Reborn as a rich woman: rich and leisurely

Chapter 113 Prepare to make money

Opening the big old iron door, Uncle Lu said to Lin Jing attentively: "Little girl, whatever you want to buy today, you can choose whatever I have here, and I will give you a discount."

Cheaper? ...Uncle, do you believe it yourself?

"Uncle, how much does it cost to buy all the things you have here?" After a few words of greeting, Lin Jing asked directly without going around the bush.

Uncle Lu's smile was a little stiff and his eyes were widened. "What do you mean? What do you want to do?"

Lin Jing said: "My eldest brother bought the towel factory. We want to take back this land."

Uncle Lu's face turned ugly for a moment, and he touched some of the cardboard boxes closest to him and said, "Give me some time and move them away after I've processed these things."

Lin Yun was shocked again. He didn't expect this old man to be so easy to talk to.

Uncle Lu obviously knew their concerns and said: "Don't worry, I know this land belongs to the towel factory. It is reasonable for you to take it back. But you have also seen it here. Old man, I don't have much money. The rent over the years has been Don’t even think about asking me for it.”

Lin Yun felt even more sad. If someone was as aggressive and aggressive as Zhang Xiaohua, he might feel better because he felt bad about them. They were willing to move away without saying a word, but he didn't know what to do.

Lin Jing was not so polite and asked, "You charged me two hundred a few days ago, how come you have no money?"

Uncle Lu's smile disappeared completely, "You little girl, you are really good at calculating. Come on, tell me how much the rent is, old man, I will give it to you."

"No, no need." Lin Yun had always said that his sister was right, but now he couldn't help it, "Uncle Lu, we can't help you, we just want..."

Lin Yun wanted to say that it was enough for them to demolish the wall and the garbage station could continue, but Lin Jing stopped him in time.

"You little girl, you pretend to be cute in front of your partner, but you don't pretend to be cute in front of my old man?" Uncle Lu joked angrily.

Lin Jing didn't want to explain at all. This kind of thing became darker and darker, and said: "I plan to be your leader in the future, why are you pretending?"

Uncle Lu's eyes widened: "What do you mean? Are you still relying on me?"

"The rent you owe to the factory is what you owe me. This is not called relying on you, this is called a reasonable request."

Uncle Lu frowned, "Today's young people..."

Lin Jing: "We are going to knock down these two walls. This road will be built to connect to the main road, and a parking area will be built in the remaining area. In the future, you will be responsible for charging when someone comes to park, and you will sell your labor to pay the rent."

Uncle Lu refused and shouted, "That won't work. What will I eat? Where will I live? Just tell me how much it will cost. I'll give it to you and see if it's available."

Lin Yun also felt that this condition was too harsh. He wanted to speak, but was stopped by his sister's eyes.

"Because you owe the rent in the factory, you can only get thirty yuan a month. You don't have a wife to allocate a dormitory to you. The state has already covered your medical insurance. You tell me, you need to pay for the money you owe." Don’t want to pay it back?”

Uncle Lu understood. This was a disguised form of giving him a place to live and paying him wages.

"I'm already so old, so if you invite someone, you should also hire someone younger."

Lin Jing said: "Young people are thin-skinned. When the time comes to charge for parking, it will be embarrassing to pay one or two cents. If the money cannot be collected, the factory will suffer a big loss."

"Besides, you are so old. If you come forward to charge, who would have the nerve not to pay?"

Uncle Lu...little girl, you obviously want to do good things, but why do you say so awkwardly?

But this job is different from the job arranged by the government specifically to take care of him. He can do this job.

Thirty yuan is a bit too much, but it's not too outrageous. What's wrong with him giving so much waste to others and taking advantage of it?

Uncle Lu regained his cheerful smile, "Sure, then I'll give you all the goods I have here."

Lin Jing looked at the piles of... rubbish... scraps...

The ability to make money opened the way, and the delivery of the towel factory went smoothly. In this era, it is so satisfying to have enough funds to squander.

The nights were long and the dreams were heavy. Lin Shun and the others were doing manual labor in the city. It was better to requisition them directly. The next day, Lin Ershan took some of them to the warehouse to open the door and simply decorate it, and some of them went to the garbage station to break down walls and open roads. Clean up waste.

Naturally, resigned employees cannot live in the dormitories in the factory. There are a few vacant rooms in the factory. Lin Jing arranged a single room on the first floor for Uncle Lu to live in. He collects scraps and furniture by himself, and repairs everything at home. .

By the way, I want to ask who needs furniture in the dormitory area. Cleaning a few pieces of furniture can save Lin Ershan some effort. After all, this thing is bulky and takes up space, and it takes effort to throw it away.

Thinking of what happened in her previous life, Lin Jing admired Uncle Lu for his ability to do well, not to go out of his way and not to make people uncomfortable. "Uncle Lu, you have a good rest these days and do whatever you want. I will let you do it later." You will be given employee clothes, but you cannot leave waste products in the employee dormitories.”

Uncle Lu didn't expect Lin Jing to be so efficient. The bedding was replaced with new ones, and he was very happy. "What waste? Those things can be recycled and reused."

Lin Jing emphasized: "You can use it but you can't move it to the dormitory."

The towel factory's goods are already overstocked in piles and piles, and no one wants them at all. Production is a loss. If we don't produce, how can so many people get paid?

Most workers in the factory are worried about where next month's wages will come from. When they were state-owned enterprises, their wages were in arrears for several months. Now that they are privately owned and cannot sell things, can they still get wages?

Taking breaks with wages is a benefit, while taking breaks without wages is a heartbeat.

Unexpectedly, the first thing the new factory director took over was to ask them to repair their clothes?

"If you have a sewing machine at home, bring it over. If you don't have one, borrow one. No matter what method you use, the female workers in the factory must get a sewing machine. The factory subsidizes each sewing machine with ten yuan a month, which is considered a rental. "

"In the next week, the most important task for everyone is sorting and repairing clothes."

Of course, it's not okay to get paid for nothing. She has so many clothes in her hands that it takes a lot of time to sort them. No one can be idle except Uncle Lu Towel Factory.

What's more, most of the clothes need to be repaired. Even the slightest flaws can be repaired by hand, which can be done by a female worker with slightly better skills.

For slightly larger defects, you can use a repair allowance. The towel factory's machines can embroider labels and patterns. With a little adjustment, you can directly produce the repair allowance, and then sew it on the defective area.

No matter how big the flaw is, it is usually a printing and dyeing error. If it is troublesome to deal with, it can only be dealt with at a low price.

In short, the weather in Qi City was still cold at this time, which was when woolen clothes, jackets and sweaters were selling well. Lin Jing sorted the clothes into categories, prioritized them, and repaired them before selling them.

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