Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 1045: The last big killer

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牧 Li Mu came to the United States and hit a series of combined punches.

的 The most direct result of this combination of boxing is the sharp increase of users of Paradise Town in the United States.

天堂 "Paradise Town", driven by two tens of millions of dollars in bonus activities, just couldn't stop as if wings were inserted, making the entire Microsoft MSN Division thrilled.

N & nbsbs At this stage, there are four core business segments: MSN Portal, MSN Network Access, MSN-Messenger, and MSN-Hotmail.

& Nbsbsbs-Messenger is the MSN software for instant messaging. In addition, the MSN portal and MSN mailbox are also important business segments under MSN, with over 100 million users.

Among them, the most feared is naturally the instant messaging software MSN-Messenger, which is the same as positioning, but the overall level is several times behind.

In their eyes, "Paradise Town" is like the launch pad of this nuclear bomb. The angle of the launch pad will be closer to vertical for each additional user. Once the angle enters the ideal launch state of 90 degrees, this A nuclear bomb will be released mercilessly by Li Mu.

Microsoft is very clear from top to bottom. Once "Paradise Town" is used to achieve a perfect appearance in front of netizens across the United States, MSN will suffer a catastrophic disaster.

& nbsbsbs, has been thrown away for several times at the product level. Although the latest version has been quietly developed, and many unique features have been copied in the latest version, after all, it still lacks Li Mu's deep understanding of the future Internet, so even if The new version is developed, and the whole is still a lot weaker.

It is also easy to understand that, for a long time, domestic car manufacturers have a huge power gap compared with developed country car manufacturers. Even with so many successful overseas models for reference, domestic cars are still in the engine, chassis, and transmission. There is a gap between the car and other developed countries in various aspects, such as the objective fact of the technological gap.

Although Microsoft's overall strength is strong, it is not a universal enterprise in the Internet industry. MSN has always been a rotten product in Li Mu's eyes. This shows that Microsoft is not really a gene for social communication software.

So, even if Microsoft wants to imitate Li Mu in this life, it should not have this gene, or it should not have this gene, which is a defect he can hardly make up for.

Behind many of the humanized functions, there are Makino ’s own technical patent barriers, how to solve user chat history roaming, offline files, how to support group chat, and how to send and receive group messages and storage logic, how to develop more advanced Streaming media transmission technology, and the implementation of nesting in software, etc., are all problems that Microsoft MSN needs to solve one by one.

In addition, only in terms of design aesthetics and interface friendliness, Microsoft can not compete with Makino Technology.

Design aesthetics requires long-term precipitation to form its own set of things. It is difficult to form its own style simply by imitating plagiarism. This is very evident in the automotive industry.

In the next ten years or so, even if there are so many successful overseas models of domestic cars for reference, it will still be difficult to produce several truly original and really good-looking models, because the design aesthetics are insufficient.

Of course, it is needless to say that a series of products reproduced 100% by Zhongtai's tape measure, but Zhongtai can do such a thing, but Microsoft certainly will not.

的 & nbsbsbs is the latest version being developed internally, and is still more than one era behind in design aesthetics.

And this new version of MSN, which is still more than an era behind, has not yet completed development. Several functions have not yet found an effective solution. According to the plan, this product will have to wait at least two months before testing. Released after testing.

& Nbsbsbs's team leader can't wait.

Once Paradise Town begins to guide, MSN-Messenger will be the first one. It can be predicted that by then, all players in Paradise Town will give up MSN in the first time and switch to the embrace.

& Nbsbsbs mailbox, which integrates the mailbox function itself, and the user experience is much stronger than MSN-Messenger and MSN mailbox. If the user gives up MSN-Messenger and chooses, it is certain that the user will give up the MSN mailbox.

The only good news is that the portal is not yet available in English, otherwise the MSN portal will be impacted by then.

In the eyes of the & nbsbsbs team, MSN's number one enemy is now. In order to prevent the sudden use of Paradise Town to invade the entire U.S. market, Luis Ma Louise, the head of the MSN division and one of the vice presidents of the Microsoft Group, held an emergency meeting. , Decided to launch the new version of MSN in advance, and the sooner the better.

Louis May's request made everyone inexplicably nervous.

The person in charge of the development team stated: "The new version of MSN is still in the development process, and its early launch indicates that it must stop development immediately, remove all undeveloped sections, and then package the completed parts for testing. , Even if we finish packaging today, testing will take a few days. "

Louis May asked: "How long does it take? Give me a clear time point!"

The head of the development team frowned for a moment and said, "Five days or so."

Louis May nodded and said, "You can wait for five days, and you will do as soon as possible."

The head of the development team said: "We still have a lot of features that have not been developed. If we just go online in a hurry, our new version is not much improved over the old version."

Louis May asked him: "What are the features that have been developed now?"

"The functions developed at the current stage are only: friend custom grouping, custom notes, group chat, and other functions have not been resolved."

Louis May said categorically: "There is no choice. We must update our products before the full launch. The current situation is not for us to slowly build a product that can be comparable, but for us to fully attack Previously, I tried everything to resist the impact of the other party, so at this stage, even if there is only one new feature to be developed, we must go online as soon as possible, otherwise we will have no power to fight once we move first. "

& nbsbsbs-Messenger is like a defensive fortification. Before the landing battle begins, Microsoft has to do its best to improve the defensive capabilities of the fortification. Even if only a few more machine guns are deployed, it should be deployed as soon as possible, otherwise once the landing is successful, it will be ruined The MSN fortifications were completely destroyed, and MSN upgrade was completely late.

& Nbsbsbs-Messenger's staff pouted: "There are just a few new features that have been developed so far, and we are still too weak in front of them."

"Weak can't help it!" Louis Mayt said, "Our time is running out. Li Mu has invested such a large amount of money in Paradise Town. The fundamental purpose is to push it to the eyes of all US netizens. We must do it as soon as possible. Upgrade your product so you have a chance to retain some users! "

Speaking again, Louis May said: "We are now advancing in two directions, one is to upgrade the product as soon as possible, and the other is to continue the in-depth development of product functions, and the speed should be accelerated. We now need to send ammunition to the front line. , Do n’t put all the guns and ammunition together and send them over, then once the enemy starts the war, our front line may not be even before our guns and ammunition is delivered, and the enemy will be flattened first. We need to adopt a fast delivery strategy , From now on, update the first version as soon as possible. After the first version is updated, update the second version as soon as new features are developed! "

Uh ...

After the launch of the "Paradise Town-Thanksgiving Global Contest" event, the capital ’s enthusiasm for Makino Technology has increased a little, so that the Makino Silicon Valley Branch receives a large number of venture capital company employees every day, but Makino Technology ’s official The reception is also perfunctory. All the venture capital employees who come to the house can only drink a glass of water in Makino Technology, and their request to meet with Li Mu or Lin Qingya is rejected mercilessly by the company's administration.

Among them, Sequoia is the most urgent.

A few days ago, Sequoia learned from Larry Page that Li Mu will reopen the window of financing negotiations after Makino ’s next move is completed. This time, the "Paradise Town-Thanksgiving Global Competition" Let them think that this is the "next move ~ ~" in Li Mu's mouth, so they thought that Li Mu would soon open a window for financing negotiations. For the past two days, they have been frantically searching for an opportunity to meet with Li Mu. Even Elon Musk has become Sequoia's lobbyist, hoping to help Sequoia meet with Li Mu for a meeting time.

However, Li Mu did not give Elon Musk extra face, he just told Elon Musk that the opportunity for negotiation had not yet arrived.

This makes Sequoia more nervous. The opportunity for negotiation has not yet arrived? Is there any other action behind Li Mu?

In the end, as a last resort, Sequoia headquarters required Sequoia Huaxia's people to directly contact Ding Zhenglin, who is responsible for the capital operation of Makino Technology. Ding Zhenglin was out of Sequoia himself. It ’s okay to just have a chance to meet.

Xi Ding Zhenglin didn't remember the old situation of Sequoia. He coldly responded to the four words of Sequoia Huaxia: "I will not talk for the time being."

牧 Li Mu's attitude is very straightforward: say ten thousand and ten thousand, I will not talk to you about financing now, even if you come to the US president to lobby, it is the same.

Because Li Mu has a final killer that has not been sacrificed, he has made a series of moves in Paradise Town, and now it is his turn to release the latest version.

& nbsbsbs's development department is working hard to prepare the latest version of the update. This version is a castrated version compared to the original plan. However, in the eyes of the MSN team, even the castrated version is better than nothing. Can't be caught off guard by Makino Technology ...

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