Rebirth: Recovering My Treasure Girl

Chapter 38 Jianghu rescues

After class, some classmates deliberately came over to comfort Chen Yang, telling him not to be discouraged. In fact, they were gloating at the joke.

Chen Yangsheng held his chin helplessly, looked at the two bright red Arabic numerals on the test paper, and finally couldn't help but sigh in frustration.

To be honest, Chen Yang actually wanted to study hard after his rebirth, because he always regretted that he failed to get into college.

But unfortunately, a lot of high school knowledge is too far away from him. At present, only Chinese, English, history, geography and other subjects are better. As long as he is willing to study hard and memorize, he should still be able to keep up.

But mathematics, physics and chemistry are different. It has been lost for more than 20 years and now it is impossible to pick it up overnight. What's more, Chen Yang's foundation is not very solid.

Seeing that Chen Yang was in a bad mood, He Jianjun did not go out to play and chose to stay with him.

"Chen Yang, how did you get such a low score this time?" He Jianjun was very confused: "You have always been good at chemistry! No matter how you took the exam in the past, you could always pass. Why did you fail so badly this time? "

Chen Yang didn't speak, but sighed helplessly.

Because he couldn't answer this question at all, could he tell He Jianjun that I was a reborn person and that I had passed the exam like this because I hadn't touched a textbook in more than 20 years?

A few seconds later, He Jianjun said again: "It's really strange. Your chemistry suddenly got worse, but your Chinese suddenly got better. You can write such a good composition. I really don't understand!"

"Okay, stop talking, I want to be quiet." Chen Yang said.

He Jianjun originally wanted to say something boring like "Who is Jingjing?", but after thinking about it he didn't say it, shrugged and walked out of the classroom.

The last class in the afternoon is a self-study class.

Some people are doing homework and studying. The representative figures are Ye Shiqi, Li Nana, and Zhou Lin.

A few people were reading extracurricular books or chatting secretly, and He Jianjun was one of them.

There are also a very few who are doing other things, such as Jenny Wu.

As soon as the self-study class began, she listened to the music on MD. When she heard something exciting, she would occasionally hum along. Even if she went off-key and made the classmates next to her laugh, she didn't care and was still immersed in her own music. world.

As for Chen Yang, he changed his usual style of chatting and playing in self-study classes and actually wrote the homework left by Liu Changsheng for the first time.

The reason is simple. Chen Yang was deeply shocked by the score of 16 points, so he wanted to work hard and improve his studies.

But contrary to expectations, all the enthusiasm and enthusiasm were exhausted in a short time, because he couldn't do any of these tasks!

Chen Yang scratched his head and worried secretly: What should I do? This can't go on like this!

After a while, Chen Yang suddenly thought of someone. Didn't she get a score of 90 in chemistry? You can definitely help yourself.

As soon as he thought of it, Chen Yang quickly took the textbook and homework, left his seat and went to Zhou Lin's side.

"Zhou Lin." Chen Yang bent down and shouted softly into Zhou Lin's ear.

"Ah!" Zhou Lin exclaimed.

Zhou Lin was concentrating on her homework just now and didn't even notice Chen Yang coming over. The sound scared her so much that she almost jumped up.

Zhou Lin's cry immediately attracted everyone's attention, including squad leader Ye Shiqi.

"I'm sorry, I accidentally scared you. I have something to ask you for help. Do you think it's okay?" Chen Yang hurriedly apologized and explained his purpose.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Lin covered her heart, trying to calm her frightened little heart.

Before Chen Yang could speak, he heard Ye Shiqi's voice from the front row: "Chen Yang, what are you doing? You can't move around in class. Go back to your seat quickly."

Ye Shiqi still had a condescending tone.

As the squad leader, if she saw someone walking around casually in self-study class, she would definitely not let it go.

Chen Yang immediately raised his head and lowered his voice to explain: "Monitor, there are a few questions I can't answer, so I'll just ask them and I'll be fine soon!"

Seeing that Chen Yang actually had the textbook and homework in his hand, Ye Shiqi thought for a moment and then said, "Hurry up, it won't be good when the teacher comes. Also, keep your voice down and don't disturb other students."

"Yes, yes, thank you squad leader for being so accommodating." Chen Yang thanked with a smile and turned to look at Zhou Lin.

When the students around him saw that Chen Yang was only asking about study matters, they immediately lost interest. They all looked away and continued to do their own things.

Zhou Lin's face couldn't help but heat up because of Chen Yang's sudden arrival, and she said in a panic: "Chen Yang, you'd better ask someone else. It's not... inconvenient for you to stand here like this... ....”

Chen Yang patted the book he brought, then clasped his hands together and said with an urgent expression: "Jianghu, help me, today's homework is too difficult, please teach me, please!"

Zhou Lin thought for a while and asked, "Which question do you not know how to answer?"

Chen Yang immediately opened the textbook, pointed at it and said: "This question...this question...and these questions..."

Zhou Lin was immediately speechless, thinking that Teacher Liu had given so many homework assignments, but you couldn't do any of them.

Zhou Lin was a little embarrassed and said in a low voice: "But I can't finish these questions at once. It's not a problem for you to stand and listen all the time."

"Self-study class is okay." Chen Yang didn't care, he just wanted to understand his homework now.

Zhou Lin didn't know what to say. After thinking about it, she shook her head and signaled Chen Yang to go back to his seat first and wait until get out of class was over.

Chen Yang had no patience to wait until get out of class was over, so he reached out and patted Jenny Wu, who was deeply intoxicated in the music.

Ever since Chen Yang came over, Jenny Wu had been enjoying the music with her eyes closed, completely unaware that Chen Yang was here.

Jenny Wu, who was intoxicated, suddenly felt someone tapping her shoulder, so she opened her eyes, turned around and saw that it was Chen Yang.

Jenny Wu was a little surprised, and hurriedly took off her earphones and asked, “What are you doing here?”

Chen Yang motioned to Jenny Wu to keep her voice down, and then whispered: “Jenny Wu, I don’t know how to do some homework, and I want to ask Zhou Lin to teach me, but it’s not convenient to stand like this, how about I change seats with you temporarily, okay? "

When Zhou Lin heard what Chen Yang said, she hurriedly turned around and winked at Jenny Wu, meaning you must not agree.

Jenny Wu immediately noticed Zhou Lin's abnormality. She first looked at Chen Yang, then looked back at Zhou Lin. After a few seconds, she suddenly nodded and said: "Okay!"

Zhou Lin was stunned at that time, she never thought that Jenny Wu would agree.

"Thank you!" Chen Yang was very happy and thanked him hurriedly.

Just when Jenny Wu stood up and was about to change seats, Zhou Lin suddenly grabbed her and shouted anxiously: "No!"

Although the sound was not very loud, the students on the left and behind heard it, so everyone turned their heads and looked over.

This also included Ye Shiqi in the front row, but Ye Shiqi just looked back and hesitated without saying anything.

The crowd's gaze made the timid and shy Zhou Lin instantly nervous, and her heart beat faster unconsciously.

Jenny Wu smiled and gently pushed Zhou Lin's hand away: "It's okay, Zhou Lin, it's rare that Chen Yang is so studious, just teach him!"

After saying that, Jenny Wu was leaving.

Zhou Lin was very anxious and grabbed Jenny Wu again, refusing to agree to her changing seats with Chen Yang. She blushed and shook her head anxiously: "No, don't change seats, really don't change!"

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