Reborn as a Ghost Rider

Chapter 12: Bloodline 2 of 3

She opened the box and carefully pulled out the grimoire. The book was sinister in appearance. Its white leather cover gleamed faintly, and the clasp, shaped like a skull, seemed to glare directly at Johnny.

"And what is this?" he asked evenly, though he felt the searing heat of the Spirit of Vengeance stirring within him.

Melissa crossed her arms, her lips curling into a devilish smile.

"The magnum opus of my life," she replied with relish. "The true history of the Ghost Riders."

Johnny reached for the clasp, but Naomi placed a firm hand on his shoulder.


"Why not?" Johnny narrowed his eyes.

Melissa smirked.

"Try to unlock it, and you'll be torn apart by a biblical golem. A small precaution to keep strangers from pawing my property." She ran her fingers over the cover. "The leather from the scapegoat. Pure biblical symbolism. Perfect for a treatise on vengeance." She tapped the skull-shaped clasp with pride. "Made from the jawbone of Samson. You'd be surprised how much symbolism can fit into one book."

"Maybe had enough bragging?" Naomi asked, crossing her arms.

"My mistress," Melissa replied calmly. "Surely I'm entitled to some self-expression. When else will I have the chance to enlighten Master Jonathan about the history of his lineage?"

"Johnny," Naomi said softly, drawing his attention. "Do you remember the biblical story of Cain?"

"Of course," he nodded. "Cain killed Abel because he was jealous that God accepted his brother's offering but rejected his. After that, God cursed him to wander the earth."

Naomi shook her head.

"That's the distorted version. The story has been twisted over time, as it always is. The truth is different."

Johnny raised an eyebrow.

"And what's the truth?"

"Cain didn't kill Abel out of jealousy," she said, her voice lowering and taking on an unusual depth. "He did it to avenger at God. He attacked where it hurt most—His favorite. It wasn't just murder; it was defiance. Cain became the first avenger on Earth."

"And that attracted…" Johnny began, but his mother cut him off.

"The Spirit of Vengeance. Cain was cursed, but that curse made him the perfect vessel. They became the ideal pair. Thus, the first Ghost Rider was born."

For a moment, silence filled the room.

"We're Cain's descendants?" Johnny asked, his tone steady as always.

Naomi lowered her gaze for a moment, then nodded quietly.

"His curse runs in our blood."

"Don't be so dramatic, my mistress," Melissa's voice suddenly interjected. She was sitting on a stack of boxes, a faint smile on her lips. "Cursed blood gives its bearers incredible advantages."

"Like what?" Johnny asked.

"Unnatural endurance, exceptional willpower, an increased tolerance for pain, and an innate drive for vengeance," Melissa began listing, looking at him as though observing a successful experiment. "It's no surprise most of Cain's descendants end up in law enforcement."

"That explains my role on the disciplinary committee," he said aloud, then turned to his mother. "What about you? Do you have these traits?"

Naomi opened her mouth to respond, but Melissa interrupted with a loud scoff.

"Mistress Naomi is merely a half-blood. You, on the other hand, young master, are the embodiment of the purest lineage."

Melissa stepped closer and held out a mirror, her amber eyes gleaming.

"There's one way to prove it."

"And what am I supposed to see?" he asked, holding the mirror.

Melissa took out a candle, lit it, and brought it near his face.

Johnny looked into the mirror, and in his pupils, a fiery skull blazed—the Spirit locked in its human cage.

"Unmasked," he said firmly, like a soldier. "I'll have to avoid candles."

"Smart boy," Melissa approved.

Johnny set the mirror aside, his expression thoughtful as he asked, "Cain lived millions of years ago. How did his blood end up in me?"

Melissa smiled, adjusting the lace on her dress.

"You can thank me for that, darling. Only through my painstaking efforts was this precious bloodline preserved."

"I know how biology works, how selective breeding operates," Johnny frowned, looking at Naomi. "Does that mean my father… is your blood relative?"

"A very distant relative!" she snapped, shooting a sharp look at Melissa. "It's not exactly pleasant to realize I met my future husband because of some vile manipulations."

"Manipulations?" Melissa repeated with feigned surprise. "Mistress Naomi, you got a loving husband, wonderful children, and a cozy shop. And yet, I'm still the villain? Where's the fairness in that?"

Naomi seemed ready to retort, but Johnny wasn't interested in witnessing their debate.

"Who are you, really?" he asked, locking eyes with Melissa's amber gaze.

Melissa turned to him, raising an eyebrow slightly.

"Do I have to answer?" she asked, glancing at Naomi.

"Yes," Naomi said, activating the magical collar on Melissa's neck. A vengeful smile spread across Naomi's face. "Or you'll spend the weekend volunteering at a shelter full of screaming, smelly children."

"Punishing a helpless maid? My mistress, you are definitely a descendant of Cain," Melissa quipped. She turned back to Johnny and said, "I am the Serpent of Temptation. The very one from the Garden of Eden."

Johnny nodded, showing no surprise.

"And how did you end up like this?"

"After Adam and Eve were exiled, the Garden got boring," Melissa began, her voice lazy but with a fiery gleam in her eyes. "They were so… pathetic. I slithered out beyond the garden and saw the world. Humans were foolish but full of passion. They sold their souls for the most trivial pleasures. It was delightful. I quickly realized that souls were currency. The more you had, the higher your status." She smiled, adjusting the lace on her dress. "Over millennia, I climbed so high that my throne of bones shone brighter than the stars. I was a queen of one of Hell's circles, though it came at a price." She carelessly adjusted a curl of her hair. "Among demons, a feminine form isn't taken seriously enough. So, I decided that 'Mephisto, the great King of Hell,' sounded far more convincing. Demons are fools but easily swayed by appearances. Alas, now I must settle for a less fearsome image. But it's closer to my original nature."

"You're such an optimist, Melissa!" Naomi said with a grin.

"I wouldn't have become a queen of Hell if I didn't use every advantage," the maid replied proudly.

"Tell me about the Spirit of Vengeance," Johnny demanded, striving to keep his tone calm.

Melissa picked up the grimoire, her movements unusually graceful, as if she were handling something sacred rather than a mere book. Her hellish fingers slid over the skull-shaped clasp, which opened with a soft click.

"Only in your hands, huh?" Johnny muttered, watching the process.

"Naturally," Melissa replied with a hint of superiority. "This is my work, my story, and only I can unveil it."

Melissa opened the grimoire with a crackle, like the sound of burning wood. The parchment beneath her fingers shimmered with a strange light, almost as if it were alive. As she turned the page, a fiery skull illuminated the room, glowing so brightly it seemed to light up the entire warehouse.

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