Reborn as a rich woman: rich and leisurely

Chapter 111 Taking over the towel factory

"That's not true, but in recent times, I heard that there are workers who dismantle the machines in the factory and turn them into scraps in exchange for money. Forgive me, I cannot continue to accept such people, and it is impossible to pay them back wages," Lin Jing said.

She really doesn't dare to use high-priced machines without money to sell them as scraps to satisfy her own selfish interests. She is completely disregarding the law.

Otherwise, if one day the business fails and the factory needs to be sold, the boss will be in the front negotiating the sale, while he will be in the back selling scraps to make up for your loss and make you die faster.

"But I don't want these people to get in the way."

Director Liu was slightly relieved when he heard that she was not involved with most of the employees. It would be enough for a person like that to be sent to prison without hesitation. It would really not be a problem.

"Boss Jing makes sense. The machine has suffered losses, so the factory's price will naturally be lower." Director Liu took the initiative to take a step back.

It's not his asset. As long as the trouble can be solved and it's cheaper, he really doesn't feel heartbroken.

Lin Jing bought the towel factory for 350,000 yuan, including factories, warehouses, dormitories, and large tracts of land. Compared with the small profit of buying a house and demolishing it, the value of the towel factory is much greater.

There is still a dream, what if it comes true?

Unable to be a worker, Lin Yun found that he could actually be a factory director.

"Sister, why do you want me to be a legal practitioner?" Lin Yun felt that his sister was at a great loss. She bought a house with her own name and a factory to allow herself to be a legal practitioner.

Lin Jing said lazily: "I'm too lazy to go through those procedures."

Lin lazy is this?

"Besides, the legal person may not be the one in charge. If something happens and goes to jail, the legal person will take priority." Lin Jing said coolly.

Lin Yun...Sister, we are siblings from the same father and mother.


"You are not the director of the factory. The towel factory has been privatized. From now on, you will be the boss. Do you understand? Boss Yun."

Lin Yun...I understand, I just can't be idle.

The privatization of the towel factory was soon underway. She would lose money if she kept so much goods in her hands for a day. She had to complete the renovation of the factory as soon as possible, especially the row of warehouses along the street that needed to be transformed into storefronts in the shortest possible time.

The first step is to determine the management team. We were originally eating from the public sector, but as a result, there is no rice in the iron rice bowl and we can only work as employees of private companies. Many people are unbalanced and need someone to do ideological work.

It is impossible to produce towels anymore. They have rough printing and outdated styles. They are 90 years old. It is strange that the towels produced are still sold with half coils.

Her clothing store needs to modify a large number of clothes, coordinate management, and distribute work according to work.

Lin Jing found the two leaders and said to them with a smile: "If you can lead everyone to seek justice for yourself, you will definitely be able to lead everyone to run the towel factory, don't you think so?"

I've heard that the new factory director, no, the new boss is young, but I didn't expect him to be so young. Is he not yet an adult?

Yan Guangming and Zhao Liansong exchanged looks. They wanted to get their wages back, but they also didn't want to lose their jobs.

Already fired? The people who fired them all went to jail, so they didn’t count.

Country people envy city people, but in fact, country people don’t know the hardships of city people.

Living a comfortable life with a job in the city, but without a job, it is really difficult to make ends meet. After all, no matter how poor the country people are, as long as there is a harvest in the fields, they will not starve to death, and they basically don’t need firewood or vegetables. money.

If people in the city don't have jobs, they have nothing but starvation.

Although they also know that if they take the lead, they will definitely be the focus of retaliation.

But someone has to come forward to do anything, especially the leaders of the factory who didn’t know who delivered the incriminating evidence to their doorsteps.

It was unbearable in the first place, but it became even more unbearable in the end.

If it weren't for the memory of her previous life, Lin Jing would definitely not have tried to force the leadership team of the towel factory. Mr. Lin would not mind spending money on things that could be solved with money.

The only blame is that Lian Shenglin's group of people are too greedy. Such a small factory can embezzle nearly one million in assets, and they are greedy and greedy.

An employee in the factory couldn't even get the most basic salary, but he could send his son abroad. She didn't want to give money to such a person. She could only give him a new life with food and accommodation without being corrupt and corrupt.

If she hadn't been reborn, she wouldn't have hired Yan Guangming and Zhao Liansong.

These two will not be said to be influential figures in Ming Province in the future, at least they will be ranked as business tycoons in the business world, and their reputation is not bad.

She is in need of someone right now, and the talent is right in front of her. How could she miss it?

The things that people were forced to do did not violate the law, so Lin Jing made corrections to the two bosses herself.

The towel factory is not big, with only three production workshops. Excluding the related households recruited by Lian Shenglin, there are only 57 employees who work hard, and various team leaders, section chiefs, deputy section chiefs, directors, There are 28 people including deputy directors, factory directors, deputy factory directors, leaders’ secretaries, drivers, etc. It would be unreasonable for a factory like this not to close down.

But it didn't matter, she was originally interested in the land of the towel factory, and the personnel in the factory could be adjusted.

"Boss Jing, just say what you want to do. We are all forced." Yan Guangming was made uncomfortable by Lin Jing and wanted to take the initiative to break this situation.

"If you want to fire us, we will have no problem with it, but the arrears of wages from the previous factory must be settled." The child at home is sick and needs money, and Zhao Liansong needs money urgently now.

We will talk about whether there is work or not later. The biggest thing is to solve the immediate matter first.

Lin Jing has money, and the person who contributed the money is not in a hurry, and said: "The settlement of wages is something that was agreed in advance, but now that the personnel and finance section chiefs in the factory have gone in, even if I use the money to settle everyone's wages, it will still be necessary." It’s just a charter, you can’t just give me five months’ salary for an individual, right?”

This makes sense. There are so many of them, and the back wages cost more than 10,000 yuan. No one would spend so much money on a whim.

Zhao Liansong said hurriedly: "It's not a big deal. Although they went in, the people working below are still there. We can send the salary payment form to you in the afternoon."

Lin Jing said there was no problem, "In addition to the salary schedule, there is also an employee information sheet. I also need a copy here. At the same time, the factory's existing fixed assets, main products, production timeliness and costs, as well as the contracts that are still in the contract period, have been I need a list of partners, etc.”

Zhao Liansong and Yan Guangming exchanged another look. They were planning to be fired when their wages were paid, but the new boss told them so many things. What kind of medicine was sold in the gourd?

"What?" Lin Jing raised her eyebrows slightly. "is it hard?"

"Boss Jing, what do you want us to do?" Zhao Liansong really didn't understand what she meant.

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