Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 1153: Let go!

Brother Li Mu's 2.1 billion material hoarding plan stunned Brother Liu. ?? Read a book W? W? W ·? KA? N? SHU · COM

He is not only surprised that Li Mu will call 2.1 billion yuan from the reserve fund pool when he speaks, but there are also several levels of worry.

The first worry is that he is afraid that the current storage capacity is insufficient;

2.21 billion If you buy electronic products or valuables, you may not need much storage capacity, but Li Mu's anti-epidemic materials are plainly disinfectants, masks, alcohol, gloves and even some drugs.

If it really enters the epidemic situation of infectious diseases, the biggest demand on the market will inevitably be disinfectant, and ordinary 84 disinfectant is now sold at a retail price of two or three yuan a bottle, a bottle of about 450 to 500 ml;

If it is purchased in large quantities, it is estimated that the price per liter is about three yuan, and one cubic meter can be bought for three thousand dollars, and this does not take into account the effect of packaging on the actual volume. Occupies 1.3 or even 1.5 cubic meters of space.

Three thousand pieces are 1.5 cubic meters, and thirty million is fifteen thousand cubic meters. If the height of a single product is 20 centimeters, stacking ten floors is already the load limit of the bottom cargo. In this case, stacking 30 million Of goods, the storage area needs about 7,500 square meters;

If it is 300 million, it is 75,000 square meters;

For $ 600 million, you have 150,000 square meters;

Not to mention that the warehouse is not yet automated, there are no stacking tools, the labor cost of the ten-layer stacking is very high, and the operation is also very difficult;

Such a large purchase volume is scary at first thought, not to mention that Taobao's self-employed business itself occupies most of the storage capacity, so the overall storage balance under Taobao Logistics is not large, and it is estimated that 2 billion will be returned. Without spending half of it, Taobao's warehouse burst;

The second worry is that he is afraid of Li Mu's flashing back. If Li Mu's judgment on the entire epidemic is too pessimistic, hoarding more than two billion materials with a pessimistic mentality, in case the event is not as serious as he expected in the end. How to deal with more than a billion materials?

Although these materials are consumable products, because they are not fast-moving consumer goods, the market has been weak for a long time. Under normal circumstances, the market's production and sales are saturated or even oversupplied. If you want to sell these two billion materials, It may be difficult to sell it off. At that time, it is likely to be completely rotten in its own warehouse. These costs will have to be carried by Taobao itself.

Brother Liu expressed his two levels of concerns. Li Mu said to him: "2.1 billion is only an initial plan, and it is likely to be added later, but the storage problem is easy to handle. We immediately set up a team at the location of our seven logistics bases. Looking for available storage resources, as long as you have them, you have to win them at any cost.? One ~ ~ Want AN? S see H? U? · C? OM "

Taobao Logistics originally established six logistics distribution and storage bases: Yanjing, Shanghai, Yangcheng, Chuandu, Hanjiang, and Liaoshen. Later, because Shenzhen's electronic product trading was extremely hot, another new one was established in Shenzhen. The seven cities are all important logistics hubs. Although Taobao's own storage is not enough, there are a lot of warehousing resources in the society, which can be solved by leasing;

Later, Li Mu said, "As for the issue of capital risk, Brother Liu, do n’t put it first. This time, we have to put social responsibility first. The risk is there, but it ’s not bad for Taobao. No big risk, the worst result is that more than two billion materials are thrown in their own hands, but the shelf life of these materials will not be short. We have time to digest them slowly, and we can still make up some of them. Loss, do n’t worry too much about the rest. Even if we lose, we ca n’t move our foundation. ”

Brother Liu nodded gently and said, "I don't have any opinion on what you say, but I just want to find out if we can find a way to avoid risks as much as possible. If we can't find it, we have to carry the risk completely. This, I agree with you! "

牧 Li Mu smiled with satisfaction: "This is great! Then I will start to talk about some of my specific ideas. Listen to it, Ziwei remember, if you have any questions, interrupt me at any time."

The two nodded at the same time and said OK.

Li Mu immediately said, "First of all, we must send a business team to communicate with all the regular disinfectant manufacturers in the country, so that they can increase their production capacity in the future for a period of time. We produce a sufficient amount of disinfectant, but we must be careful in handling. At first, we bought a lot of shells in China in order to be an offshore company. At that time, we will complete the procurement through these bottom shell companies, so as not to cause too much goals. attention;"

Brother Liu said immediately, "OK, I'll arrange this."

Li Mu also said: "The specifications of the disinfectant must be considered. In principle, most of them are small specifications, that is, about 200 ml. One can split more items into one, and then another. In fact, most families You do n’t need to use such a high-intensity disinfection at all, 200 ml is theoretically enough for a long time, and the less it is, the more you can understand how to use it reasonably. "

"In addition to most small-sized packages, we also need small-sized large-sized packages, such as two-liter and five-liter packages. Such large packages can be used to meet the disinfection needs of schools, kindergartens, and corporate units."

Brother Liu agreed with a look: "This consideration is very meticulous. I think for most people, if 200 ml of disinfectant is used for 20 days, then 500 ml is estimated to be 20 days. Use caution! "

Li Mu went on to say: "Secondly, it is best to purchase n95 masks with breathing valves worldwide, preferably 3m. First understand the cost of purchasing such masks in large quantities. If it is less than five yuan, prepare at least 200 million . "

Brother Brother Liu was almost frightened: "What does n95 mean? In addition, 200 million masks? Brother, the urban population of the country is almost the same!"

Li Mu said earnestly: "Masks have a life span. After a certain degree, the protective ability will decline. It is estimated that a mask will be amazing for ten days and eight days. If it is used frequently, it will be even shorter, so be sure to make a reserve. As for masks, our citizens do n’t pay enough attention to them. Taking this opportunity, we can use them to publicize the wave. ”

Even Brother Liu does not know what the n95 mask is, but if it is 2016, junior high school students may know what the n95 mask means, because at that time, smog and pm2.5 have become inseparable in people's lives. Keyword, at that time we only knew the difference between professional-grade protective masks and ordinary disposable masks, and most people would choose n95 masks to fight smog.

At the moment, most people are still stuck in a disposable medical mask, which can isolate dust, bacteria, and viruses. Even some medical staff do not realize that they need to use n95 level or higher. Protective masks, they are even using the solution of double-layer disposable masks, even the thick cotton masks that basically have little protection.

In addition, every year, so many migrant workers suffer from pneumoconiosis because they do not wear masks. Many people who lost their labor in their thirties and died in their forties are in fact. In fact, they only need to wear an n95 level at work. Protective masks can greatly avoid the danger of pneumoconiosis, but no one has popularized them. They can only earn a low salary every day while protecting the deadly threat of industrial dust.

Li Mu now thinks that once it is made public, then he must make the use and importance of protective masks a science popularization within the entire network. He can even invest a lot of money for offline science popularization, and he must make people pay attention. Daily and respiratory protection during epidemics and special operations, so even if 200 million masks cannot be sold, Li Mu is willing to give them all to workers in the mining, stone, wood and hazardous processing industries. Taobao now has such a large Plate, this point of social responsibility can still be fully sustained.

Brother Liu knows Li Mu's routine, although he doesn't understand it very much, but he doesn't say anything against it, but immediately says, "I'll do it."

Li Mu busy said: "I'll do it. The professional protective equipment manufacturing companies such as 3m and Honeywell are from the United States, and the current sales in Huaxia are not high, so I will not grab the inventory in the Huaxia market. On the contrary, it will squeeze the domestic supply. It is better to search from overseas, and it is best to buy directly from the United States. "

Li Mu said, "We are familiar with the United States. There are many acquaintances. The key is that I can be regarded as a person with some industry and influence in the United States. By the way, do you remember the Elon who came to China to contact me for porcelain? Musk? "

Brother Liu nodded and said, "Remember, that dumb dude, look special chicken thief."

Li Mu laughed: "He appears to be an Internet person ~ ~ The skin is half a fantasy sci-fi, but in his bones he is a bravery hawk. This person has a wide social network and a wider range of involvement. Find him should be able to get online, not to mention I need not only their masks, but also more top-level protective equipment, it would be wonderful if the resources can be replaced! "

3m and Honeywell are basically the two most well-known mask brands in the haze-proof stage in the later generations. In that era, the mask industry ushered in the mouthpiece. Everyone advertised that they are truly masks that can prevent pm2.5, but Real monitoring, most products on the market are false publicity, many products are less reliable than brands such as 3m, they have turned to appearance and gimmicks, masks are better than one, and functions are more fancy than one, But in the final analysis, the best protection and the most reliable quality is the world-class brand 3m.

Finally, Li Mu arranged: "There are still some medicines that may increase their prices temporarily. Let's go directly to the pharmaceutical company and let them produce a batch of daily medicines such as isatigen and sterilized alcohol in case they are needed."

Brother Liu nodded and reminded him, "But we don't have the qualifications to sell medicines. This has to remind you."

Li Mu waved his hand: "Hi, it doesn't matter, we are not allowed to sell, but did not say we are not allowed to buy it. This kind of thing must be let go and do it in an unconventional way. Buy it first and store it. Then, if it is critical, If we do n’t let it sell, it ’s a big deal to be sent to the disease control centers around the country.

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