Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 1011

Chapter 1009 The sun never sets, the end of the empir

The teenagers at home are getting more and more difficult to fool. Bayi? Chinese Web W=W≤W≤. ≠8≤1≠Z≠W≤. ≈C≈O≈M

Fortunately, Tang Huan, the father, still has something to choose from-the sentence “If you want to go to Asia, just concentrate on it”, Tang’s sons are honest.

Now, Jin Chang, Jin Ge, Jin Ming, and Jin Liang can help Tang Huan to do something more or less, and Jin Ying, Jin Jie and Jin Jia, Jin Yan, seem to be the “second echelon” in the training. “—This year’s wonderful drama is so rare to see, it happened to take advantage of the summer vacation to go out for a tour.

Mr. Fu just dedicated a few days to deal with the Down family affairs, the first lady of the United States Hillary Clinton, with her daughter Chelsea Clinton, came to the San Francisco Bay Area in a low-key manner to inspect Stanford. University environment, and stayed in “Chang’an City” for a while.

Due to its prominent position, political disputes, “White Water” suspicion, etc., the family of three, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Chelsea Clinton, has almost been bombarded by the media. “.

Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton are better. After all, their careers are inseparable from the attention of the media and the media. They have long been accustomed to it; but Chelsea Co. is still in the growth stage of youth. Linton is not immune to it, and the attitude of media attention is often not considered friendly.

In fact, Chelsea Clinton was troubled by the media from the moment the Clinton family moved into the White House.

For example, at the inauguration ceremony of Bill Clinton as President of the United States on January 2o, 1993, the media ridiculed the 12-year-old Chelsea Clinton as “like a turtle” and even clapped his hands in celebration of his father. Simply named it the most “dumb” in history, “the first daughter in the United States.”

For a young girl who is in a critical period of growth, these media comments are not good things. Even programs like the National Broadcasting Corporation’s “Saturday Night Live” use Chelsea Clinton as a mockery. material.

It can be said that Chelsea Clinton is the child of the incumbent US president who has received the most media coverage so far. Even Margaret Truman, the daughter of former US President Harry Truman, can’t stand it anymore. She personally wrote to New York The Times advised the other party to stop reporting on Chelsea Clinton, who was just a teenager.

It may be because Margaret Truman, the husband of the novelist, Clifton Daniel, is the source of the editor of the “New York Times”. This veteran media immediately followed goodwill, but this does not mean that other media have also let go. The report about Chelsea Clinton is a chance to attract people’s attention.

In this case, Chelsea Clinton’s education has become a problem, and public schools are obviously inappropriate. In the end, the famous private school in the District of Columbia with a long history-Sywell Friendship School was chosen.

This “Harvard among Washington private schools” can be regarded as an American ** school—as far as Theodore Roosevelt, as close as Richard Nilesson, they sent their children there to protect nature. It was very good-so not only the Clintons, but also Vice President Al Gore, also chose Sywell Friendship School for their children.

As a result, this year, the trouble came again-17-year-old Chelsea Clinton, going to college. The media immediately “opened bets” with interest to analyze which prestigious school the “American’s No. 1 Goldman” would choose, and there was a lot of hype.

The Clintons were really frightened, and unexpectedly turned their eyes to Stanford University, a private university on the west coast of the United States.

This is extraordinary-you know, the American circle is closely related to the choice of universities. What’s more, the East Coast, where the United States and Europe face each other across the sea, is the political, governance, and economic center in the traditional sense.

This shows how the Clintons tried their best to avoid media harassment by their daughters. They even crossed the United States and ran to the heart of Silicon Valley on the West Coast.

Of course, it is not unrelated to the fact that the Clintons knew that the “son of Tang” was studying at Stanford University and was very well protected—the first lady of the United States, Hillary Clinton, visited “Chang’an City” this time, too. In order to ask Mr. Tofu, take care of my daughter more.

“Chelsea’s choice of Stanford University is also good.” Tang Huan smiled relaxedly: “My kids are there, and they really didn’t have trouble with the media.”

At this time, Jin Ming rushed to hear the news.

When Chelsea Clinton saw him, he said with joy: “a1bert, let’s go to the Stanford campus.”

Jinming looked at Hillary Clinton, the American first lady put away her admiration for the beautiful young Tang family, and nodded in agreement.

Jin Ming, 16 years old this year, seems to be three or four years older than his actual age. He is a star-level swimmer at Stanford University and has made many female students who don’t know his family background fall in love— Chelsea Clinton looked at this childhood playmate, and there was a bit of admiration of girlish feelings in the eyes of this childhood playmate.

In front of Chelsea Colinton, Jinming, the No. 3 “son of Tang”, still maintained the calm and indifferent inherited from his father. In the process of entertaining the United States’ first daughter in a breeze, the more he revealed that kind of concession. People are indescribable for a while, but they feel very comfortable.

When I saw Chelsea Clinton, who was secretly code-named “energy”, after Jinming got into the car, he protected the Secret Service personnel who came from afar from the mother and daughter of the US First Lady and hurriedly arranged manpower to keep up.

As a result, the Tang family bodyguard, who came out first, dropped down the car window and said, “Man, we are enough-you can rest for a while and enjoy the comfort of’Chang’an City’.”

On June 2o, Mr. Fu boarded the California High Speed ​​Rail and headed to Los Angeles to attend the “Titanic” screening in Hollywood.

Looking through the news in the newspaper in the train compartment, Tang Huan smiled with satisfaction.

Money can make ghosts grind, lawyers can grind ghosts—the lawyer team hired by Zheru Software at a high price is really worth the money, and finally Netscape’s antitrust lawsuits come down.

In the final analysis, Mr. Fu has always paid attention to the appearance of the monopoly, and the face project can be said to be very well done, and the luxurious team of lawyers, based on this, can be a confident defense!

This result is nothing less than worse for Netscape, which is trying to win sympathy with the weak. Guy is actively looking for a suitable buyer to sell himself, so as not to go bankrupt, and as a result, he can’t lift his original spirit, and he is hit by this again, and he is not completely collapsed. It’s weird.

This little thing is a short-lived life-let’s die early!

Tang Huan, who didn’t care, continued to read the commentator’s article. When he saw that he quoted an unnamed congressman who said “this matter is not so easy to end”, he couldn’t help but put away his smile and frowned.

Is this unwilling to be reconciled, or is it unintentionally speaking truth, or even paving the way for the flow?

If the entanglement continues, it means that the focus of the war must be different.

Without waiting for the question to figure out why, Los Angeles was here.

With Tang tycoon pro-helping, the scale of the “Titanic” screening is of course extraordinary-Hollywood stars from all walks of life have come to the scene, and even the budding French director Luc Besson has also been called to join in the fun.

Before the opening of the summer box office on Memorial Day, Luc Besson’s French sci-fi action film “The Fifth Element” was released in North American theaters in early May.

As a result, the commercial performance of the film has made Gaumont quite satisfied-winning the weekend box office twice in a row. Judging from the current trend, the box office in North America should not be less than 60 million US dollars, if you consider the global box office. , To recover the investment of 90 million US dollars, and make a lot of money, and even set the box office record of French movies, it is not a problem.

After all, “The Fifth Element” is regarded as an attempt for European films to enter Hollywood in the United States, and the huge shooting budget illustrates how high expectations are placed on it.

As for publicity and promotion, they also did not hesitate to spend a lot of money. For the local festival of the Cannes Film Festival alone, Gaumont spent about 30,000 US dollars for the opening film “The Fifth Element”, which is a new Cannes Film Festival. Record-The built-up screening area has exceeded 93oo square meters; each guest can get a “fifth element” Swatch watch as a ticket to watch the movie. In addition, a future-style ballet performance and Jean- Paul Gaultier’s fashion show, fireworks show, etc., can be described as magnificent and infinite.

“The Fifth Element” is selling well at the box office in North America, and it won’t be bad in Europe. As of now, it is not a problem that the number of film viewers in France has exceeded 70 million; Germany is also expected to sell 30,000 movie tickets.

Of course, the commercial success of “The Fifth Element” in North American theaters is not unrelated to Tang Daheng’s assistance.

The reason is that Mr. Fu can’t get the French Legion of Honor for nothing—and his contribution to cultural exchanges is not only limited to cultivating a “Rose of France”, but also to support bigger ones like Luc Besson. French filmmakers of the range.

The “Titanic” screenings attended by Mr. Fu personally is undoubtedly an important Hollywood social event. Luc Besson happily ran into the circle—the previous “This Killer Is Not So Cold” “, has gained a very good reputation; this year’s “The Fifth Element” has been a commercial success. With these recognized qualifications in Hollywood, he has been regarded as an icon in the French film industry.

Luc Besson, who is proud of the spring breeze, did not come alone, but brought his new love, that is, the actress who played the “Lilu” recreated by scientists through gene cloning in “The Fifth Element”— Milla Jovovich.

This dude didn’t waste his power as a director—when casting the “Fifth Element”, he claimed that he would personally select the female clone of “Lilu” and choose the right actress, so he selected the two or three hundred applicants. Among them, Milla Jovovich, a Ukrainian beauty, was selected; now she has a chance to hook up with the water.

In fact, Luc Besson already has a wife, a French film actor named Mai Wen Le Besco. Moreover, she also played a role in “The Fifth Element”, that is, the alien opera singer-Diva who performed an impressive aria with a smooth transition between high and low sounds.

You know, this sad woman who watched her man empathize in front of her was just 16 years old when she married Luc Besson in 1992 when she married Luc Besson.

However, as long as they are valuable, the superiors will not care about these subsections.

After having a cordial conversation with Luc Besson, Tycoon Tang easily brought Li Lianjie and each other together to see if they could spark cooperation.

“Titanic”‘s first weekend box office score after the release, reached $50 million, sitting on the first throne, defeating Warner’s “Batman and Robin” launched at the same time, although media reviews are also mixed. In particular, the argument of “a good disaster film, why add a novel love story” is particularly prominent, but it is not so embarrassing to have “Batman and Robin” that has been sprayed even worse.

In addition, this box office number is quite beautiful, but “Jurassic Park: The Lost World”, which was released on the Memorial Day holiday, was a record. The first weekend’s box office results were jaw-dropping 72oo. Ten thousand U.S. dollars.

However, Twentieth Century Fox and Warner Bros. are still calm.

Gein, the Internet has made the times different from the past—traditional media comments are still so important, but it doesn’t mean that viewers who have more channels to learn about information will follow the trend and not buy it.

In addition, the box office of “Jurassic Park: The Lost World” has declined significantly two weeks after its release, which also shows that whether a movie can make money, UU reading needs not only explosive power, but also stamina. .

And Hollywood doesn’t worry about this anymore-at this stage, it is the golden age of the United States enjoying the dividends of economic globalization, and the overseas box office is the big one.

Mr. Fu, who has witnessed a lot of female audiences watching movies with their tears, did not bother to ask about the specific situation, and left for Xiangjiang, which is about to return.

Roughly speaking, the time before o’clock on July 1st is for the British side to hold various commemorative activities.

Including Prince Charles who represents Queen Elizabeth, Princess Diana who is still alive, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and British Foreign Minister Robert Cook and other heavyweights. Coming to Xiangjiang, witnessed the end of Britain’s most glorious “empire” since the Victorian era.

The saddest reminder was the British farewell ceremony held at the Tamar site at 6:15 pm on June 3o. The heavy rain continued to add to the sadness.

Mr. Fu, who was with him in the rain, couldn’t help but complain secretly-this gBe honor was really enough to suffer!

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