Rebirth Merchant: Wonderful Space Hunting for Military Officer

Chapter 748 Civilization Weapon Plus Ability

The rain in autumn is always colder and colder, and everything is approaching withering after maturity. In the rainy weather, the sky gets dark and bleak quickly.

The roads in the mountains are very muddy, and stepping in with one foot deep and one shallow often gives you a sticky damp feeling.

Generally, the mountains do not choose to go out in this kind of world, because it is cold at night and night, and there are too many dangers lurking in the natural environment.

But tonight, the mountains are very lively. Countless footsteps and breathing sounds gradually converge in one place. The neat steps come from all directions. Accompanied by shouts, a loud noise explodes in the rainy night. The battle has begun.

What the hell is going on, Song Ye, what is the head of the family doing? Zhou Qingqing, who had been following closely after coming out of the Shao's house, ignored the wet rain on his face, looked at the fire that exploded in the dense forest in the southeast corner, and panicked. looking for an answer.

Her intuition told her that the beginning of all this was related to Song Ye.

The girl in front didn't look back, but she threw a gun at her in the back, and in a hurry, she said, Remember your position and save your life.

She had no time to explain the rest of the matter to Zhou Qingqing. She was full of eyes and just wanted to get to Shao Yichen's side quickly.

The place where the fire blew up was not in the direction of the strange stone, which proved that the two sides had already begun to fight, and the seven major families had already sensed that someone was going to be detrimental to the strange stone.

So, what happened to Shaw Yichen? What happened to Qin Zhan in it? What kind of choices will those disciples of the Ye family who are not convinced will make?

Song Ye had too many questions in her mind. As the soft feeling of her body subsided, the speed of her feet began to increase. She plunged into the dense forest without even looking when Zhou Qingqing was out of touch.

The woods were dark and overgrown with weeds and thorns, making it difficult to see the road, let alone identify the direction.

Zhou Qingqing was stabbed in the foot as soon as he entered, and the hem of his skirt was also scratched by the branches. Song Ye, you monster, you are so dark and running so fast, it doesn't hurt you. She cried, but did not dare to slow down. Speed, otherwise I am afraid that I will lose my direction in this dense forest in the blink of an eye.

But Song Ye's mind has a clear direction. During the half-month recuperation time, she has drawn this map in her mind more than once. Does scraping branches hurt? Of course it hurt, like the wind hitting her face, but she knew she couldn't stop now.

The place where the fire light rushes is very close to the position of the strange stone. The closer Song Ye is to the light, the more and more human voices he can hear, as well as the loud noises from the collision of supernatural abilities, mixed with the loud noises. scream.

She sank in her heart, took out a pistol from the space, and fired ten shots in a row in the sky. The sound of the gunshots was like a siren in the night, reminding the combatants in front: buddy, there are still people here.

Sure enough, after these few gunshots, a hurricane immediately hit the front, with a destructive posture, and a strong attack.

Damn it, Song Ye, you're crazy... Zhou Qingqing's remaining words were all caught up in the howling wind. She raised her hand to resist with the same wind technique. With a loud bang, two hurricanes knocked a big tree down Uprooted, and then smashed to the ground.

Song Ye finished changing the magazine, loaded and aimed, and then shot, accurately hitting the target 100 meters away.

When Zhou Qingqing noticed that the resistance was gone, she hadn't reacted yet, she looked at the big hole smashed by the big tree on the ground, and then looked at Song Ye, who lightly retracted the muzzle, and was stunned for a moment, There is actually such an operation.

Wind and bullets, this effect is the same as the combination of science fiction and police and gangster films.

Song Ye glanced back at her, raised the corner of his lips, and explained coldly, It's not that the weapons of civilization are not lethal, it's that you are too reliant on abilities.

Maybe many people haven't even touched a gun before learning the ability. Later, they have the attack attribute and they don't look down on the cold weapon of this external force, but in fact, the cold weapon not only does not consume physical energy, but also has a lot of attack power.

Song Ye has been holding back this hand, just to catch the enemy off guard at this moment.

Hearing this, Zhou Qingqing wiped the rain on his face with a dumb smile, You are right, this place can be used as our battlefield.

Song Ye nodded and looked up at the sky that had lost the cover of the big tree. Although the light was dim, it was much brighter than other places. It was a good place to lure the enemy into ambush.

Zhou Qingqing didn't need to ask to know that today's battle was provoked by the Shao family. Although she didn't know the reason, in the current situation, she was a weak character.

So instead of rushing over to join the big team head-to-head now, it is better to deal with a part of the firepower at this stronghold.

Putting away their self-righteous abilities, they chose to rely on the darkness and lurked in the jungle behind them.

The Shao family has a new helper, over there, some people come with me. A cry came from not far away, followed by one after another, the sound of footsteps stepping on the muddy ground was loud. And getting closer and clearer.

The opponent obviously followed the bright spot, and he didn't think that the opponent would choose to hide this ability against the opponent, so the team of nearly 50 people gathered together like this, and Da Lala appeared in the open space.

It's the wind technique. It's very strong. I was sure that it was Zhou Qingqing, the person in charge of the Shao family's disciple hall. It was strange that I didn't see her during the fight just now. I'm afraid she led another team. Looking at the destruction of the trees, asserted.

A few others noticed something was wrong, Where are they? Did they just kill one person and run away?

Impossible, Zhou Qingqing is a very loyal person, she won't leave her head of the family, she must be around here. One person looked around and suddenly felt wrong, The voice just now was very special, it seemed like... Gunshots! No, let's go.

Just when they sensed something was wrong and turned around and wanted to escape, a fire suddenly appeared from the nearest big tree. With the sudden burst of bullets coming out of the chamber, the thick smell of gunpowder smoke filled the whole damp room. Air.

The mourning came one after another, and everyone was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Leng Weapon. They were locked in the mountains, far away from civilized society and weapons for too long, so they were so overwhelmed when they were attacked.

Song Ye acted as the main firepower in this encirclement and suppression, while Zhou Qingqing used the wind technique to move quickly, killing the fish that slipped through the net one by one.

The two sides cooperated tacitly, and without consuming physical energy, they solved the No. 50 ability user with a few minutes of force.

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