Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 17

Chapter 17 Big fish eat small fish

Liu Yishan is a laid-off worker. Under the guidance of relatives in the provincial capital, he opened an Internet cafe in the Lanzhou Special Zone, but only six computers were purchased by the smasher. Fortunately, the business is good. Not only did it pay back in one year, but it also bought two additional computers. Now there is a profit of several thousand yuan every month. Not only can I cope with the daily living expenses, but I also earn back the money from college with my daughter.

Liu Yishan wanted to rely on Internet cafes to support her daughter’s college graduation, and then sell the Internet cafes to get some retirement salary to enjoy the family happiness. Unexpectedly, his dreams disappeared after the opening of the opposite “Chufeng Net City”.

When the “Chufeng Internet City” first opened, Liu Yishan was not very worried. Although there is one more competitor, the supply of computers is now in short supply, and the number of people who come to play games every day far exceeds that of computers. Therefore, Liu Yishan is not at all worried that “Chufeng Internet City” will steal his business.

In the first month of the opening of “Chufeng Internet City”, Liu Yishan’s Internet cafe income was almost the same as last month, and was not affected by the newly opened “Chufeng Internet City”. This also let Liu Yishan relax his vigilance.

Unexpectedly, from the second month after the opening of “Chufeng Internet City”, his Internet cafe business began to decline sharply. Especially since the “Age of Empires” and “StarCraft” were launched on the opposite side, his business has been even more disastrous. The students who originally played here would rather go there to wait for the machine than come here to play. Uncontrollable Liu Yishan sneaked over and turned around, comparing the “Chufeng Net City” side with his side. It was indeed incomparable.

“Chufeng Internet City” not only has fresh air, good lighting, and large space, plus more computers, it feels lively just by looking at it. On the other hand, the space on my own side is small, and the air is chaotic because of people smoking. Compared with the two, Liu Yishan asked if he would definitely go there, not to his own small Internet cafe.

In order to win business, Liu Yishan has reduced the price of computers per hour from 3 yuan per hour two months ago to 1 yuan per hour, but there are still no guest sources. This makes Liu Yishan very uncomfortable and a little overwhelmed.

Oh, but the girl has one year to graduate from college! ――Looking at the other side to add a new computer again, Liu Yishan felt uncomfortable in his heart. Liu Yishan also knew in his heart that it would be difficult to stick to this situation for another year.

“Is Boss Liu here?” A young voice came in from outside.

“I am, you, aren’t you the boss of the opposite’Chufeng Net City’?” Liu Yishan was startled, not knowing what Lin Feng did to him, his instinct was not good.

“Haha, it’s okay, just come to drop by.” Lin Feng smiled slightly and motioned to Liu Yishan to sit down and talk.

Lin Feng’s actions made Liu Yishan frown slightly. After all, he is the boss here. Lin Feng is just a guest. Now he is rebelling against the guest, which really makes Liu Yishan feel a little unhappy. However, Liu Yishan is over middle-aged and he doesn’t account for these, at least on the surface it won’t show up.

Lin Feng also knew that he seemed a little too rash, but he didn’t care too much. Now the trend of “Chufeng Internet City” dominating in the Lanzhou Special Zone is inevitable. Under its own strong expansion, these small Internet cafes will be annexed or closed sooner or later. It is understandable that Lin Feng’s sense of superiority was unintentionally displayed. It is also a kind of mentality change of Lin Feng.

In the Lanzhou Special Zone, Lin Feng is now the big fish, and the scattered Internet cafe owners like Liu Yishan are the small fish. The big fish will naturally feel superior when they see the small fish, and the big fish wants to eat the small fish. Big fish prepares for eating small fish.

“How is Boss Liu’s business now?” Although Lin Feng knew that this was a bit annoying, Lin Feng had to say for the next topic.

“It’s okay!” Liu Yishan’s face was stiff, and he whispered secretly in his heart, if you don’t see it, you know whether the business is good or not, and you have to ask.

“Haha, Boss Liu, I came here today without going to the Palace of the Three Treasures, so I will just speak straight.” Lin Feng also didn’t want to circumscribe, and didn’t need to circumscribe, “I wonder how Boss Liu thinks about the future prospects?”

After Liu Yishan stared at Lin Feng silently for a while, he said silently, “Boss Lin has something to say.”

“Boss Liu, then I’ll be blunt.” After all, Lin Feng was young and energetic. Although he had done so many jobs before rebirth, he was only a low-level job. He had never looked down at each other with such a high profile, and his tone would inevitably be a little overbearing. .

“Boss Liu, I believe you also understand the current situation of Internet cafes in the Lanzhou Special Zone. Our’Chufeng Internet City’ is bound to become the dominant one. In the next few months, we will continue to add new computers. By then, you small Internet cafes. His business will definitely be even more bleak.” Speaking of this, Lin Feng also realized that his tone was a little too aggressive, looked at Liu Yishan, who was expressionless, and continued.

“I wonder if Boss Liu has ever thought about cooperation?” Lin Feng’s proposal made Liu Yishan no longer able to maintain the calmness of a middle-aged person. He looked at Lin Feng in surprise, wondering what the young man’s cooperation meant.

“I don’t know what Boss Lin means?” Liu Yishan couldn’t help asking.

“You move all the computers to my’Chufeng Internet City’. The computers still belong to you, but they are under my management. I will pay you 720 yuan a month for each computer.” Lin Feng calmly said of his annexation Program.

Liu Yishan silently calculated that a fixed monthly price of 720 yuan per unit is equivalent to 1 yuan per hour per unit, which is the same as Liu Yishan’s current hourly price. It seems to be a bargain.

Liu Yishan carefully calculated it in his heart, and Lin Feng’s proposal was indeed a good deal for him. First of all, his business is very poor now. Although 1 yuan per hour, very few people come to play; second, Lin Feng fixed himself to 720 yuan per month, so he also saved electricity and facade fees and Internet access fees. This is a huge expense. Third, if the computer is handed over to Lin Feng’s management, he can sit at home and collect money leisurely. 8 computers, 720 yuan each, earn 5760 yuan a month, which is not only Being able to cope with all the expenses of his daughter’s college, he and his wife can also live a leisurely life.

But Liu Yishan’s 50 years of social experience told him that there is absolutely no free lunch under the sun, and Lin Feng would not be so kind to give himself such a big gift. Moreover, Lin Feng was only in his early 20s at the first glance, and he didn’t know if he would do anything bad this time by bringing him into the group.

Liu Yishan hesitated for a long time, but still did not dare to agree to Lin Feng’s seemingly lucrative cooperation agreement.

“Boss Liu, what do you think of my proposal?” Lin Feng didn’t know what Liu Yishan was thinking, but the key point of his plan of annexation of big fish and small fish lies in Liu Yishan.

Did he see his plan and want to stop himself? ——Lin Feng couldn’t help but worry secretly. The plan he proposed is definitely beneficial to these Internet cafe owners, but I am afraid that these Internet cafe owners will be jealous when Lin Feng’s business is booming, and would rather lose money than let Lin Feng annex it, that would be bad.

What Lin Feng must admit is that there are many people in China who would rather not make money for themselves than for others to make money. If such a person appeared among the owners of these Internet cafes, it would definitely be detrimental to Lin Feng’s annexation plan. The key to breaking through the jealous psychology of these Internet cafe owners lies in Liu Yishan.

Lin Feng asked someone to investigate Liu Yishan’s background and found out that he has a daughter who is studying at university. All the expenses in the family are paid by the Internet cafe Liu Yishan opened. Liu Yishan is the most urgently in need of money among the eight Internet cafe owners, and also the least inspiring. . As long as it can break through Liu Yishan, when Lin Feng proposes this cooperation agreement, Liu Yishan will take the lead in responding, and there will be no opposition.

Therefore, whether Lin Feng’s plan of big fish to eat small fish can succeed is all in Liu Yishan’s body. But will Liu Yishan agree?

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