Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 1061: Conquer Harvard (1)

Facing Harvard and MIT's top students who came out of the nest, Li Mu's confidence was particularly infectious. He slowly paced on the stage, calm, and full of energy, began his first place on the world stage. Make a public appearance.

With a smile, Li Mu said, "As you know, I started several companies one after another during the summer vacation before going to college. Fortunately, one or two of them are doing well. Now we are We have expanded the business of one of the companies from Huaxia to the United States and to the global market. Fortunately, we now have more users around the world and a broader development space, which means we need to undertake Responsibility is even greater. "

Applause rang from the audience once again. Li Mu was modest, used fluke to weaken success, and used responsibility to explain success. All of a sudden, he won the further favor and recognition of tens of thousands of college students.

"The first project I did was a music sharing website. At the time in the China Internet industry, there were already many similar websites. Everyone was providing a variety of music audition and download services, but I was doing it myself. When I was working on a music website, I had seriously considered a question. If I were to do such a project, what would be my advantage compared to others. "

"I thought at the time, if I could find my unique strengths, then this project could be tried. On the contrary, if I couldn't find the strengths, then such a project attempt would be meaningless and could only be part of the flow." After serious and in-depth thinking, I think that my unique advantage is actually my deeper respect for users. "

"At that time, all music audiovisual websites on the market focused on traffic and advertising revenue. They didn't study pages, UI, or user experience. They only studied how to use pages that were already in a mess. Add more online advertising to achieve the effect of increasing income, so I decided not only to be a music-free audio-visual website without ads, but also to be a more beautiful music-audio-visual website to give users a better experience and give users More respect. "

"When my music website finally came online, my efforts quickly paid off. All users who used my product quickly settled down and became my loyal users. The reason for this is very simple, mutual Respect, it's like you prefer restaurants with good taste, good surroundings, and lower prices. "

"At that time, many people were questioning my music + site. They felt that I got so much traffic without using the traffic to monetize. This was too stupid, but I felt that monetizing it directly was like It is the first industry to grow fruits and vegetables. The resource utilization rate is too low, and the loss during the conversion process is too large, which will have a huge impact on the user environment of the entire product. "

"So I changed my mind. I have users, but I do n’t have to compulsively show them ads to get revenue. I can import them into my next product and make him a more in-depth user. So I Created a page product called Post Bar. It is a minimalist BBS, but the biggest difference is that I allow users to use any keyword allowed by law as a basis to build a BBS unique to this keyword. This product made me successful. Introduced users of music websites, but I still did n’t choose to advertise this product because I felt that I could find a better way to monetize it; "

"At that time, the operating cost of the two-page product was already relatively high. Fortunately, I got financing at that time, but financing was like the living expenses your parents gave you. There is always a day spent, so you have to do it. Yes, it is to plan ahead before the money is drawn; "

"So, under great pressure to realise, I made a page * called Happy Farm, the predecessor of Paradise Town. Later, Happy Farm brought huge Cash income has also been madly sought after by users. After users imported their personal and online connections into Happy Farm, we launched YY. Using these user connections, YY became Huaxia immediately after it went online. The most popular products in the Internet market are those that make today's Makino technology. "

Harvard and MIT students listened to Li Mu for the first time and his entrepreneurial journey. Within a few minutes, Li Mu explained the causes and consequences of the development of Makino's technology and its context. .

Although Li Mu's development history is scary, it is like a chain that is quickly created. Although it takes a short time, each link is there, and each link is exceptionally solid.

After the applause, Li Mu continued, "The reason why Makino Technology can have today is that when I sprung up the Idea of ​​a music website, I didn't just keep it in my brain and stay on paper, but actually put it into practice Action. "

"Just because I took the first step and made that music website, I pushed myself step by step to this day. If I had just put this Idea in my head and thought about it, then I might still be sitting among the people In university classes, I spend less than a hundred dollars a month living expenses from home and study and live in a big city nearly 1,000 kilometers away from my hometown. "

"You see, while spending two thousand dollars a year at home and earning hundreds of millions of dollars a year, everyone should now understand how important it is to put the ideas in your head into action."

The applause, laughter, whistle, and shouting of the audience continued. Although Li Mu said easily, everyone understood the importance of "action" from his words. Before that, although countless people talked to them After that, no one is as convincing as Li Mu said.

Waiting for applause to stop, Li Mu said: "Whether it is in developed countries, or in developing countries, poor and backward countries, every young man like our age is the most dynamic and imaginative one. Helping people, under the influence of age and hormones, our energy is strong, the brain is running at a rapid speed for almost 724 hours, and everyone has a variety of Ideas in their brains. There must be many of them. Value Ideas, but they are just Ideas. If we don't take action, then the best Ideas will not give you any help in this society. You are still you, a sentimental and whimsical you. "

After a while of laughter, Li Mu went on to say, "One day last year when I was studying at Renmin University, one of my roommates told me one day that he would like to find a part-time tutoring job. He came to work to study, but he did not make any progress through the traditional method of posting small advertisements. At that time, he was unable to do anything because his family was not very good. He urgently needed to solve part of the tuition and living expenses by himself. He was thin and the only way to think of it As a part-time tutor, he thought of this Idea and tried to put it into action, but for practical reasons, he couldn't find a suitable landing opportunity. "

"At that time, a sudden thought came to my mind. In Huaxia, the mentality of parents to find good tutors for children who are about to enter the college entrance examination is extremely urgent; and a student who can be admitted to Renmin University like my roommate is in itself It represents his rich experience in the college entrance examination and his knowledge reserve. Since there is sufficient supply and demand in this market, why is my classmate unable to find an employer? "

All the college students under the stage stared at Li Mu with their chins and eyes unblinking. They have fully entered into the rhythm of Li Mu. They listened to what Li Mu told and thought about every question that Li Mu raised during the narration. Looking forward to Li Mu's announcement of his answer.

Immediately, Li Mu paused and smiled, "I didn't understand it at the beginning, but later I realized that the supply and demand of the market are very strong, but it is difficult for the supply and demand sides to successfully trade. Then the biggest problem is, It is the lack of a transparent and efficient link between supply and demand. "

"So, an idea popped into my head. Now that I have set foot in the Internet industry, why not take advantage of the Internet to connect the world to solve the problem of supply and demand of tutors between candidates' parents and college students? Thinking of the day of this Idea , I immediately put into action, I locked myself in the room, combed an online employment tutoring platform, so that all college students who want to do part-time tutoring are registered as users of this platform, let them take their school, The major and college entrance examination scores are published, so that parents can choose the most suitable and customized tutor for their children on this platform. "

“For example, if someone ’s son wants to take Yanjing University, instead of finding some middle school teachers to give him tuition, it ’s more direct and effective to find a student who has just taken Yanjing University. Students are almost the same in age, and they have smoother and more efficient communication channels. Not only will the direction of learning be modified to the greatest extent, but the efficiency of learning will be greatly improved. "

"Furthermore, online trading has many benefits, and I can let those well-known university students like you openly bid at ~ ~ to get more generous salary returns for them."

"In a short period of time, I made this platform. For simplicity and memorability, I registered it with a purely digital domain name, and then led many of my classmates in every university and university in Yanjing. Promotion in a residential area, and soon, 3321 became popular throughout Yanjing.

Through 3321, tens of thousands of college students successfully found part-time tutoring jobs, and received far more rewards than they thought. Among the top college students, the bid price for a class hour exceeded one hundred dollars.

In Huaxia, an ordinary worker works 180 hours a month and can only get an average salary of less than 300 US dollars. The remuneration of more than one hundred US dollars in this class represents that his part-time salary is far more than that. His family income ability.

Yesterday his parents were still studying hard for him. Today, he can already solve all the expenses of studying with his part-time tutor, and at the same time, he can create more income to subsidize his parents. "

"In one year, our 3321 service scope has covered all undergraduate colleges and universities in China. Millions of college students are engaged in part-time tutoring on 3321. The monthly platform turnover has exceeded US $ 500 million. ! "

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