Reborn as a rich woman: rich and leisurely

Chapter 451 The Lin family is anxious

Lin Jing provides ideas, Song Xuebing draws designs, Lin Shun provides building materials, and recruits a few stable construction teams. If we can convince people in the courtyard to work together, it will definitely be a profitable business.

Uncle Song was listening on the side and thought it was too unreliable, "In such a big place, it takes a lot of effort to paint white walls, but also decorate it? People who have money to decorate have already gone to live in the buildings."

The large courtyard is different from the second-level courtyard where Lin Jing lives. There are as few as a dozen households in one courtyard and as many as dozens of households. If it is a public rental housing, there are hundreds of households in one large courtyard.

There are at least fifty or sixty people in a dozen households. With so many people crammed into a palm-sized area, even if it is illegally built, there is not much space left. Who has money to spend?

If anything happens, you can just knock a few boards with a hammer and solve it yourself. Few people are willing to pay anyone to decorate it.

Unless someone is married and has a wife, there are very few decorators like Lin Jing around.

Some of them were formerly wealthy families, and they were either rented out or had been renovated.

Lin Shun didn't think so. Although he was a businessman who went to promote, he had also seen many ordinary people. Some people's homes were small and crowded with no room to stay. Some people's homes were large and crowded with no room to stay. How could they live in the house? It's not comfortable, so it definitely needs to be renovated.

The most important thing is that he feels that the people in the imperial capital are very rich, while Uncle Song feels that the people living around him have little money and will not bother.

Uncle Lu, who was turning pale after drinking the porridge, said, "Just let the children take care of their own affairs. It's not your money that's being spent on them. Why are you blabbering here?"

Uncle Song... held it in for a while before saying, "Didn't Sister Jingjing ask me to come?"

Uncle Lu hummed, "I am calling you my eldest nephew."

Uncle Song insisted: "You also called me."

"What are you being asked to do? Are you being asked to collect scraps?" The comrade in Uncle Lu's eyes was just for teasing.

Uncle Song...

Lin Jing said: "Yes, in fact, everyone's home will be so crowded. In fact, many things are useless, and they are reluctant to throw them away. They take up space at home. If they are too crowded, they will naturally not feel the need to decorate."

"Let Uncle Song collect all the things that can be exchanged for money, and we will post some more so that they are not willing to throw them away."

Uncle Lu... "Your girl still has such an operation?" There are also people who pay to help others throw away garbage.

Lin Shun...Sister Jingjing is really rich.

Song Xuebing... I also learned it.

Whether you have money or not, how to do this business will definitely depend on the market and luck. However, during the Chinese New Year, everyone is at home, so it is easier to negotiate the renovation of small yards one by one at once.

You should also book building materials and other items early, as the prices of these items will increase rapidly after next month.

Lin Shun didn't hear anything else clearly, but he clearly understood that the price of building materials would increase rapidly. "While today is New Year's Eve, let's go to the building materials market to place an order."

Lin she so strong in execution? Lin Jing expressed admiration.

Zhao Ming: "At least we can wait until after the Chinese New Year, right?"

Lin Shun was a little excited: "You still don't understand business matters. Sometimes the market situation is very important. Come on, let's go get the money. Today we have all the goods that can be ordered."

"If we're lucky and the prices of these building materials really increase, we can still make a lot of money even if we don't receive any orders!"

"No, why are you going out just as you are talking? Today is the New Year's Eve, who will do business?" Lin Yun also felt that he was too hasty.

Lin Shundao: "Business is easy to do during the New Year's Eve. Everyone wants to go home to celebrate the New Year, so we have the opportunity to pick up some cheap things."

He wanted to do the building materials business, and he got to know people in this field and knew a little bit about beginners' skills. After coming to the imperial capital, although he was selling a single thing, he was actually doing business. He also found a lot of people to inquire about the market in order to open a store in the future.

Some people made money, some people lost money, and some people wanted to sell the warehouse but no one took it.

He had thought about taking it over before, but he didn't have that much money, so he didn't agree to pay part of it. "Originally, if you can get some money for the New Year, you'll get some money. Why don't you wait until I don't keep it for myself?"

The most important thing is that Lin Shun is a foreigner, and the other party cannot see the money and does not believe it.

Now that he has money, he naturally wants to try it.

Not to mention Lin Jie, even Uncle Song was shocked. He pushed Uncle Lu and said, "I thought your family was impatient. So is this the family tradition?"

Uncle Lu hummed and said, "My granddaughter is naturally the best."

Uncle Song... "It's almost the Chinese New Year, can you get so much money?"

It takes so long to wait in line at the bank.

What are you afraid of when there are so many people? Lin Shun took Zhao Ming to find someone, Tong Xiaoyu and Lin Jing went to get the money, and Uncle Lu himself took out two thousand yuan in cash: "I will also benefit from this business."

Uncle Song... "Where did you get so much money?"

Uncle Lu said: "I earned it myself."

Uncle Song didn't believe it.

Uncle Lu raised his eyebrows: "There is also Xiaojun's profit, and he also agreed."

Now that the discussion was completed, everyone did not waste time and acted separately. In order to prevent Lin Shun from being deceived, Lin Jing quickly drafted a contract for him and printed several copies: "At that time, just give him the name, quantity, and amount of the goods. Just fill it all in, and then you sign and fingerprint it and it’s done.”

"I'll go with him." If the suggestion given by Lin Jing is negotiated, Song Xuebing will definitely make a lot of money. He has also made a lot of money in the past year. He really wants to buy a better house and improve his living environment. As for the environment, if you go to each house to inquire, you can also get some useful information. If the order is placed, you can make a lot of money.

After decorating so many houses, he also has a general understanding of the materials used for decoration, and he can gain insights by following along.

As the person who contributed the money, Lin Yun naturally went to take a look.

"It's almost the New Year, why are you still going out?" Zhang Cuiying also felt that it was too sudden.

Lin Yundao said: "It's okay if you have nothing to do. I'll go take a look. It might be useful for renovating the house in the future."

Zhang Cuiying couldn't accept it anymore, "The house is so nice, you still want to decorate it?"

After all, no one was stopped.

It wasn't until the reunion dinner in the evening that Lin Jing realized why Lin Shun was so anxious for them to withdraw money.

With only 20,000 yuan, I actually bought a warehouse of goods.

The warehouse is rented, and the lease expires in July, and the rent is paid by the generous boss.

Not to mention that prices will rise sharply after March. Even if they don't rise, if you get these goods at such a cheap price and manage them a little better, you can still make two or three times the profit.

The other party also wanted a one-time payment, and it was stuck during the Chinese New Year, otherwise the transaction would not have been completed at such a low price.

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