Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 1058

Chapter 1055 Unpredictable antitrust alliance

The 1998 mid-term elections in the United States ended in November, on the third of this month.

Just like the “seven-year itch” of the test of marriage and love, there is a “six-year itch” in American politics, that is, the US president who is re-elected will be the second in his sixth year in office. In the year of mid-term elections, their party will basically lose in both houses of Congress or reduce their seats.

In fact, there is no need to restrict the conditions strictly to the “six-year itch.” Take the mid-term elections in the general sense. Since 1938, the parties that have served as presidents of the United States have not escaped this political and political party. The role of law.

In the most recent 1994 midterm elections, the Democratic Party of US President Bill Clinton was defeated by the Republican Party and became known as the “Republican Party Revolution.” Bill Clinton, who had no support in both houses of Congress, had to choose the “middle route.”

There is a “six-year itch” political rule, the prestige of the “Republic-peace revolution”, and the current President Bill Clinton is deeply involved in scandals such as the “White Water Gate” and “Zipper Door”. The Republican Party, as well as observers, have reason to believe that this year’s midterm elections will allow the Republican Party to further expand its results.

But when the results of the mid-term elections came out, many people were surprised that, instead of being defeated across the board, the Democratic Party did slightly regain its lost ground.

In the Congressional Senate election, the Republican Party won Illinois, Kentucky, and Ohio; the Democratic Party won New York, North Carolina, and Indiana.

The total number of seats in the Senate of the two parties remained unchanged, setting a record for the smallest swing in the Senate in previous midterm elections.

In the House of Representatives election, the number of seats held by the Democratic Party of the current President Bill Clinton has not decreased, but has increased by five against the trend.

Although five seats are not a lot, this phenomenon that goes against the “six-year itch” is a bit intriguing.

In Tang Huan’s view, the main reason for the “six-year itch” in American politics is that after six years of service, successive presidents will inevitably hand in a disappointing domestic answer.

But Bill Clinton is an exception. During his tenure, he was fortunate enough to catch up with the unprecedented Internet wave, which brought a huge bull market that benefited a wide range.

This big cake has given countless people a taste of the sweetness, and the unemployment rate in the United States has hit a record low in a row.

Such glorious ruling achievements can be said to have reached the point where the beauty has covered the ugliness. The most realistic American people don’t know how to read Bill Clinton more in their hearts.

On the other hand, the conservatives, whom Bill Clinton hated to the bones, forced the American president to confess the “zip door” with tears and tears in front of the American people through television, and then went further. Impeachment proceedings.

This kind of rushing to kill the Jedi in pursuit, is a bit too much.

The most realistic American people are not so foolish, and they are beginning to get tired of this kind of politics.

Use a Chinese idiom to describe this delicate situation, that is, “things must be reversed.”

The conservatives began to distaste.

Similar to the fact that the two houses of the U.S. Congress have almost maintained their original status, in this mid-term election, the Republican Party and the Democratic Party’s division of the governors of various federal states has also maintained the original ratio. The Republican Party has even been The niche third party took away a governor’s position, that is, the governor of Minnesota was lost.

To cite a few specific examples: the current Governor of Texas, George Bush, was re-elected for ten years; Jeb Buten defeated the Democratic Party’s rivals and let the governor of Florida fall into the hands of the Republican Party; Gray · Davis defeated the Republican Party’s rivals and allowed the governor of California to fall into the hands of the Democratic Party…

And so on, both sides lost a place here, and then found another place elsewhere, thus maintaining the same pattern.

But this kind of change is the change of the overall quantity, not the change of each specific candidate below. In fact, it is still undergoing a metabolic flow, and the city head is changing the Great King Banner.

It was after this dazzling power change game was over, different voices began to appear in the twenty federal states that followed the Justice Department’s prosecution of Philosopher Software’s monopoly.

First of all, the former headquarters of the Bank of America acquired by Bank of America, North Carolina Governor Jim Hunter said: “The acquisition of Sybase by Microsoft shows that there is still sufficient and effective competition in the software industry. In this case, North Carolina There is no need for Carolina to waste taxpayers’ money and participate in the United States of America v. Philosopher Software Corporation’s monopoly case.”

As soon as the words fell, Florida’s governor-designate Jeb Boshi also mentioned, “Facts have proved that the Department of Justice sued Zheru Software for monopolizing the entire industry when facing reporters about his policy measures after taking office next year. Administrative power, interference in the market is suspicion. Florida does not need to waste resources for such a matter that is still controversial.

Then, the governor-designate of South Carolina, Jim Hodge, also said: “The monopoly case of the United States of America v. Zheru Software Corporation is meaningless. South Carolina has decided to withdraw.”

Finally, Luo Jiahui, the current governor of Winson Shield State where Microsoft and Amazon are located, announced: “After carefully listening to the assessment of industry experts, Winston Shield State no longer believes that Philosophy Software is monopolizing the industry, and therefore decided to withdraw from this antitrust case.”

In this way, the lineup of the twenty federal states that sued Zheru Software’s monopoly quickly shrank by a fifth.

Those who were obsessively admiring U.S. President Bill Clinton’s being sent to the impeachment tank suddenly became dizzy and couldn’t find the North: This…what’s the situation? How about the anti-philosophical software company’s monopoly alliance? Is the child so unpredictable?

Joel Klein, the prosecutor of the Department of Justice in charge of the United States of America v. Philosopher Software Corporation’s monopoly case, said angrily: “I can guess with my eyes closed that Tang used his influence to carry out investigations on those federal states. PR.”

Not long ago, the “New York Post”, which made a mess of the richest man’s tax return, jumped out and agreed: “Yes, it must be public relations. We got a message, North Carolina Biotechnology Center. , North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics respectively received donations from Philosophy Software.”

In this ups and downs, the differentiation of the anti-philosophical software company monopoly alliance has become more and more confusing.

Since Joel Klein suspected that the richest man had moved his hands and feet, only Tang Huan himself could give the answer.

Ever since, the media began to chase down the richest man.

However, once Tang Huan wanted to clean his ears, he would be able to see the dragon without seeing the end.

The richest man is busy. According to the schedule, he will go to Asia next to attend the Apec summit and the 13th Asian Games in Funan; and before that, he will have to meet with California Governor Gray Davis. Communicate specifically.

One of the reasons why Gray Davis was able to win this governor election was that he grasped the education issue that California people are most concerned about and promised to increase investment in public education after he won.

Benefit from. The com bubble, at this stage of California, the fiscal revenue, unemployment rate and other data are quite good, so the main direction of governance is how to spend money to benefit the public.

Gray Davis’s public education support policies include universities and below; and the Shennong Foundation’s student assistance activities have long focused on universities.

So in this meeting, the richest man said: Shennong Foundation will launch a scholarship program for high schools.

After discussing a lot of friendly topics like this, and then having a meal together, the two sides concluded the meeting in a satisfactory manner.

Next, the richest man went to Silicon Valley One and flew to Asia to attend the Apec summit; Gray Davis, who currently holds the position of lieutenant governor, continued to plan his grand career.

This year’s apec summit was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and there are quite a few eye-catching contents.

For example, Russia, which was also affected by the financial crisis, officially joined Apec.

Although the Asian financial turmoil ended in the way of the “Miracle Day” of the Hong Kong stock market, it left a lot of feathers, and it really needs to be cleaned up.

However, the media is more concerned about whether Funan and Java, where the fierce military conflict broke out a few months ago and the relationship has dropped to a freezing point, will meet at the official level during this summit; they have severely criticized Java’s leaders. Will Tang Huan, the world’s richest man and Chinese leader, approach Java leaders from the civil level?

Java is currently in the transitional government-government stage. The previous dictator has stepped down and was succeeded by Habibie who had only been vice president for more than two months.

Habibi, who was equivalent to picking up a president, moved to Germany at the age of 19 in 1955, where he studied and worked for many years. It was not until 1974 that he was recruited back to Java by the dictator. Promote the industrialization of Java.

It is conceivable that such a senior engineer has nothing to say about his ambitions and achievements in the Java political arena where corruption is prevalent and the rules of the game are opaque.

The dictator, who ushered in his seventh presidential term in 1998, declared his vice-presidential standards in an unbelievable manner, that is, he hoped that the candidate would be an expert proficient in nature and technology, so Ha Bibi became the best candidate and took office on March 10 this year.

After the anti-Chinese and abuse of Chinese incidents occurred in May, the crime was blatantly blatant in Java in the world, and it was completely stinking. In addition to attracting unanimous condemnation from Chinese all over the world, the cable news network, a black journalist, was also killed in the United States. The ridicule, and the protests of the blacks, and then felt the real international pressure, so that Java’s complaints about the Funan raid and the heavy damage to its own military installations and the launch of the Jakarta battle were almost ignored-deserved it, played lightly!

Coupled with the serious impact of the Asian financial turmoil on Java’s economy, the man who had a poor international image and was protested by Canadian students at the apec summit held in Vancouver, Canada last year, became annoyed with Canadian Prime Minister Jean Clay. The dictator who protested in Tian couldn’t wait until Funan lifted the air military blockade. After returning to Java from Egypt, where he had escaped for a meeting, he was unable to clean up the mess and inevitably came to an end.

After Habibi moved from the vice president to the presidential position, he naturally began to reconcile, such as publicly stating that the public-civilian certificates that Chinese and other non-indigenous people must produce in order to prove their public-civil rights are equivalent to ID cards.

Next, Habibi issued a presidential decree in September this year, prohibiting the use of the terms “indigenous” and “non-indigenous” to distinguish the races in Java.

In short, although it is a bit “virtual”, it is better to do it than not to do it.

It is precisely because of these Habibie’s measures with the intent to make up for it, observers believe that Java is very likely to use the opportunity of this Apce summit to take the initiative to make some gestures of seeking reconciliation.

You must know that the economies that have been tossed up and down by the Asian financial turmoil are working hard to recover, but the brutality of the extinction of humanity in Java has caused many international investors to worry about it, so they don’t have to talk about attracting investment and recovering the economy Up.

In fact, the international pressure on Java is more than that.

Just before leaving for the Apec summit, Australian Prime Minister John Howard told the media that he would support East Timor in holding an independent referendum within ten years. International public opinion is also putting pressure on Java to hold self-determination on the East Timor issue.

It was in this embarrassing situation that the President of Java, Habibi, did as expected and the Prime Minister of Funan Zheng Yuanzheng had a bilateral meeting, and said at a subsequent press conference that Java would participate. The 13th Asian Games to be held in Funan shortly afterwards clarified the rumors that Java, which had spread so much before, would boycott this Asian Games.

The richest man also met with Habibie, but compared to the other party’s contact with Funan, he was much more low-key and secretive, avoiding all media tracking.

On this occasion, Tang Huan spoke bluntly and straightforwardly, saying: “Mr. President, you should be grateful for the effective attack by the Yugoslav Navy against the Java military force. Otherwise, you are now very likely. , Has been overthrown by the Javanese military and has lost his life.”

Habibi, who was said to be in the pain, had an ugly face. Just as the richest man said, in the past few months, the son-in-law of the Java dictator tried to contact the remaining army and launch a coup, but fortunately he did not succeed.

Habibi sullenly replied: “This is our internal affairs, so you don’t need to worry about it.”

“You are right.” Tang Huan nodded and said leisurely: “Whether you like the current presidential throne or not, you are actually in a dangerous situation. After all, you have been in Europe for so many years. Furthermore, many political ideas are unacceptable in the eyes of Javanese conservatives.”

“If you send your predecessor to the International Court of Justice, it will not only be a complete reflection and usher in the recognition of the international community, but also wipe out its remaining forces, protect your own safety, and leave a strong mark in the progressive history of Java. One stroke.”

Habibie stared blankly at the richest man, and was speechless for a while.

Almost at the same time, California’s governor-designate Gray Davis welcomed a special visitor.

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