Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 83: Soul attack

The bald old man brandished his twin blades with a bloodthirsty gaze, he turned towards his soldiers and spoke and loud voice. "Leave the close-quarter combat to me! Everyone support me from behind!" He quickly barked a set of orders, as I watched with an intrigued gaze, the soldiers moved with discipline as they made a formation of sorts surrounding us.

'Hmm, how arrogant, does he think he can handle me all by himself? I don't know about this support he is talking about, but If it's those flimsy arrows then It's not going to work,' I frowned, my blood boiled in anger as I felt myself being underestimated.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down before I instantly lunged towards the soldiers to my right. I used my wings to help boost my speed and almost instantly reached them, with a swift claw slash a few dozen unfortunate souls dropped dead.

Before I could continue, however, the old man hastily moved to block my attack with his swords, protecting his men. "Fall back! What did I tell you, from the back damn It!" He yelled as my attack set him flying. Surprisingly though, he seemed relatively unharmed.

'Hmm, I sense a peculiar power surrounding his body,' I noted. His twin blades were glowing, a dangerous aura enveloped them causing me to frown. 'It seems like mana, but then there's something else with it,' My frown deepened as I felt the strange power to be somewhat familiar.

'Where have I felt that before?' I wondered. The old man moved nimbly as he twisted his body mid-air and landed on his feet while stabbing his blades on the ground to stop himself. His soldiers heeded his command and moved further back.

I was about to lunge forward towards them once again, when his speed seemed to double, appearing almost instantly before my face. I was momentarily surprised at his sudden attack, yet still managed to raise my claw to protect my face.

A tinge of pain caused me to growl as he left a small gash on my palm. He was smart, as soon as his attack landed, he swiftly retreated out of my range. "Now!" He yelled, to which the sky was once again blotted by a sea of glowing arrows.

I instantly summoned another water shield causing them to lose their momentum and fall harmlessly to the ground. Yet as soon as I removed my shield, the old man almost instantly reappeared once again as If he had been waiting for me.

This time, he aimed at my left wing, I managed to narrowly dodge his blow, yet one of his swords grazed my side cutting a scale off. An enraged roar escaped my mouth as I was about to lunge forward towards him, he again retreated and ordered the rain of arrows to be launched.

"Enough!" I growled, my voice reverberating like thunder in everyone's ears as the ground below me turned into ice, with me at its center, the temperature in the battlefield quickly dropped to freezing levels with the ground turning into a complete ice land.

The ice crawled towards the soldiers instantly turning them into Ice statues, freezing them to death in their spots. To my surprise, a few of the strong ones managed to somewhat resist while using that strange power, the mages that hovered in the air were still fairly unharmed, while the old man seemed unconcerned.

His entire body was glowing brightly, as his large beard moved about with the wind. He stood with his back proud while staring at me with eyes full of defiance. "Interesting looks like not all of the humans are weak," I said as my mouth curled upwards.

I must have looked like a demon that crawled from hell for the surviving soldiers, as I could see them shivering in fear. The city now appeared as If It was in the middle of winter, with all its frozen buildings and low temperature. I didn't mind, quite the opposite very much enjoyed the cold.

The humans, however, not so much. "Go back from where you came from dragon! We have never done anything to offend you!" Yelled the old man. Although he was standing with his back straight, seemingly fearless, I could sense his worried emotions, us dragons were quite sensitive to that.

This just caused my grin to widen as I licked my sharp teeth and opened my mouth to speak. "Dragons never forget, It might not have been you, but It was your people! And so I came here to settle our debt, prepare yourself human,"

The old man gulped as he took a defensive stance, he must have been thinking that I was going to attack him head-on. 'Hmph, why should I,' I reached out to the mana as a water ball suddenly appeared around his head.

This caused him to panic for a second before he used his strange power to nullify It, yet that moment was all I needed. I closed my eyes and reached out to my soul space, the old man's gaze instantly turned into a horrified one for the first time.

Like a raging ocean, my soul space lunged towards him promptly swallowing him inside. The soldiers only saw their commander's face turned white in fear before he dropped limply to the ground. I was extremely careful in attempting a soul space attack, since should anything go wrong, I would be quite simply fucked.

Hence why I used the moment when the commander's guard was down to instantly launch my attack. He was not expecting it, and so was unable to defend against it. Inside my soul space, a very confused, and very scared old man was standing in the middle of blue world.

"What is this?! Where am I?!" He yelled while clutching his twin swords lightly in his hands. I was feeling quite satisfied now that his previous calm demeanor was broken, I instantly appeared before him with a wide grin.

The old man let out a roar and was about to lunge forward towards me when suddenly, his blades disappeared. My body turned into water, disappearing from my place and reappearing behind him.

"Where are you looking at?" I calmly asked. The old man screamed and stumbled to the ground in fear. "What are you?!" He yelled while pointing at me with his shaking finger. I frowned, and with but a thought, his finger was broken.

"Aghh!!" He wailed in pain, with wide-open eyes as he stared at his broken finger in shock.

"You are too loud, quiet down," I ordered, and just like that his voice was gone. The old man looked at me as if I was a devil from hell, his body was constantly shaking in fear seemingly on the verge of passing out.

"Do you understand now? I was merely playing with you, we are on different planes of existence so don't you ever think that you can fight a dragon little one," I said with a grin. This seemed to be the final straw as the old man began to scream uncontrollably before he passed out. He was already broken.

With my job done, I blinked back into reality. The commander's body woke up as well yet his eyes were blank, he was staring at the sky and began screaming. "Please stop! Please! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I was wrong! Please! Aagh!" His soul was already broken, I didn't kill him but he was essentially crippled.

With their commander like this, the surviving soldiers instantly lost their will to fight, some attempted to run away while others simply collapsed on their spot. 'My, I didn't expect the right of passage to be this fun!'

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