Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 466: Occupy Fragment Time

QQ's current market share is shrinking sharply, but for Li Mu, it is still its biggest competitor.

To be a giant crocodile, we must be determined to kill all potential competitors and make the whole world its own hunting ground. Although this ambition is difficult to achieve, it must also be exhibited in this direction!

In the field of instant messaging, Li Mu's goal is to become a dominant company. He must have a 9% market share to sit back and relax. Before this goal is reached, all software that can account for more than 5% of the market will become its own competitor. , Especially the QQ of the industry hegemon of the last life.

The current QQ has a big gap in all aspects in front of yy, but Li Mu is not afraid to relax at all, because he knows the strength of this company in product development. It can be said that this is the company that knows the products best in the future. As long as he still exists, there will be a threat to Li Mu. Maybe if they open a new function and new product, they can restore the trend.

The yy game platform is the fatal blow that Li Mu prepared for QQ. Now QQ is no matter what products are brewing, but one thing is certain: their current income has shrunk sharply, from profit to loss, how long can it lose? Li Mu does n’t know, but at present, if he wants to catch up with the current yy on several core functions, it only takes a few months to do it. Tengxun began to make profits as early as last year. This year's book There must be a lot of money lying on the floor, and there is capital behind it. Maybe he can really fight himself for a year or two. If the two sides are in a tug of war on the product, you chase me, you do me copy, that ’s right Li Mu is absolutely unacceptable.

Therefore, what Li Mu has to do now is to let yy completely eliminate QQ, not only in the areas that QQ itself has already covered, but also in areas it does not currently cover, and use new products in the field of instant messaging to arm itself. The new product is the yy gaming platform.

According to the current scale of Lianzhong, the marketing department of Makino Technology once made an estimate that after the yy game lobby goes online, it should be difficult to break through 60,000 people according to the current market situation, and the market space cannot be considered very large.

In this regard, the reason given by the marketing department is that most of the current user demand for games is focused on end-games, and the viscosity and loyalty of end-games are also irreplaceable. Mini-games such as chess and card games can only serve one purpose. The role of leisure and entertainment, so the user viscosity is not high, the user group should not be too large, and currently there are only two paid items in the yy game lobby, the game blue diamonds and happy beans, its future income scale may also be relatively limited.

However, Li Mu is very optimistic about the future of the yy game lobby. The reason is very simple. This product may not be able to reach the high user viscosity of terminal games in a short time, but it has two characteristics that no terminal game has. Is extremely popular, one is the high share of fragmented time.

The so-called popularity is extremely high. At the moment when there is only Lianzhong, most people ca n’t understand it, but Li Mu knows that the Internet is going backwards, and a variety of games are overwhelming, even if some games can be passed by. Billion, but its user popularity is far less than the QQ game lobby, because the vast majority of users cannot get together in a terminal game, for example, when World of Warcraft was the best in the country, it was only 10 million Players, but the number of people who have played QQ game lobby is almost as many as QQ users. This is the unique advantage of QQ game lobby.

As for the high occupancy of fragmented time, it is actually because the positioning of the yy game hall is the same as that of the QQ game hall of the year. It does not require users to immerse them every day like playing terminal games. The flexible advantage of short game time to occupy the fragmented time of users.

For example, when you are bored, go in and play a few games of poker; when you are tired of playing end games, play a few games to change your mind; wait for your friends to play cs but the friends have not yet come, play a few games and wait; wait for the next movie , You ca n’t wait too much to play a few games; you do n’t want to type all the time during a group chat, a few friends come in to play a few games ...

These are the occupation of fragmented time.

From a product point of view, the small games in the yy game hall are very light and fast products in terms of user experience. First, the computer performance is not high, and the performance occupancy is very low when running. Second, it is not The game is played in a full screen state, but a full windowed interface, which is convenient for users to perform any other operations while playing the game, such as chatting yy, watching web pages, watching videos, listening to songs, and so on.

It does not require the user to concentrate all their energy and does not affect the operation of other products at the same time, which makes users of yy games use it very efficiently and the behavior cost is very low, so it is more suitable for filling the user's fragmented time.

However, no one in the current Internet has realized the concept and importance of fragmented time. Even the current Lianzhong itself does not have this attribute, because it does not have a strong core product to support it, and a single game platform cannot reduce user behavior costs. To enter the account and password to log in, it is far less convenient than the yy user to start the yy game lobby, because the yy user only needs the left mouse button and one click to complete the whole process of startup + login 6 automatically.

If you want to grab the user's fragmented time, the product itself must be minimalistic and minimal.

In addition, a product that can firmly occupy the user's fragmented time is very remarkable, because the accumulated viscosity of the fragmented time will be higher after a certain degree. In a simple analogy, mobile phone users often get tired of a certain game. Uninstall it, but once the fragmented reading application of today's headline is installed in the mobile phone, the vast majority of users will keep it in their mobile phones and use it scatteredly multiple times a day, the more they use The more faithful.

Li Mu's hope for the yy game lobby is to firmly occupy the user's fragmented time, so that the viscosity of yy users is qualitatively improved.

At the same time, Tengxun, who is far away in Shenzhen, is also working hard.

Tengxun has entered normal overtime for many days. Since yy went online, all technical employees have implemented the 996 work system: work at 9 am, work at 9 pm, and work six days a week.

Tengxun employees also know that this is a critical moment for survival. With the support of powerful products and stickers and happy farms, Yy is in the instant messaging field and its QQ share is getting smaller and smaller. At this time, all hope is pinned on the product. Opened.

Mr. Ma is most concerned about the opening of the QQ game platform. He has long realized that if he only competes with yy in the instant messaging itself, he is at a disadvantage in all aspects. Now he must find a way to break the game and use a surprising way to win. Turning things around, so the QQ game platform is his greatest hope right now.

mIh's representative Dean Cooper has been stationed in Shenzhen during this time. He even went to Tengxun every day to "take a class". Although he did n’t understand the technology, he needed to see that Tengxun was now orderly and needed to see them. Overcome the confidence of the opponent and relay the situation here to the headquarters in a timely manner. If President Ma or the headquarters has any information that needs to be exchanged, he will also convey it on the spot.

At night, Dean opened the door of President Ma's office. According to his habits these days, he came in to talk with President Ma to talk about the latest developments and situations, and then exchanged the news. Then he could return to the hotel. Already.

Of course, Dean is very interested in the Chinese tea he brewed. People in Guangdong love to drink tea. Almost every leader's office will have a set of tea set and tea sea. Every day Dean will drink a few cups of this tea. Tea, I will leave after drinking.

When President Ma saw Dean come in, he stood up directly from his desk, stepped to the sand, and said to Dean casually, "Dean, come and sit."

Dean laughed and said, "Drinking your Chinese tea these days, I'm almost fascinated. I can't help coming to your office at this time."

Mr. Ma smiled slightly: "Drinking tea is good for your health and can also regulate your mood. I usually ca n’t sleep at night when I drink tea at night, but I have been stressed so much that I can sleep better with tea at night."

Having said that, Mr. Ma has already started to make tea, and Dean sighed: "I can see that you and your staff have been under a lot of pressure recently, but your hard working attitude has made my leaders appreciate it very much. He has always trusted you and your team very much. Even if there is an opponent like Makino Technology ~ ~, he also believes that you will be able to lead the team to reverse the current situation. Our requirements are not high. If we can keep it The 4o% market share has been very successful. If it can reach 5o% or higher, it is even better. "

Mr. Ma said very confidently: "4o% is not a problem. As long as our QQ game platform is online, I have this confidence. After all, now yy is only a single client, plus two eb products, two post bars and happy farm. And our QQ game lobby will become the first client product associated with QQ. In this product, we can do too much in the future. "

Dean laughed: "I'm also very optimistic about your new product. If it can be done, the viscosity of the user will increase significantly, which is an advantage that Makino Technology does not have."

After saying this, Dean couldn't help but sigh: "I am more worried now if Makino will copy our ideas and open a game platform based on yy."

Mr. Ma said: "This is very possible. After all, everyone is borrowing and plagiarizing each other on the product model. Yy itself copied our QQ and added some original features on the basis of QQ. This behavior is shameless, but we There is no way to stop it, the only way is to stay ahead at all times. "

"In addition, while I now let the development team step up to open the QQ game lobby, I am still looking for a suitable development team everywhere. I want to temporarily increase our development capacity by an order of magnitude. A multi-million budget is sufficient to ensure that we have Strong opening ability to continuously upgrade and update the QQ game lobby. Makino ’s current front is too long. After our QQ game lobby goes online, they will imitate us from scratch. It is definitely difficult to catch us. ". (To be continued.)

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