Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 1558

Chapter 1490 Clinical trial center

Pingjiang City, Hedong Province.

Hadong University.

In front of the newly built teaching building, the sign of Hedong University Clinical Experiment Center has been hung up.

Several leaders were dented and took photos from different angles, as if they wanted to tell the world.

Yang Rui couldn’t help but was pulled around to take pictures.

Sometimes two people shoot, sometimes three people shoot, sometimes four people shoot, sometimes five…

“Professor Yang, I would also like to thank you for helping us get this project in Hedong Province. Hedong Province is backward. If you want to develop, you must invest in education and boost science and technology. You have set a good example for us.” Holding Yang Rui’s hand, Xuxu’s advice, kindly like an old farmer who loves farming, and saw a long-distance truck driver.

The truck driver was stubbornly stubborn and pulled too much.

Yang Rui kept smiling.

One of the disadvantages of being a big academic is that it is inevitable to communicate with bigwigs from all walks of life. This is also the so-called cross-industry chat.

Cross-border chatting is very difficult, because you don’t understand me, and I don’t understand you. In the end, we can only talk about money and rights that everyone has in common.

These two things are still very cool to experience in private. It is more complicated to chat. The two parties who can chat are not happy. It is like an extremely complicated and difficult posture, which does not always allow both parties. satisfaction.

However, the leaders of Hedong had a rare opportunity to grab Yang Rui and chat, and they were unwilling to let them go.

Especially those who know the ins and outs of this clinical experiment center, they have to pull Yang Rui to speak.

Please mobilize multiple ministries and commissions and several local governments to collectively boycott Pfizer…The energy contained in it can only be fully understood by the insiders.

Simply put, if Yang Rui wants Hedong Province to boycott Pfizer, what can he do? It is not enough to persuade the big leaders. Will the cities and counties below secretly communicate the music for the project? Will the officials who are directly in charge of affairs have sympathy for business reasons, thus violating Shangfeng’s orders, and will the local officials in charge of the work resist “unreasonable” orders based on their qualifications? Will Pfizer, the most wealthy pharmaceutical company in the legend, take out a gold dollar stick to move a place?

As a cadre of the government, thinking of these things is a big deal, and seeing Yang Rui’s understatement, everyone is shocked.

The meaning behind this is too profound.

Yang Rui returned to Hedong with great difficulty, and everyone was reluctant to let go.

In the end, it was the president of Hedong University who should have met the most. He was squeezed in the back, smiling dry and unable to speak.

It was Yang Rui who deliberately walked over, shook hands with him, and eagerly exhorted: “Clinical trials are the last step in the medical development process, and it is also the most important, serious and strict step. After the completion of the clinical trial center of Hedong University, it will be the first clinical trial in China. The experimental center is here. For the first time in the world, there will always be many problems. Hedong University will definitely be tested in the future.”

“We are not afraid of trials, we are afraid that no one will pay attention.” The principal is a young school who took office. He is only in his early 50s, and he is full of breath.

“In terms of public opinion, please pay more attention to Hedong Province. In fact, most of the public opinion will not become troublesome as long as the government actively responds…” Yang Rui took the Hedong Province Propaganda Minister to speak again…

The clinical experiment center was built in Hedong University instead of Peking University because of public opinion considerations.

In the final analysis, the clinical experiment center is to use people to do experiments. Of course, it is a human experiment under strict regulations. It is neither cruel nor cold. Even so, it is easy to produce various bad associations.

To build it in Peking or place it under the banner of Peking University is equivalent to putting it in the eye of the storm. Calmness is only an illusion. The movement of the storm in any direction will lead to huge disasters.

However, there is no clinical trial center.

The absence of a clinical trial center means that there is no complete new drug development industry, and there is no complete new drug development industry. What does it mean? It means that in the 21st century of biology, a country is not protected.

Why did Tu Youyou make anti-malarial drugs? Is it to fund the poverty-stricken African continent where malaria is rampant?

Of course not. Antimalarial drugs are meant to fund North Vietnam, which is mired in the Vietnam War. In the Vietnam battlefield at that time, weapons killed many people, and the impact of malaria was not weakened. In the four years in Vietnam, the US military lost 800,000 people (non-casualties) due to malaria, which was four times that of combat. The Americans set up an anti-malarial committee for this purpose. The Walter Reed Army Research Institute screened 214,000 compounds in one go… China has also received a request from the Vietnamese prime minister for help, and has hurriedly organized tens of thousands of scientific research. Members, try to overcome this difficulty.

If you want to fight in the woods, you have to have this.

After the medicine is ready, do human trials be done? Legend has it that during the research and development process, in order to prove that artemisinin at a certain stage is available, a researcher “resolutely” took it and proved the safety, thus pushing the project forward…

After that, the finished medicine must be tested as much as possible, otherwise, how do you know how effective the medicine is? Is it a medicine that cures diseases and saves lives, or is it a fake and inferior product that poisons commanders and fighters?

At about the same time, Professor Tao Qimin, with the help of her assistant, injected herself with the first hepatitis B vaccine she developed. The explanation in the book is: At that time China did not have the conditions for vaccine sensitivity and safety testing. In order to apply the “vaccine” to humans as soon as possible, Tao Qimin resolutely stretched out his arm…

In fact, it was originally not necessary to be so resolute.

What is the difference between doing this and putting himself in the stove by Gan Jiang Moxie?

If there is a complete clinical trial center, first animal safety tests will be conducted, and the toxicity of the drugs will be within the controllable range, because after the animal safety tests are completed, ultra-high toxicity tests will be carried out, and then the first clinical phase will be the only one. The factor to be considered is safety. Generally speaking, taking a normal dose will not cause much problem.

Of course, exceptions will always happen, but this is the real world. If you don’t take dangerous and controllable adventures, will the world smile at you?

Should everyone hide behind the “resoluteness” of the predecessors to survive?

Or, let fools in Europe, America, Japan and South Korea test drugs for us?

Then, when SARS or bird flu breaks out, are the fools waiting for Europe, the United States, Japan, and South Korea to develop new drugs for the Chinese at a work schedule of 8 hours a day and 5 days a week?

What if a more specific disease occurs again?

In the early 2018 influenza, in the judgment of the World Health Organization, China was in a state of “regional outbreak” What if it was not influenza, but a more lethal or disabling disease?

There is no absolute security in this world.

Living on a planet that may be annihilated by an asteroid at any time, stagnation is just waiting for death.

Yang Rui also put the clinical experiment center as far away from the media circle as possible, but this is what he can do.

Fortunately, the current online media is not developed, and public opinion is still under the control of the government. Otherwise, language mobs can easily destroy a project. Even if they are going to the hospital the next day and become a guinea pig for a novice doctor, they are not willing to contribute a bit of strength to the experts from their own people, even if the risk they take is only the percentage lying on the novice doctor’s test bed. one.


Amidst the sound of firecrackers, Hedong University’s Clinical Experiment Center announced its opening.

It was a batch of experimental animals who entered first.

Cute little white mouse, cute big white mouse, cute little bunny, cute little pigeon, cute puppy, cute little monkey, cute gorilla, cute big dog, cute big pigeon ……(Don’t stop me, I can count three thousand characters of small animals)

Although sildenafil was tested for animal safety, Yang Rui decided to verify it.

The first project of the clinical experiment center started with animal experiments, which is probably more acceptable.

The reporters, under the supervision of the propaganda cadres and cautiously, finally took the big red envelope and left happily.

Yang Rui is extremely cautious in matters concerning the clinical trial center.

The doctors in charge of the experiment were also so cautious about the antihypertensive drug sildenafil.

Everyone is expecting that sildenafil can have a creative antihypertensive effect.

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