only meet during the Chinese New Year. .

After Lin Jing went to college, some people in the village also thought that girls could get into college and find a good job in the future.

There is a girl in the family who can study, and the villagers are willing to support her to go to high school.

Lin Jing remembers that when she was a child, girls in the village were always tied up in tedious housework and could not receive support and preferential treatment from their families like boys. The fields and homesteads in the village had nothing to do with girls. They were born to get married. , I am just a sojourner in my natal family.

Now, there are still no fields and homesteads for them in the village, but the outside world can tolerate them going out, and they will certainly have more choices in the future. Girls who have gone out to make money will have a different mood when they come back.

"You said that everyone has become like this, how can we survive in the future?" Lin Yuan thinks that the biggest problem is still a policy issue. How can rural people easily go to work in the city? "It used to be such a glorious thing to be a worker, but now you can be a worker if you have the skills. Do you think this is ridiculous?"

"Second uncle, times have really changed." Lin Jing said lightly. Nowadays, as long as you have a junior high school education, it is indeed easy to work in a factory.

In Lin Yuan's eyes, only the elders educate the younger ones, how can the younger ones educate the elders?

Right or wrong is not important, what is important is the rules.

Even if it is wrong, he sticks to his own rules, and even blames the country for not sticking to his own rules.

He wanted to go out to work but still stayed in the village. What he wanted more was to see those people who went out come back in disgrace one day.

Especially when he met Jia Dashen on the way home, Lin Yuan's feeling was even more strongly confirmed.

"Imagine how prosperous Yang Yuming was when he went out as the first college student in the village?

Especially when Jia Dashen moved, his nostrils were almost pointing to the sky. What was the result? Didn't you come back in a panic? "

"If life in the city is better than in the country, will people like her come back?

Just wait, those people who go out to work don’t know anything and will definitely come back if they can’t survive. "

Lin Shun originally said he would come back to celebrate the New Year last year, but he said he couldn't buy a ticket and didn't come back.

Lin Yuan estimated that he had a bad life outside, so he was too embarrassed to come back.

It's better to have a bad life. If he comes back one day when he really can't survive anymore, who in the family will be against him in the future?

Lin Jing really didn't expect that her second uncle would have such thoughts, and she couldn't help but be stunned.

"Don't other parents hope that their children will do well? Why do you still think that Brother Lin Shun will not do well?" Lin Jing really couldn't accept Lin Yuan's idea.

Lin Yuan said matter-of-factly: "I don't know about my son? He only has that little ability. He still has some strength to farm at home, and he can only do some hard work when he goes out. He hasn't learned his lesson when he was deceived last time, and he still thinks about the outside world." The colorful world!"

"Just wait. It won't be long before he can no longer survive. He will definitely know that a farmer's son should farm the land obediently in his life."

Lin Jing……

She didn't expect that Lin Shun had been deceived, but because of her second uncle's attitude, she decided to help Lin Shun when she returned.

As long as it is not mud, we must help him up and let his second uncle have a good look at how wonderful the colorful world outside is.

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