Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 473: Facebook domain name in hand

The rapid rise of the yy game lobby has pushed the valuation of Makino to a new height within a few days. The previous valuation of Makino in the capital market was about 5 billion, but now, some people in the capital market have given Out of six billion offers.

According to normal valuation, even if the yy game lobby has a huge user base in an instant, it cannot be valued at over one billion as soon as it comes up. The key is that now the ecology of Makino Technology has taken shape, and the capital market knows that yy games As long as the hall is tied to yy, its value must be worth one billion or more.

However, no matter how the capital market valued Makino, Li Mu did not prepare to cash in Makino ’s shares. Now Makino ’s profitability is very strong. With a monthly net profit of tens of millions, the deposited funds are sufficient for the future. Operations and new business development, the most important thing at this time is capital.

As the only competitor in the Makino technology market, Lianzhong also launched their Landlord Contest, which surprised Li Mu that their system basically copied the yy National Landlord Contest, just to change the prizes.

Although compared with yy games, Lianzhong's user experience is really bad, but because of the prizes, it still attracted a group of users to reflow to Lianzhong.

The operation team of Makino ’s yy game lobby originally negotiated with the other party on the issue of infringement. I did not expect the other party to ignore it directly, and after repeated protests, Lianzhong gave a reply: The Lianzhong side did not think that the competition they held was against Makino And any infringement in the yy game lobby, if Makino Technology insists that there is an infringement problem, it can be resolved directly through legal channels.

Li Mu didn't take this seriously. He felt that Lianzhong is now going to fall, and imitating a contest can only temporarily delay the collapse. No platform can continue to subsidize users with its own funds unless it is subsidized continuously. Being able to boil the competitor, otherwise it ’s useless to throw in any amount of money. With Lianzhong ’s current weight, trying to boil Makino Technology is simply a dream, so if he is willing to subsidize users by imitation contest, let Let's imitate it.

Except for Lianzhong, the current winger is already a game of dead chess, and there is no way to return to life.

The yy game is gaining momentum, and Li Mu has received another good news. Du Fei has registered the company for himself in the United States. Although the time spent is out of Li Mu ’s imagination, it is indeed because Chinese people want to register in the United States these days The company's procedures are much more complicated than in the future.

Li Mu personally invested $ 150,000 in the company's books, and then Li Mu used the shell of this American company to contact a company in the United States called aboutFace to negotiate the purchase of a Facebook domain name.

Facebook bought the domain name from this company in 2oo5 years, and spent $ 20, 000 to win the main domain name, but at that time, Facebook has begun to take shape, so the price has been speculated. Right now, aboutFace's offer for this domain name is only $ 50,000.

Li Mu cut the price with the other party for an hour on the domain name trading website, and the final transaction price was set at 32,000 US dollars.

Li Mu did not hesitate, and in the name of U.S. Shell Company, he won the domain name that can create infinite miracles in the future.

. Domain name finally fell into the hands of Li Mu!

Later, Li Mu used the company's name to register all the domain names related to Facebook. As far as I can think of, almost all of them were registered, and the total cost was less than two thousand dollars.

After that, Du Fei also called Li Mu specifically and asked if he wanted to start a business in the United States. If he needs to help himself or find a friend, Li Mu told her: "This shell is going to be idle for the next year. start up."

Du Fei did not understand that Li Mu had been pursuing the company registration. Why was there no movement after the registration? Li Mu did not tell her in detail, only that she had her own plan.

The purpose of Li Mu to register a company in the United States and buy a Facebook domain name is to dig a hole in the future of Mark Zuckerberg. History has given him a mission to create miracles. At the moment of the mission, the main domain name of Facebook is a must for his life. On the way, he will definitely try to buy the domain name of Facebook. In that case, he will fall into the pit dug by Li Mu. If he gives up buying the domain name and wants to register the domain name of Thefacebook, Li Mu will still dig the pit and wait for him, anyway As long as he wants to be Facebook in his life, he will definitely find himself first.

Sometimes Li Mu even thinks that he can simply take care of himself when he is less than 20 years old, because if the current Makino technology finds a superb professional manager and advances according to his own set direction, it will only increase in the future. The more valuable you are, the more money you can spend. The "miracle mu" under its own operation will definitely get at least billions of net profit in the next two or three years. It is enough to have a game alone. Eat it all my life.

What's more, Mark Zuckerberg, if he can become his angel investor in the future, give him millions of dollars, in exchange for about 4% of the shares in Facebook, then the future can create Lerun, he will be in his lifetime Flowers are not over.

However, this idea only appeared in Li Mu's mind for a moment, and he was completely left behind.

Eating and waiting for death, even if it is so good, there is no sense of accomplishment. Li Mu also wants to one day, like the boss of Ali, he is bragging in front of people all over the world. The biggest mistake in life is to create Alibaba ... "

Li Mu hopes that one day, when the valuation of Makino Technology reaches 100 billion US dollars, he can sigh in front of the media and say, "The biggest mistake in my life is to create Makino Technology."

If the market value of Taobao is also reached 100 billion U.S. dollars by then, he will say one more thing: "The second biggest mistake in my life is to create Taobao ..."

If the media asks: "Mr. Li Mu, what kind of advice would you like to give to young people in entrepreneurship?"

Li Mu also wanted to say in a low-key way: "In the beginning, you can lower your goals a bit, for example, I will make him one billion yuan ..."

Therefore, in order to become a world-famous bully in the future, Li Mu still has to work hard.

The current situation of Makino Technology has stabilized. The next step is to continue to improve the yy ecological product chain. The yy mailbox and yy web disk will begin to prepare for opening. In the future, the online games operating under the yy system will also start planning. Yy In the future, the real big profit direction is at the game level, so Li Mu also needs to consider whether to build a game development team in yy. If it is built, it can open its own copyrighted games. If it is not built, it is necessary to use it. Understanding of the future game market, go to the market to buy large-scale games that can make money in the future and come back to operate.

However, there is still plenty of time to plan things for the game, because it is time for the "miracle mu" to glow.


On the eve of the official charge for "Miracle Mu", Makino's marketing department interface person got mp3 prototypes produced by two foundry companies in Shenzhen and Taiwan.

After the two prototypes were delivered, Li Mu rushed to Makino Technology for the first time to check it. The shape of the machine is really amazing. It can be said that it is the best mp3 on the market now, because the ipod is still establishing its own aesthetic standards and style. It has n’t really formed yet. Users do n’t think the first-generation ipod is visually beautiful. Although the mp3 on the market has a variety of shapes ~ ~, many of them are not look good, such as Moonlight. Box, especially like a remote control for some kind of female toys that will be popular in the future.

This machine customized by Li Mu has a fashionable and generous shape, very design sense, and is quite durable. All the employees who see the prototype will love it.

Li Mu carefully compared the two prototypes. From the point of view of the manufacturing process, the machines manufactured by Taiwanese manufacturers are indeed better. Both the fuselage, the keys and the sockets are made with tight stitches and are very delicate. Not big, but a careful comparison can still see the shortcomings in the manufacturing process.

In terms of use experience, the difference between the two is not large. Taiwanese manufacturers feel better in the use of key materials, because the keys are slightly elastic, and they have very comfortable force feedback when they are pressed. The material is hard, not as cool as the former.

Li Mu learned about the production capacity of the two manufacturers. The maximum daily production capacity of Taiwanese manufacturers is 2,000 units, while in Shenzhen, it is 2,500 units.

Calculated by ordering 100,000 units in batches, the former takes 50 days, the latter takes 40 days, and there is still a lot of preparation work to be done before the batch, so additional days are required.

In this way, it will take at least one and a half months to two months for all the 100,000 machines to get their hands.

I have to say that the production levels of both factories make Li Mu feel unacceptable, but this is the disadvantage of foundry. The production line of each foundry manufacturer is not idle. They are still producing other types of products for other companies. , The remaining capacity is limited, and they are just a new company in the hardware field. For foundry manufacturers, the right to speak is not enough. It is certainly impossible for the other party to tilt most of their production capacity to themselves.

Insufficient capacity and too long cycle, Li Mu can't wait. (To be continued.)

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