Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 1118: Sniper Hero

When "Those Years" swept the domestic movie box office with unprecedented momentum, Muying's ticketing system was also expanding its influence in the theater field at a destructive rate.

For cinemas, the Muying ticketing system is really affordable.

The biggest significance of the animal husbandry ticketing system itself is to reduce the cost of watching movies by netizens and greatly improve their viewing experience. Therefore, it can pull a large number of users who would not go to the theater to watch movies. The movie ticketing system purchases movie tickets to watch movies, so it has greatly improved the overall box office volume.

Take Yanjing as an example. Of the 10,000 people in Yanjing originally, only one hundred people would have the idea of ​​watching a movie every day, but only thirty people would actually walk into the cinema to watch a movie.

But now, because Muying ’s unprecedented online ticketing system is popular, at least 500 people in Yanjing every day will have the idea of ​​buying a movie ticket through the Muying ticketing system, and their actual actions , Is to buy every movie ticket on the Muying ticketing system.

The user's preference for Muying's ticketing system directly leads to the Muying's ticketing system's ticketing ability is much higher than that of any movie theater itself. As long as it is connected to the Muying's ticketing system, the overall attendance of the cinema line at least doubles. In other words, it is real income.

Moreover, as a platform, Muying ticketing system provides self-service ticket collection terminal for free, and even provides a very practical and powerful terminal management and sales system for the cinema line for free. Box office commission, this commission ratio is already an absolute conscience price.

In the next few days, hundreds of self-service ticket collection machines were continuously sent to all parts of the country. In a very fast time, they had covered all the theaters in first-tier cities and began to expand to second-tier cities.

The factory once again received orders for 2,000 self-service ticket collection machines. Li Mu has decided to run at full power and use the speed of virus transmission to promote the popularization of the Muying ticketing system across the country.

When "The Year" was released for a full week, it had already captured 70 million box offices across the country, an average of 10 million a day, and with more theater lines joining the Muying ticketing system, its box office will definitely continue to Be inspired by the second round of surge.

However, on the seventh day after the release of "Those Years", on December 14th, Zhang Yimou's "Hero" was officially released in China.

However, at this moment Zhang Yimou was not happy at all.

If not all the publicity work is ready, he even hopes that "Hero" will be released at a different time, because the "Those Years" released a week earlier than "Hero", the momentum is too fierce!

If it were estimated based on a month's release time, Zhang Yimou even felt that the total box office of the movie "Those Years" could easily break through the 200 million yuan mark.

You know, since there is a real box office statistic in China, the first box office movie to break the 100 million mark, and the highest box office movie so far, is "Life and Death Choice", which was released in 2000. However, this record will soon be " Those Years "broke.

Hitting a schedule with such a perverted competitor, Zhang Yimou's heart was extremely depressed. Now the media is covered with advertisements, news and trailers of those years. Compared with it, the promotion of his "Hero" is almost okay. It's terrible.

As television, magazines, newspapers, and even major websites, discussions about movies are basically around "The Years", although "Hero" spent a lot of money for media publicity, but the actual effect was minimal. .

Now, in any movie theater, the attendance rate of "Those Years" is significantly higher than that of other films. A movie theater of the same size earns at least twice as much income as other films. There is no need for Makino Ying. As if coming forward, the movie theater bosses themselves re-arranged according to this situation, so that the proportion of "the years" has continued to increase.

In this case, the entire domestic film and television market has fallen into a nostalgic fever. On the streets and lanes are Zhang Kexuan's "Those Years", and at the end of the streets are the plot from "The Girls We Chased Together in Those Years". In this atmosphere, Heroes, with martial arts and history as the background, completely lost the soil for development.

In the company of the new screen producer of "Heroes", Zhang Yimou was angry at the change of the cinema at this moment. On the first day of release, according to the data learned by the employees sent by the company, the layout of the cinemas was extremely optimistic. .

Originally, the theaters promised more than 30% of the total movies to Heroes, and even some theaters exceeded 50%. However, when it was released, almost all theaters greatly reduced the promised schedules and directly The waist cuts are all less, and more is reduced to one third or even less of the promise at a stretch.

Zhang Yimou, who was furious, scolded in his office: "These theater lines are too dishonest! If they say less, they will be reduced, and they will not even say hello!"

Zhang Yiping, Zhang Yimou's best partner, said helplessly: "No way, Makino Epic's" Those Years "is really too strong, the attendance rate is high, and the box office is growing at an alarming rate."

"It's ridiculous!" Zhang Yimou said with a complexion: "This kind of bad movie can have such a high box office, it's nothing more than a little affection and love, there is no hint of it!"

Zhang Weiping shrugged his shoulders: "The key to the problem lies in the good choice of the subject matter! Although the themes of history and martial arts are large and deep, the problem of non-conformity of this subject matter is also very serious. Most viewers actually like it Looking at some grounded themes, "The Years" just happens to be a very grounded modern theme. Compared with it, we have a congenital short board, and it is reasonable to lower our schedule on the theater line. "

Zhang Yimou said bluntly: "Our cast and production team are so powerful, will the audience not buy it? These theaters are simply following the trend and short-sighted, otherwise, they will not give all the movies to the" Those Years "! "

Zhang Weiping said: "I believe that the audience ’s eyes are clear. Our film lineup is indeed strong. Even if the number of films is not high enough, as long as our attendance is guaranteed, the theaters will gradually increase the number of films. Back. "

The important basis of the movie line is the attendance rate. Which movie has the highest attendance rate, and the rehearsal volume of which movie is naturally high. The movie theater owners do not work for a single film and television company or even a single director. What they are pursuing is the greatest benefit. Therefore, if the attendance rate of "Hero" can surpass those of "Those Years", the theater line will inevitably raise the attendance rate of "Hero".

Zhang Yimou has extra confidence in his new film. He said to Zhang Weiping, "Be assured, wait and see, our movie's attendance rate will definitely surpass those of those years!"

Zhang Weiping reminded: "Yimou," these years "for seven consecutive days, the online sales occupancy rate was 100%, that is, from the day it was released to the present, all movie tickets sold on the Internet were sold out. It's ... "

Zhang Yimou was a little bit confused, and later said: "I think that Maki Ying Ticketing is in Makino Eki's own hands, then this data is completely free for them to say casually, I don't believe any movie can have a 100% attendance for seven consecutive days. It's impossible. "

Zhang Weiping said, "But as far as I know, the credibility is still very high."

Zhang Yimou waved his hand and said, "Wait tomorrow and look at our first day box office data and average attendance!"


The next day, the box office data of the previous day was released. Because it was Saturday, and the proportion of online tickets in "The Years" was also increasing, it ushered in a resurgence at the box office one week after its release.

On this day, the box office of "Those Years" rose against the trend on the basis of a slow decline for several consecutive days, and gained 20 million box offices across the country, of which more than 5 million came from the Muying ticketing system, setting a mainland Chinese film list. A new record at the daily box office, and the previous record was 18 million set on the second day of "The Years" ~ ~ and Zhang Yimou also got the box office data on the first day of the release of "Heroes".

"2.6 million ?!" Zhang Yimou stunned, looking at the data given by his men.

"How come there are only 2.6 million? What is the attendance?"

The employee in front handed in a piece of paper again, which said that "Hero" had a high attendance rate at theaters across the country yesterday. The highest prime time single-game performance was only about 50%, and most of them were below 20%.

In addition to the attendance of theaters and performances in different regions, there is one more important data in this data report: average attendance.

The average attendance determines the commercial prospects and potential of a movie, so the director attaches great importance to this data.

At this time for Zhang Yimou, whether "Hero" can exert power in the middle and rear sections depends on the average attendance rate. If the average attendance rate is high, then it is a matter of time to turn around. Come back.

When Zhang Yimou got the statistics of his heart and soul, the whole person suddenly seemed to be poured with a bucket of ice water, and he felt cool inside and out!

On the first day of release, the average attendance rate of "Heroes" in various national games was only 19.1%.

What is the concept of 19.1%? A movie hall with two hundred people has less than forty guests on average. Most of the remaining seats cannot be sold, so they fell into the theater's own hands and earned less than one. Dividing money.

What made Zhang Yimou burst out of old blood was that the average attendance rate of "Those Years" also came out, and it reached an average height of 6-70%. The attendance rate was three or four times that of "Hero". ...

When Zhang Yimou saw that the box office of "Those Years" was as high as 20 million yesterday, his three views of the whole person would collapse! The 20 million box office in a single day is an absolute new record in the history of Chinese cinema!

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