Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 1095: Give the boss a wave of rhythm

Before Li Mu had appeared, media reporters had already shot a lot of material around this huge automatic sorting system.

This modern automatic sorting equipment has a sense of technology industry that is difficult to describe in the eyes of most reporters. They ca n’t wait to see the situation when this automatic sorting machine is in operation. Countless packages are quickly sorted in this system, and then quickly go where it should be.

Of course, what they can't wait to see is Li Mu, who has not appeared in front of the media for several days.

In their eyes, Li Mu, a talented young man who first conquered the entire Western world with strength and charity, and then took $ 3.3 billion from the pockets of Western capital, is a perfect epitome of the future of this country and this nation. He Once in the West, they have won considerable attention and respect for the motherland. As a media reporter, they are deeply moved.

The correspondent of each media in foreign countries, when chatting with other colleagues overseas, the other party will definitely mention Li Mu. Any western media person praises Li Mu, and they praise Li Mu, at the same time they have cultivated Li Mu, hatched Makino Technology and Huaxia of 3321 are also full of goodwill.

In contrast, Boss Ma also had such a strong influence in Western countries in his lifetime, but when all Westerners saw him, they all thought of the Huaxia market. To put it plainly, it was money, money, money. .

Boss Ma travels in the western high society and is highly valued, but the real core is that he himself is the medium for Western merchants to open the Huaxia market.

It can be said that the boss Ma at that time was a mobile Huaxia market entrance. Finding him was equivalent to opening the Huaxia market.

That ’s why Boss Ma has that appeal. When he appeared, a large group of overseas entrepreneurs followed, and even a large group of overseas politicians were looking for him for help. From time to time, Li Mu could see the news. A senior government official in Europe or Australia, Please ask boss Ma to help sell lobsters, cherries and other souvenirs. Mr. Ma pats his **** and says OK, he can help the other party dump the goods to Huaxia in a short time.

Li Mu admits that this is also a kind of skill of Boss Ma, but Li Mu feels that Boss Ma has never got rid of the level of money, and Li Mu does not agree with the points expressed in many of his speeches. What makes him most ridiculous is that he does not love Money speech.

According to Li Mu, 99% of the entrepreneurs in the world have the original intention of starting a business for money. Although they always pack themselves into society, for the country, and for all humanity in the face of the media, no matter how they are packaged, It's all about starting a business for money.

Therefore, Li Mu himself has never tried to whitewash his original intention of entrepreneurship through hypocritical remarks. As he said frankly when he gave a speech at Harvard, his goal at the beginning of his business was to earn some quick money to solve his college tuition. , While improving the economic conditions of the home, and nothing more.

There is no big ambition, and no ambition to help society and human beings. He just wants to work hard to make the laid-off parents do not have to work so hard, that's all.

Therefore, Li Mu will never say that he does not like money, and he will not persuade young people not to value money too much. On the contrary, he will tell young people that if you want to make money, think of ideas for making money. If you think of it, , Hurry up and act!

No one should let young people give up their pursuit of money and consider the illusory issue of the people, society, and even all mankind. There is an old Chinese saying that is extremely incisive, while the poor is independent and the world is good.

To put it plainly, there is no money to even know how his mother eats, how his wife gets married, how to buy a house, or how his child is born. You let him stop thinking about money, think more about people, society, and all human beings. This **** is not farting It ’s not the wrong child, but what else?

This is why Li Mu is highly sought after by the media and young people all over the world. Although he is pretentious, he never talks nonsense. There is one saying one, two saying two, sincere and frank!


The launching ceremony of Taobao Logistics this time was actually very simple. The stage was just a half-meter-high stage. The stage was in front of the operating platform of the automatic sorting system. There was no background behind it. , Just put a microphone stand, nothing else.

There was no host at the launching ceremony. Brother Liu came to the stage to start the game. After welcoming all the media and introducing the background of the automatic sorting system, the scene was directly handed over to Li Mu.

After all, Li Mu is the object that many media reporters in the audience are looking forward to. All the materials on the scene are meaningless. Today, there are only two real protagonists, one is Li Mu, and the other is this set of automatic analysis from Berman, Germany Picking system.

When Li Mu finally appeared, the flash at the scene suddenly became a masterpiece. The continuous shutter sound of the SLR camera was like a machine gun. When hundreds of SLRs were shooting wildly, the shutter sound at the scene was almost a line.

Li Mu was wearing a particularly ordinary black hoodie, paired with a pair of straight jeans and canvas shoes. It looked quite like a college student. The media at the scene was also surprised by his appearance today. In everyone ’s impression, Li Mu Most of the time, he is very mature in front of the media. Even if it is not a suit and leather shoes, at least it is a shirt and trousers. But this time, he really dressed himself as a college student.

Li Mu stepped onto the stage during the applause, shutter sound and attention ceremony of the media, picked up the microphone on the microphone stand, and said with a smile: "Welcome everyone to come to participate in this launching ceremony of Taobao Logistics."

There was thunderous applause from the audience. Many female journalists who were crazy about Li Mu shouted like a girl who chased stars. You are so handsome like Li Mu. If I want to give you children, the atmosphere is serious and joyful.

Li Mu smiled slightly and said, "Thank you for the bold female reporters just now. I have no plans to get married yet, and I am not ready to be a father so early."

There was laughter all over the stage.

Li Mu then said again: "General Manager Liu has just introduced to you just now, this huge sorting system behind me is one of the six sorting systems that Taobao Logistics ordered from Berman, Germany."

Although the reporters already knew that Taobao Logistics launched six expensive automated sorting systems at one go this time, they were all surprised when Li Mu said it lightly.

Li Mu went on to say, "In fact, according to my original plan, we hope that every distribution base of Taobao Logistics can be equipped with at least two such sorting systems, so as to meet our potential surge in transportation capacity in the future, but due to the funding For this reason, we temporarily abandoned the aggressive prodigal plan and changed to the first six plans. "

The three characters of the prodigal son made everyone in the audience can't help but stare at Li Mu with a smile. The young man in front of him, although young, is young, but when he comes to power, he is calm and eloquence. Consistent and easy-going, it can mobilize the audience's attention and recognition to the greatest extent, allowing people to follow him and feel the emotions he wants everyone to feel.

Li Mu smiled and said, "But rest assured, for people like me who are uncomfortable without spending money, it won't be long before we will invest in at least 12 distribution bases and 24 automatic sorting systems. , I have no other advantage. The biggest thing is that you can do it. You can remember it and supervise me by the way. "

Everyone in the audience smiled, and I was shocked at the bottom of my heart. Regardless of the amount of money required for the twelve distribution bases, the cost of at least 24 automatic sorting systems also required at least 5-6 billion. Li Mu invested so much in logistics. Big, really not afraid of losing money, or is it draining your cash flow?

At this time, Li Mu laughed: "In the next time, we will fully develop the two companies Taobao and Taobao Logistics, and strive to further promote the development of domestic e-commerce. As we all know, Taobao Technology is a very socially responsible company We not only promote the development of domestic e-commerce, but also do our best to purify the environment of domestic e-commerce, and try to make e-commerce, a fresh Internet thing, have a positive and healthy start in the country. "

Applause sounded from the audience.

Needless to say, everyone knows Taobao's sense of social responsibility. Not only does it regularly organize celebrity item sales and donate the proceeds to charitable organizations, it has also been committed to cracking down on counterfeiting. At present, Taobao will deal with it severely whenever it finds sellers selling counterfeit goods. There is no palliative, from this we can see that Li Mu is a person who speaks the same thing, and who can do it.

Li Mu went on to say, "In the future, we hope that through the efforts of Taobao and Taobao Logistics, Huaxia's e-commerce business can develop faster and more comprehensively. At the same time, it can also help other e-commerce companies in the country and prepare to enter the e-commerce industry. Companies make a good example ~ ~ Applause and thunder.

Basically every media reporter is a **** fan of Li Mu.

At that moment, Li Mu laughed at himself and said, "I'm sorry, I talked a bit off topic."

Having said that, Li Mu deliberately talked about purifying the industry environment of e-commerce. He also pointed out that this time multimedia is focusing on himself, then he must mention the issue of selling e-commerce fakes again, but he did not directly mention E-commerce sells fakes, but gives a little guidance. I believe that when the media reports, they can think of the key points of selling and cracking down on fakes. As long as they write this in the news, the pressure on the boss ’s side will It will increase by one point.

Mr. Ma ’s Le Tao recently relied on those sellers who sold fakes. He has made a very good improvement. From the point of view of Mr. Ma, he is a sword away from the front and found a way out, but in Li Mu ’s view, he is I am completely drinking and quenching my thirst. Now the biggest question is, when will the above mentioned requirements be fulfilled, and the laws and regulations or management measures for the sale of fake electricity suppliers being introduced?

Li Musheng was afraid that they had forgotten it, so he deliberately took a wave of rhythm in the media.

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