Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 68

Chapter 68 Welcome to be a guest

The No. 3 laboratory where Yang Rui is located is not only an ultraviolet spectrophotometer, atomic absorption spectrometer, infrared spectrophotometer, and some small equipment are also placed in this classroom-sized house.

Every day during the day, the researchers who use these devices come and go, and at night, the frequency is immediately reduced.

Experiments are done with funds. Except for students like Yang Rui, who are called local tyrants, ordinary researchers can only use limited funds to do limited work. They work overtime to do experiments, which costs money, and they cannot operate and cooperate with all laboratories. Therefore, such extravagant behavior is rarely seen in the Academy of Coal Science.

There are more people coming, and naturally someone notices Yang Rui’s existence, and occasionally someone comes up to chat.

Yang Rui’s mental age is over 30 years old and he has experience as a graduate student. In fact, he got along well with the researchers who stayed in the graduate school all the year round. After coming and going, he knew a lot of people.

By the end of the week, the No. 3 laboratory has been able to gather a small salon of nearly ten people every day. A group of people discusses professionalism, experimentation, and instrumentation and gossip.

Yang Rui is the youngest and professionally provides tea. In recent years, there are neither industry forums for you to watch, nor circles of friends such as WeChat. If you want to know the news in the circle, you have to go through this way.

The researchers of the Academy of Coal Science have colleagues and colleagues, so they can naturally get a lot of news that Yang Rui can’t get, and these gossips and industry developments are exactly what Yang Rui needs most at the moment.

He wants to publish papers one after another, and he has to understand whether his published papers have surpassed the times, or are behind the times, or even if they are repeated.

Although there were no online databases such as academic search in the 1980s, scholars were actually more concerned about the research progress of their profession. Many people were able to tell what the latest papers looked like without checking the journals.

However, the domestic papers are clear to everyone, and foreign papers are very good. Many people also understand it through the paraphrase of domestic papers.

At this time, Yang Rui’s other role was manifested.

“Xiao Yang, what do you think of this?” Looking at Yang Rui’s experimental gap, a middle-aged uncle handed over the copy paper.

Foreign periodicals are very expensive, and some of them cost hundreds of dollars, so you can’t buy them if you want. As a result, many domestic scholars will ask their acquaintances abroad to post some photocopies. Those who cannot understand English materials have to find a way to translate them. Now that Yang Rui has the choice, many people are very happy.

Yang Rui also does not refuse to come, he has few sources of information, and it is good to read some of the latest foreign journals.

However, his translation journals only translated chemistry and biology, and there were many words in other categories that he couldn’t understand.

Others had nothing to do, they took these two types of articles to look for Yang Rui to translate, and he read a lot of papers.

This is the same. Yang Rui said while reading it. If he didn’t, he would find an English dictionary in his mind to look it up. Even though the sentences were all scattered, the meaning was clear.

The middle-aged uncle didn’t pay attention to it. He listened and memorized it. He was very happy after listening, saying, “It’s a good translation, so the paper should be turned through like this. I made such a mess of things and finally dropped the content. I don’t think you should go back. Just leave us at the Academy of Coal Science. If you want to go to school, you can transfer to Pingmei No. 1 Middle School. The experimental equipment is still used, how great.”

“Can experimental equipment be used casually?” Yang Rui defeated the middle-aged uncle with a single sentence.

The other party smiled bitterly: “Except for those in the courtyard, no one can use the instrument casually.”

“Then there is no way.” Yang Rui pretended to sigh, and then said: “My experiment is almost done, Gan Ming’er, I guess I have to go, and if you want to translate any article, you will get the school.”

“Really go back?”

“Really go back.”

“Let’s hold a farewell party for you.” The middle-aged uncle said so, and he really held a farewell party for Yang Rui.

At least 20 people rushed to the small restaurant in front of the Coal Research Institute, opened two tables, had a hard meal, and was reimbursed with office expenses.

When they were full of wine, someone thought of it and asked, “Xiao Yang, are you finished with your paper? Bring it out and give it to Researcher Liu?”

Researcher Liu Liu Qin is a genuine researcher with the title of researcher, equivalent to a professor in a university. This is a man with no arrogance, like a bamboo pole, about the same height as Yang Rui, but a lot lighter. He is also a Russian, but he has been studying English by himself recently. I heard that Yang Rui is good at English. He has also come to the salon in recent days. He is the most experienced of the two people at the table.

Yang Rui drank some white wine, so dizzy, he handed Liu Qin the essay of Yi Ying Yi Middle School.

Amidst the roar of the crowd, Liu Qin coughed and said, “Then I will read the summary first.”

The abstract is the main point of view and insight of the paper. It usually summarizes the arguments. The short is two to three hundred words and the long one is 1,500 words.

Of course, 1,500-character essays are written by super cattle, and the core content is “you can’t understand”. Not only are the papers that you can’t understand, but the abstracts must be described by people with bitter words. .

Yang Rui’s paper is simple, with a total of more than 100 words in the abstract.

Liu Qin glanced at it and began to read: “In the determination of the raw material of coenzyme q10, 103% of the determination results were found, which exceeded the allowable range of measurement error. I think that the determination result of coenzyme q10 is on the high side. In most cases, the reason is that the absorption coefficient of coenzyme q10 is low. In the drug standards of various provinces and cities, coenzyme q10 adopts the value of foreign literature published in the 1950s. Due to the limitations of the equipment and separation conditions at the time, the absorption coefficient The measurement is low. I re-measured the absorption coefficient of coenzyme q10 in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Pharmacopoeia Committee on the determination of absorption coefficient. The results show that the absorption coefficient of coenzyme q10 is indeed low.”

After reading this, Liu Qin stopped reading and read it for himself.

People who were drinking stopped drinking. After looking at Yang Rui for a long time, someone shouted: “What is the conclusion? Is there a conclusion? Is it correct?

Everyone asks for a reason.

According to the standards of the 1980s, Yang Rui’s paper is not actually a small paper. As far as his abstract is concerned, it can be expanded into a paper, which means that the absorption coefficient is low and can be published.

As for what the absorption coefficient should be, and how low it is, it can be left to other scholars to do experiments.

This is limited by conditions. Some research institutes simply have zero or negative funding, that is, the salary is not enough. They can only do routine experiments or can only do theoretical research. The scholars of these institutes have to publish articles, naturally. Post articles without experimentation. Literary and mathematics researchers can do this, but natural science researchers can’t do it, so they are forced to play the “I guess you test” game.

Speaking of it, a big cow like Hawking is also playing a game of “I guess you can verify”. He guesses what will happen, and then makes a rigorous prediction based on his own theory. The prediction is finally discovered, then prove it. The theory is valuable, otherwise it will continue to wait until it is proven correct or replaced by another hypothesis.

This is also because there are no conditions, such as black hole and white hole antimatter string theory or something. With the strongest technology of mankind, it cannot be said to be found.

The domestic situation is more shabby without conditions, but the reason is the same.

For example, Yang Rui, if he didn’t make any money, or couldn’t find experimental equipment such as ultraviolet spectrophotometer, then he only took out the abstract and had a chance to publish it.

But on the other hand, if you take out an abstract, that is, a ninth-rate paper, it will be published at most in provincial-level journals. For example, if you occupy the journal of a third-rate university, it is not certain whether it will be seen.

But if you add detailed arguments, and get the final correct absorption coefficient, even if this paper is a bit valuable, at least third-rate and up, it can be listed in a national journal.

Although in China, the level of national journals is also choking, they are relatively high-end journals after all, and no scholar can pass the review without two strokes.

What everyone here is curious about is the latter part.

Liu Qin quickly scanned the first half of the explanation and began to stare at the middle.

An article is fraudulent and not fraudulent, and experienced researchers can often see it. In this regard, the students who have written the graduation thesis probably have the impression that the tutor seems to be glaring.

In fact, it is a kind of perceptual and rational understanding, which is similar to the identification of antiques by masters. If you read more, you will have feelings, and then analyze with professional knowledge.

Ordinary undergraduates have no experience in fraud, and they must have been spotted at a glance, but it is still possible for them to become associate professors and even professors to develop sophisticated fraud techniques.

Liu Qin watched Yang Rui do experiments these days, and after a little recollection, he could match the number.

After reading it for a while, Liu Qin nodded: “It is indeed a good article.”

“Let me see.”

Sitting next to him was an associate researcher who also majored in chemistry. He picked it up and swept it, and he understood the structure. After looking at the following conclusions, he couldn’t help but nod and immediately understood, and said: “As long as the numbers are good, this is straightforward. It can be quoted, okay!”

“I also took a look at the paper was passed on immediately.

When it came to the hands of the young researchers, all of them were very enthusiastic.

This paper is clear and understandable. The final conclusion is a mathematical formula, right or wrong. Repeat the experiment and immediately understand it. There is no room for falsehood and no room for rebuttal.

It is the young researchers who understand how rare this is.

What is even more enviing is that this paper is very simple, anyone present can make it and write it out. The difficult part is the initial judgment.

“This high school student…” More than one person smacked: “If it’s good, it will be reviewed in a few days.”

When everyone finished watching, and then toasted to drink, Yang Rui looked at Yang Rui more seriously one by one.

Liu Qin was on behalf of the people and clinked glasses with Yang Rui and said: “You are welcome to come to the Academy of Coal Science again as a guest.” You are reading, if any!


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