Chapter 53: drugged
When he woke up, he was surprised to find himself naked covered with a blanket... He lazily opened his eyes and saw me sitting beside him patting his hair lost in thought... "Baby.. I'm sorry" was what brought me back to reality... I kiss his head trying to be the reasonable one at that moment... He closed his eyes for some seconds then opened them... Looking me straight in the eyes, "did I hurt you" he asked.. guilt already plastered on his face... I smiled down at him, "I enjoyed it.. almost drawing the teachers attention" I said... He got red on the ear... "Tell me what happened to you" I asked sounding serious... "I don't know.. I just followed you, and then your stepbrother Han In stopped me.. then he.. wait he kissed me and I began to feel uncomfortable.." he said.. "he drugged you with the kiss" I reasoned.. what was Han In trying to do.. did he plan on making Tae sleep with him, then make me turn against my boyfriend?.. that can't be possible.. I have to do something about it "how are you feeling now" I asked... He smiled "I'm good I guess" he said.. but he was lying.. cuz his thing was visible from the blanket covering him... I smirked naughtyly, straddling him I place my hands on his neck... "Are you sure you don't want another round" I asked.. he gulped, blinking uneasily... His breath catching in his throat... I ran my tongue along his neck, biting it gently... He moan... Giggling, I go down to his chest.. flickering his nipple... "Kim..ssss ahh" he moan.... Dipping his fingers into my hair, he pulls it a little... Giving me pleasure... Making me moan... "Are we really doing it now... Class is about to start.." he asked.. "oh fuck class when I want to fuck my boyfriend... Cuz. I'll fuck you today" I said.. he surrendered to me completely.. letting me have my way with him... I kissed down to his dick, licking my lips I begin to suck him... "Damn baby.. fuck" he moan.. gripping my hair not so tight,he began moving his hips forward.. fucking my mouth... When I gagged, he stopped and studied me.. yea I liked how I gagged.. "call me names baby.." I said.. taking his balls in my mouth... "Fuck.. my slut" he said.. "yea.. I'm your slut.. hmm" I said so sexily, making him more hard.. "my whore" he said.. yes.. "I love this name.. can you be chanting it while I fuck you" I asked.. taking his whole rod in my mouth again.. "yes whore" he moan... I smirked moving down, I use my tongue to test his hole... So tasty... Shit he moans "whore.. my little dirty whore" he said.. feeling the pleasure I was giving him... Then my finger entered his hole... Fucking it... Then I checked the headboard of the bed and got a lube.. "did you keep it there" he asked a bit surprised.. blushing "yes.. this is my personal longue"I said.. but all his questions had to wait when I applied it on my dick and I'm his hole... Then we began the marathon race... After what felt like hours, we cummed together and went to clean up.. then went back to class..
Han in was sitting close to us, so I got a plan.. no one messes with me and scotts free... I took out a pack of gum, after chewing it silently not to attract the teacher, I gummed it on his uniform then wrote "I am a whore" on a paper and glued it to the back of his shirt... Tae just watched me as if he was watching a movie, ready to defend me if prank went wrong... Heheh.. how much I love it when we are partners in crime.. the teacher was done teaching, so we waited for him to leave.. Han In turned to us, after glaring at me, he smiled at Tae.. "are you free tonight?" He asked Tae... "I have plans with him" I chimmed in..Tae hugged me from the side and smiled... "I have a date with my boyfriend" Tae said.. "ooh.. sorry.. I just wanted you to tutor me" Han In said.. "sorry but my boyfriend only tutors me" I said raising my chin up.. Han In got angry and left the class... "Babe.. you don't have to be mean to him tho" Tae teased.. I smirked.. han In stopped by the door, noticing how people were staring and laughing at him... "What are you all laughing at" Han In shouted.. the whole class erupted in laughter.. "andwae Han In.." a student said... Then Han In stomped out of the class "ya Han In" Kang Joon called.. Han In turned and looked at the boy.. handsome, tall, with black short hair.. with lips piercing but sorry guys he's not my type.. he was our school bad boy tho.. "wanna hang out?" Kang Joon asked.. Han In hissed and left.. but Kang held his hand.."don't think of me as a pervert,but what you put on your shirt got me interested" Kang said with a smirk.. Han felt his shirt and took out the paper... He turned red from rage and shame.. directly staring at me, "did you do this?" Han asked.. I innocently looked at him.. "why would I waste my time on you?" I asked... He walked to me, but Tae put me behind him.. shielding me with his back.. "this is your writing Kim" Han claimed... I smirked, taking out my notes.. I showed him.. "does it matches?" I asked... Arrh he was frustrated.. "baby he's stressing me" I cheekily said.. Tae immediately turned and hugged me.. "should we go home now?" He asked and I nodded.. he picked me up like I was a feather.. the whole class gasped in surprise, but they were admiring us except for Han In.. "fools" he cursed.. but I gave no fuck about it so he can gaja to jiog I don't care.. then we left