Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 1067: Thinking induction

What Mu Mu said on the stage of Harvard University: Researching users, understanding users, and satisfying users has become the Bible in the minds of every product manager in the Internet industry in the future.

Although there are only three simple points or three steps, the truth contained in them is extremely accurate.

Studying users is a process, a process that requires effort and painstaking efforts;

Understanding the user is the first result and the first theoretical gain after hard work and hard work;

The theoretical gain is only theory, and further efforts are needed, and all these efforts are actually to satisfy users.

As long as a product can satisfy users, it is a valuable product, and the more users it meets, the greater its own value.

QQ, WeChat, Faebook, and Titter (Weibo) are the classic success products of the later generations. All of them have successfully completed the tasks from researching users, understanding users to satisfying users, so they can become hundreds of millions of users. Super product

In the long history of the development of the Internet, almost all of the products that have fallen to the ground are almost in one of these three links, or some points are out of order. Sina's UC vowed to kill QQ in the last year. The big defeat was because they did not even do a good job of researching the users. They only studied the market. They just felt that the instant messaging market occupied by QQ was very exciting, so they had to do it by themselves, but because they were not serious at all. I have studied users, so this kind of product that does not meet the needs of users has only one dead end, and success is simply contrary to common sense.

After Mark Zuckerberg heard Li Mu ’s words, the whole man suddenly came to his senses. He did n’t doubt Li Mu ’s words, but took it as the truth, and repeatedly told himself in his heart that if he tried the Internet again, In the field of entrepreneurship, we must keep in mind these three points mentioned by Li Mu.

After answering Mark Zuckerberg's question, Li Mu told the audience of tens of thousands of faces full of worship: "You, Makino Technology has many very important tasks underway at the same time. The temporary arrival to Harvard has been delayed. Many things, so I have to rush back to Silicon Valley this afternoon. Today ’s event really ends here. I sincerely thank all the students, faculty and staff of Harvard and MIT, and the principal of Lawrence and the board of directors of Harvard University. With my precious opportunity, I will come to Harvard again if I have the chance in the future. I hope that all the promises I have said today have been fulfilled. Thank you! "

Li Mu said this last remark. The students of Harvard and MIT did not ask him to say more as before, but everyone took full understanding and perseverance, while standing up and applauding, Shouting loudly.

At first, the cheers were extraordinarily messy, making it difficult to hear any one sentence, but gradually, the cheers at the scene became unified, and everyone was shouting two pronunciations: "Li-Mu!"

Li Mu bowed and thanked the audience amid the tens of thousands of people shouting their names, and then waved slowly to leave the scene. This time, the audience did not ask him to return, but after he disappeared from everyone's sight, everyone returned. They all stood in place, exclaiming Li Mu's name in excitement.

The enthusiasm at the scene made Lawrence jealous.

As the principal of Harvard, he did not even have half of Li Mu's influence.

No, not even a tenth.

Lawrence knew very well that he had enough rights and influence for 20,000 people from Harvard to listen to his speech, but this group of students would never pursue themselves like Li Mu.

After Li Mu came down from the stage, he immediately went to the lounge and asked Li Ziwei to go to Mark Zuckerberg. This time for him, he had to talk to him in private before leaving.

Faebook is a miracle in Li Mu's eyes and the pinnacle of human social networking. Even if he knew the product features and development strategy of Faebook, he really wanted to make a Faebook from scratch. He was not sure that he would be able to achieve his last life, Mark Zack. The scale that Berg did, and Li Mu knew very well that even if he could take Faebook to that height, his energy would not allow him to play at all. Now, in this case, he is no longer suitable. To develop major projects on your own, you must have the right people to follow up.

So for Li Mu, Mark Zuckerberg has already achieved his ambition.

A moment later, when Lawrence came to the stage to pick up Li Mu's heat, and talked about the cooperation between Harvard and Li Mu on 3321, Mark Zuckerberg had followed Li Ziwei to the lounge where Li Mu was.

As soon as Mark Zuckerberg entered the door, he looked at Li Mu like a god, shaking his head slightly, and shaking his hands. He said with great excitement, "Mr. Li, your speech just now is really exciting, I You have never worshipped anyone like this, you are the first! "

Li Mu smiled slightly and said, "Sit down first. I have something to talk to you about."

Mark Zuckerberg hurriedly sat down opposite Li Mu and watched Li Mu's heart tremble.

He knew that Li Mu had understood the tricks he used to deceive the school and deceive him. He didn't know if Li Mu was going to talk to him about this problem. If so, then he really felt complacent!

Just as Mark Zuckerberg was uneasy, Li Mu suddenly said: "Mark, I admire you!"

Mark Zuckerberg looked at him in surprise.

Li Mu said indifferently, "You are a well-intentioned person, and you have ideas, logic, and actions. Although you lied to Harvard and me in the invitation to speak, I appreciate the way you do things."

Still here ...

As soon as Mark Zuckerberg heard that Li Mu had lied to him about his speech, he immediately said with guilt: "Mr. Li is really sorry, I just adore you so much and think you are coming to Harvard students. He said that it must be the best role model, so I especially hope that you can come and give a speech to everyone, so that it will not only help the students at Harvard, but also fulfill my dream of meeting you. "

Li Mu laughed: "I said that this is not to settle accounts with you after the fall. I just think that your logic of doing things is so good and your execution is so good. It is a pity not to start a business."

After that, Li Mu raised an eyebrow, and said, "If you are interested, you can tell me, I still say that, if the project is suitable, I will invest you 5 million US dollars, accounting for 49% of your shares!"

Mark Zuckerberg said flattered: "Mr. Lee, five million dollars is too much, I can't reach that level ..."

Li Mu laughed: "Just give me all of you, and you are already worth the price."

Later, Li Mu asked Mark Zuckerberg again, "Do you have any suitable startup projects now? You can say to me."

Mark Zuckerberg said with a bit of shame: "In fact, the first time I saw that there were many school-known girls in" Paradise Town "who could earn very rich props, I realized that fans were rewarding this. Imagine space, so I want to use this model to build a school flower evaluation platform, so that everyone can score and reward various beauty on my platform, but I did not expect that my product has not been dug back, you The top national school spend list has already been launched, and it is much stronger than my activities in all aspects, so I gave up the launch of that page product. "

Li Mu knew that what he was talking about should be aemash, but still pretended to ask him: "Are there more specific information? Including product names and the like, you can introduce me."

"My product name is aemash," said Mark Zuckerberg.

Li Mu nodded thoughtfully, in fact, his heart was blooming.

Sure enough, Mark Zuckerberg still embarked on his old life, but the only difference is that his last life Faemash came online, and it caused a lot of sensation in Harvard, even because of this boring beauty selection Almost fired from Harvard.

However, because of his own life, under the influence of YY and "Paradise Town", Mark Zuckerberg has slightly deflected his life. He has already advanced the pace of his entrepreneurship a lot. Mark Zuckerberg's entrepreneurial impulse in this life is much stronger than the same period of last life!

The only question now is, when will he remember to make aebook in his life?

Thinking of this, Li Mu asked him tentatively: "Aemash's abortion project, do you have any new projects?"

"I've been thinking about it, but I haven't found a small project that is relatively easy to do," said Mark Zuckerberg.

Li Mu laughed: "In the future, you don't need to start small projects to start a business ~ ~ work directly with me, I will not treat you badly."

Mark Zuckerberg hurriedly thanked him, saying, "I'm currently thinking about a new product idea, and if there is a clear idea, I will contact you first."

Li Mu nodded and smiled: "I think ae is a very good word, I suggest you keep this word and do other projects in the future, try to bring this."

Mark Zuckerberg said excitedly: "It's a coincidence. I personally like the word Fae because Fae can bring us more intuitive feelings and enhance the interaction between people through the Internet."

Li Mu laughed: "Then you should continue to use the core store Fae for your next project."

Speaking, Li Mu also commanded: "About your new project, I don't think you need to worry about it for the time being, you can slowly think about it, but don't think of it! If we cooperate in the future, you better avoid YY and" Heaven "Farm" and even other products of Makino Technology, otherwise Makino Technology's products will have a great impact on you. On the other hand, I invest in doing the same things as my own company, which is a thing in itself. Things that consume a lot of money, so I suggest that you can avoid Makino's product line and think about breakthroughs on page products ... "

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