Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 1172: Don't you feel ashamed?

[92zw] Edward flew all the way in fear, perfectly interpreting an old Chinese saying from another angle: it is more timid to be close to hometown.

Have to be timid!

He was afraid that because of this major mistake, he would mess up the movie and even mess up his career.

In all fairness, Edward feels that 10% of the leaked script was caused by internal staff. No matter whether it can be found out in the end, it is all caused by poor management.

I have invested $ 140 million in my hands and leaked all my investment plans. Who would dare to invest in making movies myself?

In case Warner furiously blocks himself, I am afraid that no one in Hollywood will pull himself ...

When the plane landed in Los Angeles, Edward really wanted to lie in the table and chair and cry a lot, anxious, painful, frightened, stunned ... Emotions lingered in Edward's heart, making him as if he were a boulder I can't breathe even when I hold my chest.

After getting off the plane, he hurried to take a taxi to the company. In the taxi, he saw today's newspaper. In addition to the huge headline, "The Last Samurai" script leaked, there was only one huge photo left. This photo was synthesized by the media. There are other actors such as Tom Cruise, Ken Watanabe and so on. It looks menacing.

This discovery made Edward even worse, afraid that Meyer would desperately fight with himself.

When he arrived at the company, Edward received a consoling look from all his colleagues. A public relations manager familiar with him told him: "Edward, the boss will hold a press conference tomorrow, you must cheer up!"

Edward is going crazy.

At the press conference, is it time for me to come out and bake it?

He was trembling all the way to the door of Meyer's office.

The outside secretary saw him and said with a smile: "Edward, you are finally back!"

Edward couldn't help getting annoyed. Damn, Lao Tzu dunked the big basket. Why do you laugh a little? Is it glee?

The upset Edward asked him angrily: "Is the boss there? I want to see him."

The secretary laughed: "Mr. Mayer is not here, but let me tell you when he leaves in the morning, so you don't have to worry, take a good rest first, and he will meet you at night."

Edward was stunned and asked subconsciously: "What are you talking about? Mr. Meyer doesn't worry me?"

"Yes," the secretary explained, "Mr. Mayer was very happy when he left. It seems that this matter did not cause him much trouble, so he deliberately ordered me and let me tell you those things."

Edward, who was puzzled, did not dare to relax his vigilance immediately, but just returned to his home in Los Angeles, waiting for Meyer's call.

At 8 pm, Meyer's phone number came over. After asking with concern whether Edward arrived in Los Angeles, he immediately invited him to his home to talk about the conference tomorrow.

Edward hurried over, and the moment he saw Meyer, he was nervous like a three-year-old.

Unexpectedly, Meyer enthusiastically invited him to sit down on the sofa in the living room and offered himself a cigar. He smiled and said, "Edward, this time you are blessed by disaster! What happened to the script now? It became a hotspot among the hotspots, and even YY reported that the film's exposure reached its peak at once, and Japanese management was very satisfied with it! "

Edward asked incredulously: "Mr. Mayer, why are Japanese investors satisfied with this?"

Mayer Haha smiled: "What they care about is exposure and influence. The box office is not so important. Now that the film has not finished filming, it is already so famous, and they are certainly very satisfied."

Then, Meyer patted Edward's shoulder, and smiled, "You must be intimidated all the way back?"

Edward was relieved. The boulder in his heart seemed to be removed instantly. The tears of excitement were almost flowing out, but he still said with a lingering fear: "Mr. Mayer, only God knows how tormented this way is for me! God bless, Otherwise, I don't know how to face you and the management ... "

Meyerhaha smiled and relieved: "Your luck is really good. If this thing continues to develop like this, this movie will probably become the hottest topic of the year. When the movie is released in the future, it will inevitably cause a huge sensation! "

Edward nodded again and again and promised: "Mr. Mayer please rest assured that I will do my best to make this movie!"

Meyer nodded and smiled: "I believe in your strength!"

After speaking, Meyer said, "Let's take a good look at the press conference tomorrow, and do a good job of the press conference, then you can go back and continue shooting."


Warner's press conference attracted mainstream media in almost the entire United States.

Yesterday's push of YY made this script leak a super hot spot that is being followed throughout North America. Naturally, these media will not miss the opportunity to track and report on this super hot spot.

In fact, as long as you pay close attention to the news industry, you will find that this industry is very similar to the people making money. The poorer the people, the slower the rate of making money, and if there is no opportunity, it will be difficult to catch even if there is; The more money you make, the faster you can make money, and some opportunities will even come to you, so the poorer and poorer the richer, the richer the richer.

The news industry is exactly the same. Some news is exhausted and not hot, and all the media are deaf to it; but some news is just a little bit and it is getting more and more prosperous. Numerous people have taken the initiative to come in and add fuel.

The news leaked from the script of "The Last Samurai" is like the latter. Because of the superstar Tom Cruise, it can quickly become popular in a very short time, and countless media have come in to assist.

At the press conference, Meyer and Edward faced numerous guns and short guns in the media. They could n’t laugh out loud with excitement, but they both resisted the excitement in their hearts and their faces were full of anger. Authenticity, while strongly condemning the shameless acts of the leaker.

As the CEO, Meyer appeared to be angry in front of the media, saying: "The leak of the" The Last Samurai "script is the most nasty and dirty incident in Hollywood in recent years, although we don't know yet who leaked it. "It ’s an absolutely secret script, but what is certain is that the other party wanted to interfere with the filming of this movie. He must want us to mess up, we must temporarily modify the script or stop filming indefinitely."

Having said that, Meyer also said impassionately: "However, at this press conference today I solemnly promise to all media and audiences: Although the script of the movie" The Last Samurai "has been leaked, please believe Warner will definitely abandon all interference and continue to support Edward and the entire crew's work, and this film will be completed as planned! "

Having said this, Meyer paused, stretched out his right hand and pointed to the sky, and yelled, "At the same time, I want to tell the shameless leaker: Do you think you can make Warner yield? Dream! I tell you! Warner We will never temporarily modify the script, never stop filming, and never bow down to you. At the same time, Warner will definitely follow up this leaked case and will dig you out and make you pay! "

Meyer ’s performance at the press conference was, in the eyes of Americans, really “have-balls”. To put it succinctly, it was a kind of attitude. This attitude also won him a lot of favor.

Followed by director Edward's performance time.

In front of media reporters, Edward first condemned the leaker ’s behavior. After an angry condemnation, he said excitedly: "No matter how others put cold arrows behind my back, I will never give up this great film. I represent" The film crew of The Last Samurai solemnly promises to audiences all over the world that our entire crew will definitely abandon this unexpected interference and make a great film of this great movie wholeheartedly to give all the audience a satisfactory answer! "

Speaking of which, Edward paused and said irritably, "At the end of this year," The Last Samurai "will be with you!"

The press conference was very successful. Meyer also gave Warner's public relations and privately gave all attending reporters a sincere "car and horse fee" in exchange for the direction of media coverage and closely aligned with their core needs, so After the press conference, almost all the media reporters who were present immediately started to write articles. Every reporter couldn't help but sigh that Warner's crisis PR was really powerful. This leaked storm was thought to have a great impact on Warner Unexpectedly, Warner has become the biggest beneficiary.

While the media reporter was busy writing, Li Mu learned about the entire press conference through the YY English portal. After confirming that Warner and Edward acknowledged the authenticity of the leaked script, his real counterattack began to take place!

The script that has already been written starts to run, and a lot of content edited by Li Mu in advance has begun to be published on some websites with huge traffic in the United States.

At the gathering place of Tom Cruise's fans, someone posted a post called "Look, this is the extreme spirit of Bushido that Tom Cruise highly admired", the title of this post is to Tom Cruise His fans are very attractive. Many people know that Tom Cruise is obsessed with Japanese culture, and this post looks as if it is intended to give you a good science popularization of the Japanese Bushido spirit?

And when these fans clicked in with a learning mentality, the first black and white photo made countless fans stunned!

This is a real historical picture. In the picture, the body of a beautiful officer is striking. The most important thing is that his internal organs are hollowed out, and only the leg bones are cut.

The first sentence below the picture is: In September 1944, US bomber pilots were captured by the Japanese on the island of Father Island. Except for George Bush, who later became president, escaped, eight other pilots were tragically worshipped by the extreme Bushido spirit. The Japanese beheaded and the body was cooked by the Japanese ...

Then there was a black and white photo of the US ship capsized on fire, and a black and white photo of a US Navy soldier jumping from the ship into the sea with fire.

The following text describes: In 1944, the Japanese army at the end of the strong crossbow used an extreme Bushido spirit to inspire pilots to fly a plane against a US ship in order to resist the attack of the US Navy. !!

Later, there was another picture of countless American prisoners of war being driven away by the Japanese armed with katana and rifles. The American prisoners of war in the photos were skinny and very similar to the Jewish refugees in the Nazi concentration camp;

The accompanying text description is: In 1942, the U.S.-Philippine garrison on the Batane Peninsula in the Philippines and the Japanese army fought for four months. Eventually, due to lack of materials and support, nearly 80,000 soldiers surrendered to Japan. These 80,000 people were forcibly detained to 160 km outside the prisoner of war camp. On this 160 km road, the Japanese soldiers who believed in the extreme Bushido spirit stabbed and shot dead the prisoners. 160 kilometers away, 15,000 prisoners of war died!

Next is a photo reported by Japan's "Tokyo Nippon Shimbun" during World War II. There are two Japanese officers holding katana on it. In addition, there is a Japanese army wielding a katana and cutting down an ordinary citizen. Black and white photo of head

The following text description is: In 1937, two Japanese invaders who believed in the extreme Bushido spirit conducted an inhuman "competition" in Huaxia. They called it "hundreds of people", so-called "hundred people" I mean, whoever killed a hundred Chinese innocent people with a samurai sword is the winner of this "contest", and the first photo was the Japanese "Tokyo Riichi Shimbun" at the time of this demon race Official report!

Later, there were many old photographs during the war, including Japanese beheadings of American prisoners of war, photos of Japanese troops chopping off common people's heads and holding them in their hands, photos of Japanese troops stabbing prisoners of war with bayonets, and Japanese operations of civilians and prisoners of war. Buried photos ...

After a lot of **** photos ~ ~ The author of the post questioned: "After reading these photos, please tell me, what is the difference between the extreme Bushido spirit and the extinct human Nazism? Those who praise the extreme Bushido spirit What on earth is it? I don't understand why when the Nazis have been cast aside by people all over the world, why do people who annihilate their conscience sing another so-called spirit comparable to the Nazis? "

Subsequently, the author sharply pointed his finger directly at the first actor Tom Cruise in The Last Samurai:

"Tom Cruise, you have publicly stated on various occasions that you like Japanese culture and the spirit of Bushido, and even now you have taken a movie about Samurai, and you have even spoken to the media for this You have prepared this movie for two full years. If the script of this movie had not been leaked, we do n’t even know that this would be a brainwashing movie that will beautify the spirit of extreme martial arts!

I want to ask you, as an American, do you really not know anything about the history of decades ago?

Don't you know how many innocent Americans and how many other innocent people have been subjected to this 'spiritual' slaughter? !!

Don't you know how much death and suffering this 'spiritual' has brought to people around the world? !!

And you, in order to make money, shamelessly put on the armor that highlights Bushido, pick up the sword of Bushido, wash the ground and stand for this extreme Bushido spirit! It is really disappointing to even participate in such a movie that spares no effort to beautify the extreme Bushido spirit!

I want to ask you, when you see these photos, when you learn these stories, when you see those helpless and fearful eyes, do n’t you feel ashamed about the heart in your chest ? "[Love Chinese]

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