Rebirth: Shorting the pound, Yang Mi calls me daddy

Chapter 001

1992, US Empire, New York, Nasdaq Exchange.

Fell! Fell!

A young white man, about forty years old, clenched a fist in one hand and was waving his fist crazily, with an extremely excited expression on his face.

Behind the white man is a Chinese man in his early twenties, young and handsome.

Li Yilian looked at the electronic screen in front of him and couldn’t help but smile.


We started making plans two years ago, and now, now, it’s finally time to harvest.

And in front of us, the exchange rate of the pound has begun to plummet rapidly.

A large amount of capital is pouring into Europe, in the form of Quantum Fund The international capital led by them is frantically harvesting the British.

The pound has depreciated, and they are frantically selling off the pounds in their hands.

The attackers, international speculators represented by Soros’s Quantum Fund, have accumulated the money accumulated for several months with lightning speed. The chips were thrown out at the same time, and the crowd tactics were used to cooperate with the media’s overwhelming momentum!

In addition, many factors fueled the shorting of the pound, and they directly started a hand-to-hand battle with the Bank of England!

The Bank of England did not show weakness, and raised interest rates twice in one day. to 15%. On the other hand, the Bank of England used foreign exchange reserves worth US$26.9 billion to purchase a large amount of pounds sold by Soros in order to stabilize the exchange rate.

European central banks also joined the fray and injected tens of billions of pounds in financial support. Sterling.

However, this time, Great Britain is doomed to fail.

Market confidence is shaken, the general trend is established, and the exchange rate trend cannot be changed at will. As the backbone of Britain’s national defense, the Bank of England’s continuous interest rate hikes are not only unable to turn the tide, On the contrary, it triggered a bearish mentality in the market, and the pound was unable to hold its head high in the face of the massive sell-off.

The pound plummeted thousands of miles away, and corpses were everywhere. Li Yilian had been preparing for this day for two years.

In 1990, he studied abroad.

After betting on the World Cup and accumulating enough capital,

Li Yilian quickly began to prepare to short the pound. Not long ago, the European Community wanted to establish the euro. The establishment of the euro was indeed a bumpy road. It was established to challenge the US dollar. The US imperialism definitely No.

The euro has joined the European Monetary System, and the pound must be pegged to the mark. There is a lower limit, so it can only float within the limits of the exchange rate mechanism, and its hands are tied. We are in a dilemma. If the pound depreciates, it is very likely to exceed the exchange rate lower limit. , then it will break away from the European monetary system, declare the failure of the British foreign exchange policy, and the government will lose the support of the people.

If the pound does not depreciate, the exchange rate will be overvalued, and capital will vote with its feet, foreign exchange reserves will continue to bleed, and the consequences will be serious.

However, Britain This kind of dilemma is simply a serious fattening for Soros and other financial giants.

This bite directly led to the collapse of the pound.

Among them, the size of Soros’s Quantum Fund jumped from 15 billion US dollars to 19 billion US dollars, and several Months later, it grew to US$22 billion, making a whopping US$7 billion. After this battle, Soros transformed into a world-class super-rich man.

One general succeeds, and thousands of people die. The Wall Street market has always been a zero-sum game. Some people make a lot of money. Someone must have suffered a big loss. Soros and others have made a lot of money, and it is the British taxpayers who are paying for it.

It is estimated that this time it cost the British taxpayers 33 billion pounds of wealth!

All of this money was mainly used by the US imperialists. international speculators made money.

They were not optimistic, but for Zhou Yang now, that was simply not too optimistic. On

September 16, Britain withdrew from the European exchange rate system, known as”Black Wednesday” in history.

Li Yilian immediately sold his Sterling.

He had been waiting for this day for two years, and it was not until the beginning of this year that he officially started short selling. For this move, he hired a large number of financial geniuses and legal geniuses.

In order to make yourself pay less tax, it is best to bypass many restrictions.

This is an American emperor. Once you do it yourself, you will definitely make a lot of money, but you will also have to face a lot of troubles. Lawyers and financial experts are needed.

After extremely detailed calculations.

Paul Walker on the side looked at Li Yilian with great excitement:”Boss, we have made a lot of money this time. After taxes, our profit is this amount!””

As he spoke, Paul Volcker excitedly gestured with a number.

1.5 billion – U.S. dollars!

At present, the exchange rate between China and the United States is 8.6187 yuan for 1 U.S. dollar.

It is close to 129 yuan. 100 million soft sister coins.

Overall, Li Yilian is very satisfied with this figure. After all, Soros earned more than 7 billion U.S. dollars, while he directly earned 1.5 billion U.S. dollars. It is quite good.

Although in his own hands, I have accumulated a large amount of capital, but with the capital in my hands, if I don’t know the direction of history, how can I compare with Soros?

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