Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 11: The Werewolf

'Behind his serpentine glare, in a language carved before the age of Gods and Goddesses, hides the mind of the Dragon King, the first beast of the world, the monster of the darkened cave. He shall return once more and shroud the continent in eternal darkness, for he cannot abide our words. He seeks to end all that we are and prevent anything we could be. This is the way of dragons and seek not to make him what you are.' —The prophecy of the Dragon King.


I feel the tension as I hear the intensity in his growl, the Werewolf quickly retreated behind the trees, his large body disappeared from my sight as if he was merely a part of the shadow world.

My eyesight which I prided myself in moments ago seemed completely useless now as the large body of the monster vanished into the sea of green. My heart thumped loudly in my chest as my eyes kept darting left and right.

'Where is he?' My mind went into overdrive as I scanned the forest for the monster. Had it not been for his occasional low growls, I would have without a doubt made the mistake of thinking he was already gone.

'I'm being hunted.' For some reason, the thought of that made my blood boil with unfamiliar rage.

A useless sense of pride seemed to overtake me, 'How could I a mighty Dragon be hunted by the likes of a Werewolf?!' That was what my body, what my instincts screamed at me.

I had retreated to the banks of the river as I faced the row of trees anticipating the monster's attack, there was simply no reason for me to rush like my idiot brother when the opponent was clearly faster and had the advantage of the terrain.

My body, however, had a mind of its own. My paws unconsciously took a step forward, instead of waiting for him to come, I would go! 'No one hunts a Dragon!'

My rational mind screamed at me that this was a bad decision, my instincts disagreed. And so I simply continue with the flow as I forcefully calmed my anxious mind.

The excitement of my first hunt quickly numbed my feeling of fear and overtook my body filling me with a strength unlike any I felt before. I scanned the woods before me yet still failed to catch a glimpse of my opponent, it seems he was also rather reluctant to attack.

'If I can't see him, then surely I can smell him.' With my nose raised high, I sniffed the air as various scents assaulted my nostrils, trees, flowers, more trees, more flowers, grass, a sudden shiver ran down my spine at the horrendous smell that seemed to be heading my way.

Without thinking, I hurriedly jumped back just in time as the Werewolf pounced out from behind a tree and into the place where I once stood with open jaw.

Seeing as how he missed, a glint of surprise flashed through his intelligent eyes as he turned to retreat. It was then that my body moved unconsciously.

I quickly swooped towards the monster while using my wings to boost my speed as I glided through the air for the first time in my life, an enraged roar escaped my lips shocking the werewolf, as he hastily raised his clawed palm to intercept my attack.

For a second, time seemed to slow down as I drew closer, I could see his eyes widening as I twirled my body mid-air and attacked using my spiked tail. Although my Draconic instincts seemed to want nothing but rip the Werewolf into pieces, my mind still hesitated to use my jaw or claws against him as I feared his longer range of attack and so I ended up using my tail.


My attack collided with his clawed paws as the monster was sent hurling through the air before he heavily crashed against a tree with a loud thud. I was momentarily surprised at the strength behind my attack as I did not expect it to go all that well.

That single moment of distraction, however, proved to be almost fatal, as soon as he crashed, the Werewolf let out a yelp of pain before rushing towards me without any rest, his gaze turned crimson as he lost all signs of intelligence from his eyes.

His sudden attack came all too fast as I barely managed to dodge the first claw strike by narrowly moving my head to the side, it was then that the monster lunged for my neck with his opened jaw.

I panicked for a second at the sight of his sharp yellowed teeth as they closed in on me and hurriedly sent a claw strike in retaliation to keep him at bay.

Faced with my attack, his body twisted with inconceivable agility as he swerved out of the way of my strike. I barely managed to scratch the side of his face, yet that was enough to draw blood as my claws were incomparably sharp.

The Werewolf did not seem to care about his injury as he continued with his assault, his large maw managed to bypass my defense and closed on my shoulder.

"Rawr!!" A cry of pain escaped my mouth as the Werewolf's sharp teeth penetrated my scales.

With his maw clamped on my shoulder, the monster shook his head left and right as he tried to rip my shoulder to pieces which only served to aggravate the pain.

My eyes turned red with rage as I sunk my teeth into the back of his neck with a sickening crunch. I easily pierced his thick fur as warm blood gushed out into my mouth and face as my vision turned scarlet.

His body shuddered for a second before he used his claw to tear at my stomach trying to get me to release my death clutch. With the adrenaline pumping in my veins, his strikes only served to enrage me even further as I brought my clawed paws and wrapped them around his back before digging into his flesh, tearing away at his fur and flesh.

It was a battle of perseverance to see who would last the longest, and I sure as hell would not be the one to lose!

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