Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 504: Let Du Wei speak for you

When the industry scoffed at YY123, Li Xing was anxious overnight and couldn't say anything.

He found that Makino's YY123 completely copied his ideas, but because of a strong design and development team, it was more than one grade higher than Hao123 overall.

The ecology of Makino Technology can always play a good role in any of its products.

For example: YY123 also opened one-click login for YY users. Li Xingping didn't understand it at the beginning. Isn't it superfluous to have a tool-like navigation website and open user registration and login functions? On the contrary, it will increase the user's behavioral cost. It is not as convenient as Hao123, but when he actually opened YY, he only discovered the best of YY123.

YY123 has added a custom section below the secondary navigation bar on the homepage. Users can define their own favorites here, and this favorite has a cloud recording function.

User A logs in to YY one-click to open YY123, and then customizes the website he frequently visits in the interface of YY123. Next time he changes any computer, as long as he logs in to YY and opens YY123, these customized sections will be immediately presented from the cloud. The speed is very fast. After all, the link is a string of characters, the data traffic is small, and the space occupied by the small icon is very small. Therefore, if the user logs in to another computer, the data from the cloud can be synchronized to the local page instantly. Demonstration process.

It was this function that made Li Xing's comments panic.

Li Xingping is like a person who spreads mobile phone film at night. Generally, he eats with superior technology and is not afraid of competitors. However, if a mobile phone manufacturer brings a film service to the phone when it leaves the factory, the process and material are better than themselves. Fortunately, this is really terrible.

Strong resource integration capabilities and product linkage capabilities have always been the core elements of Li Mu's guarantee of YY's competitiveness. He has carefully laid out so many product architectures that are inextricably linked, which is what Li Xingping can resist.

Hao123 traffic is very large, but there are also many users of Makino Technology. YY is just a pop-up window in the lower right corner, which can bring hundreds of millions of traffic to YY. This is a lone war. There is no other product that Li Xingping can rely on. In other words, it is a huge crisis that can be called doomsday.

Li Mu personally thought of a slogan for YY123: Real Internet access starts from here, and then asked YY to give users a pop-up window every day. When the user saw the ten words "real Internet access starts here", the subconscious would wonder what exactly It is the actual Internet access that will even further produce a psychological hint: Is n’t it true that you are online?

Driven by curiosity, the user clicked on it and immediately opened YY123 and completed the automatic login directly. At this time, there will be a warm reminder to know that the user has customized a navigation site of his own.

Is it technically high? It's not high.

Is the effect great? Really fucking.

Once YY123 is online, with its powerful custom functions and perfect cloud system, it brings a great experience to users. Even those users who are usually too lazy to go to the navigation site, are also happy to customize their own navigation station. In recent years, there have been numerous products on the Internet, but there are still few that truly give users autonomy. The YY space has a strong openness, allowing users to define a lot of content on their own, so it has been greatly affected by users. Now, YY123 is still exciting for users.

Originally, Li Xingping's life was very comfortable. While being despised by many people, Hao123 contributed hundreds of thousands of advertising revenue to him every month. Li Xingping was able to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars in this month, which changed his life dramatically. He Relying on Hao123, I bought a big house in Yangcheng, bought a luxury car, drove back to my hometown every three to five, and drowned with a few friends. Then I went back to Yangcheng to live in a big city as a local tyrant. He has been in such a comfortable state for a long time, even From the time Hao123 was born to the present, he has been in such a comfortable state without any real competitors. He is like a fish with a lake alone, relaxed and comfortable.

But at the moment, the emergence of an enemy called a domestic Internet giant has become his most direct competitor. Li Xing is appraised by this anxiety, for fear that Makino Technology will destroy itself like destroying QQ.

However, what Li Xingping didn't expect was that Li Mu had already held his mentality and wanted to give him a three-dimensional blow from online to offline and from virtual to reality. There were only two roads in front of him. Either acquired by Makino, or waiting to be killed by Makino.

As early as when the strategy of “buy first and buy later” was made, Li Mu decided to have Makino Technology launch a large number of offline advertisements throughout the Guangdong Province, and use YY123 ads to completely surround Li Xingping, giving him the greatest pressure and striving to keep him short Compromise in time.

So, on the second day of YY123, the first day of the new week, commercial director Ding Jian came to Li Mu and made his own appeal: "General Manager Li, I think we need an advertising spokesperson for YY."

Li Mu asked curiously: "Spokesperson? Why?"

Ding Jian said, "If there is a well-known spokesperson for offline promotion, the effect will be much better. Many brands are supported by a star face, not to mention, I think our online products actually need an image endorsement, such as YY show , YY space, YY games. "

Li Mu said: "Talk about your opinion, what kind of spokesperson is more appropriate."

Ding Jian said: "It must be a well-known and young idol star, women are the best, because most of our product design cartoon images, if there is a young and beautiful female star as a spokesperson, the effect should be much better."

Li Mu nodded, Ding Jian said it makes sense, whether it is online or offline advertising, the aggregation effect of stars is the highest. If YY related products really need to find a spokesperson, the first thing Li Mu thinks of is Du Wei.

Du Wei looks cute and sweet, is the perfect image in the otaku's mind, and is simple and simple, without any stains. She is still a senior student in the conservatory, singing well, acting well, very popular on the Internet, if you let her endorse YY The product should be the most suitable.

So Li Mu asked Ding Jian: "What do you think of Du Wei?"

Ding Jian suddenly got up from the chair and said excitedly, "General Manager Li, Du Wei is the perfect person in my mind!"

Li Mu laughed: "I'll coordinate this matter and give you a reply as soon as possible."

Ding Jian said excitedly: "Then I will wait for your news with peace of mind. Now I have sent people to Guangdong Province. I am talking to some advertising companies about the details of offline advertising cooperation. Once we have agreed, our offline Advertising can bloom all over Guangdong at any time. "

Li Mu said with satisfaction: "It is this momentum. Once offline advertising spreads throughout Guangdong Province, Li Xingping will feel the pressure from all sides."

Ding Jian asked, "when do we go to Li Xingping to communicate the acquisition?"

Li Mu said, "Don't worry, you can boil him in various ways, wait for him to mess up, and bring the entire Hao123 directly at a package price, without dragging the water. After you get it, you can directly transfer the domain name of Hao123 to YY123. Our The goal is achieved. "

Li Mu is very optimistic about asking Du Wei to endorse YY products, not only because of Du Wei's personal conditions, but also because Du Wei is the one who holds the red in one hand. Endorsing YY not only helps YY to go further, but also YY Through her strong ability to put on the Internet to help her further increase her popularity, such good things, I am afraid that domestic female celebrities will rush to do it or even discount money to do it. Such a huge promotional resource, Li Mu is completely reluctant to give others, Only to Du Wei, he could readily accept it.

And Du Wei's brokerage contract was also signed in Makino Image, so Li Mu can in principle let her endorse a series of products related to YY at any time, but Li Mu treats Du Wei like a sister, and then Du Fei is there, so he is the first The thought was to first ask Du Wei's wishes, and if Du Wei was willing, she would discuss with Du Fei herself.

Du Wei has always regarded Li Mu as a big brother who has taken care of herself and is very talented. He admires Li Mu very much. Li Mu told her about her endorsement. She said to Li Mu almost without thinking: "Brother Li Mu, I have no opinion You can arrange it. "

Li Mu laughed: "Then I have to communicate with your sister. If she has no opinion, then we can prepare to sign a contract."

Du Wei said, "Brother Li Mu, my sister may have been more busy these two days. She has been dealing with things in the United States. I haven't had time to answer my phone call. When she finishes the task at hand, she will return to China next week. "

Li Mu asked in surprise: "Your sister is coming back next week?"

Du Wei said, "Yeah, didn't you and Brother Chen Ze always persuaded her to come back to be a racing club together. My parents also said that they were especially grateful to you. She kept trying to get her back and she didn't bother, but you were convinced Now. "

Li Mu laughed: "That's it ~ ~ Then I'll wait for her to come back and find the opportunity to talk to her face to face."


Makino Technology's navigation site did not arouse the industry's alert. No one realized that Li Mu's navigation site was the core purpose of being a comprehensive Chinese portal.

Xinlang is still developing 2.0 version of UC non-stop, no one cares what Makino is doing now, only Chen Tong realizes something is wrong.

Chen Tong couldn't understand why Makino made a navigation site. Even if the navigation site is very promising, based on the analysis of Makino, they don't need web traffic.

The product with the highest number of daily active users in Makino is YY, and YY is a client product. The impact of web traffic on client products is not large. Moreover, the current number of active users of YY completely crushes the number of active users of navigation websites. Why bother to go back and make a navigation site that isn't very useful? As for the other product lines of YY, they also use YY as the core. Most of the traffic originates from YY. All the advantages of navigation websites are web traffic. Makino Technology is now a navigation station. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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