Rebirth of England.

Chapter 038

On June 2002, 6, the Asahi World Cup final was held at the Yokohama International Arena.

In the end, the Brazilian team defeated the German team with a score of 2:0 and won the World Cup championship, adding one star to their jerseys and becoming a five-star Brazil.

This also means that this rather "magical" World Cup has come to an end.

Prior to this, Barron had already recovered the winnings from previous bets as each game ended. After the final, he could start counting the spoils.

In order to avoid appearing too high-profile by hitting every shot, Barron's final strategy was to spread out his bets and deliberately mix in many bets that were deceptive - bets that were purely designed to lose money on purpose.

In the end, the success rate of all Barron's bets was controlled below 50%, but even so, because his correct bets were all unpopular results with extremely high odds, and they were adopted after his stake was as high as 1000 million pounds. strategy, so in the end, the after-tax capital he finally obtained was still as high as 4000 million pounds!

For this World Cup, according to statistics, global betting volume exceeded 300 billion pounds, and this figure is only data available through formal channels.

If private lottery is included, the final figure will be several times or even ten times higher than this figure.

It can be said that compared to the previous World Cup in France, the total betting amount has increased significantly.

And because of the frequent upsets in the Asahi World Cup, it can be said that the gambling companies have made a lot of money. In this context, the bonuses received by Barron are even more at ease.

Besides, after all, what he earned was actually other people's betting money, but without him, the money would most likely have become the profit of the gambling company.

But even if the gambling company learns about Barron's achievements, I'm afraid it would rather help him promote it than anything else - after so many upsets, most lottery players have suffered huge losses. Relatively speaking, at this time, " The conspiracy theory of "match-fixing" has gained a huge market again.

If there was a publicity point like Barron's, I'm afraid gambling companies would be very happy to use this example to encourage everyone to bet.

It's just that Barron carefully separated his bets on many companies. In the end, the average profit of each company was not too exaggerated. Anyway, it has not been exposed so far.

Of the funds Barron has received, more than 200 million pounds have been used to pay his inheritance tax. Although setting up a family trust fund can avoid most inheritance taxes, it does not mean that using this This method is completely tax-free.

Therefore, after final calculation, the inheritance tax he needed to pay at that time included the family foundation and the assets directly held by the family (a 40% inheritance tax rate applies), totaling approximately 200 million pounds.

The remaining 500 million pounds will be lent by DS Capital to the Devonshire Family Trust Fund to settle the Northrock Bank loan in advance (the interest for the remaining period is waived by the agreement, and the remaining interest will be borne by the family trust fund itself) ).

In this way, the remaining funds are as high as 3300 million pounds.

However, within one year, Barron still needs to repay 500 million pounds of family debt and interest (before the end of the year), and 700 million pounds of mature loans and interest from two other banks (to be returned gradually within a year).

However, for Barclays Bank's 1300 million pound loan, after the other party saw that 3300 million pounds was deposited in DS Capital's account, the other party happily extended the loan to repay it after two years. Of course, the interest during the extension period You still need to pay on time.

Yes, with Daisy's efforts, DS Capital completed the registration process and established the investment company's account at Barclays Bank.

After all, Barclays, one of the four largest private banks in the UK, will become one of the largest banks in the world in the future, so Barron's still hopes to establish a cooperative relationship with them.

The funds currently available to DS Capital are approximately £3300 million.

Although more than 1200 million pounds of it needs to be returned within one year, and more than 1300 million pounds needs to be returned after two years. What really belongs to Barron is less than 800 million pounds, but at least the funds he has now have enough investment. The window can bring him more generous returns.

Another reason for choosing Barclays Bank is that it not only provides the service of directly purchasing U.S. stocks including Nasdaq using a dedicated securities account, but it is also more convenient to purchase British stocks and futures products.

Because Barclays Bank is originally one of the partners of the American stock market in the UK.

And in the UK, no securities firm says so. The intermediaries for securities trading are commercial investment banks, and Barclays, as one of the four largest private banks in the UK, owns this business.

According to Barron's instructions, Daisy has begun to use funds to purchase NetArt stocks on the Nasdaq market, and will eventually purchase a total of 200 million pounds of shares first.

Barron has also made arrangements for the remaining funds of more than 3000 million pounds.

These funds will be invested in the US stock and futures markets in the form of margin through the financing agreement signed with Barclays Bank!

As a senior overseas financial investor in his previous life, Barron also had some understanding of the international financial situation at that time.

It can be said that 2002 was a year of recovery.

After experiencing the Internet bubble, both US stocks, crude oil and ore products will begin a period of strong growth.

First, starting in June, the crude oil and ore markets began a round of rise, and now is the period when the rise is initially gaining momentum.

This rise is caused by a variety of factors.

For example, China's accession to the WTO will increase its demand for energy and ores...

After the economic recession caused by the Internet bubble, central banks around the world invariably implemented quantitative easing policies, which boosted real estate and the demand for building materials began to release...

The United States has begun to put pressure on Iraq this year, and the cloud of war has loomed, which has affected crude oil prices...

Therefore, entering at this time, whether it is crude oil, gold or ore futures, will be a long-term bullish trend.

Among U.S. stocks, after the Internet bubble burst, the Nasdaq index has reached a low point, and technology stocks will also usher in a strong recovery.

Another thing worth betting on is real estate-related stocks. From now on until 2007, it will be a real estate carnival...

As for 2007 years later...

As we all know, bubbles will burst when they inflate. For example, the Internet in the past, and the real estate industry in the future. The subprime mortgage crisis will be more destructive than the Internet bubble.

Of course, the British stock market is also worth noting...

From the beginning of 2000 to the beginning of 2003, the British stock market experienced a long three-year decline, with the stock index falling by 3%.

During this period, Vodafone's share price also fell from 400 pounds to 78 pounds per share, a shrinkage of 80%!

However, despite the collapse of the communications industry, there are other fundamentals in the British stock market that should be noted.

After the dot-com bubble burst, the commodities industry drove the British stock market to rebound from the bottom.

Since 2002, crude oil and ore prices have accelerated, profits of upstream raw material companies have increased, and related stocks have outperformed the market. The market capitalization weight of the crude oil and mining industries in the British stock market has increased from 2002% in 14 to 2007% at the end of 26.

Therefore, stocks related to the crude oil and mining industries are also worthy of attention.

Therefore, of the more than 3000 million pounds remaining in Barron's hands at this time, 1000 million pounds will be used as margin to enter crude oil and ore futures.

The remaining funds of more than 2000 million pounds will also be used for financing, using leverage to make long positions in technology and real estate-related stocks in the U.S. stock market, as well as oil and mining-related stocks in the British stock market.

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